
Topic: Leroy Fodor has gone Full-Delusional! StakeMiners Confirmed .100%[sic] Insolvent - page 69. (Read 294785 times)

Activity: 1428
Merit: 1145

    Yes i did graduate from Ohio University with a business degree not an English literature degree, and i graduated a long time ago. English was not my best class, always had red marks all over my papers, However creative writing was, which would explain why I make such long posts. I guess i learned it i college and that has stuck with me. I am not the best speller and I am not the best at grammar so i do apologize.

    Note, English was not Leroy Fodor's best class, but creative writing was. The former received red marks all over his paper (because it wasn't his best class), whereas the latter, creative writing, was, "was" as in was his best class, thus explaining why Leroy makes such long posts, a course (no pun intended) of action carried over from his Ohio University days excelling in creative writing courses. Leroy goes on in proving experts wrong once again that a person can obtain good grades in creative writing without having the ability to spell or structure sentences coherently as demonstrated above with Leroy espousing that creative writing was his best class.

    Amazingly, sans a second of attending a higher education institute, MY CREATIVE WRITING GRAMMATICAL SKILL SETS DOMINATES LEROY FODOR'S FACE! hahahah

    The Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA or B.B.A.) is a bachelor's degree in commerce and business administration. In most universities, the degree is conferred after four years of full-time study in one or more areas of business concentrations. The BBA program usually includes general business courses and advanced courses for specific concentrations.

    The degree is designed to give a broad knowledge of the functional aspects of a company and their interconnection, while also allowing for specialization in a particular area. BBA programs expose students to a variety of "core subjects" and allow students to specialize in a specific academic area. The degree also develops the student's practical, managerial skills communication skills and business decision-making capability. Many programs incorporate training and practical experience, in the form of case projects, presentations, internships, industrial visits, and interaction with experts from the industry.

    The core topics usually comprise:

    Business law and Ethics
    Financial management
    Cost and management accounting
    Human resource management
    Management information systems
    Operations management
    Organizational behavior
    Quantitative techniques (business statistics, financial mathematics, operations research)
    Strategic management

    NOTE TO SELF: Look up ETHICS in Roget's Thesaurus to make doubly sure that I'm fully versed in its connotation. HAHAHA

    8.2. Don'ts. You agree that you will not:

    • Act dishonestly or unprofessionally, including by posting inappropriate, inaccurate, or objectionable content;
    • Create a false identity on LinkedIn;
    • Misrepresent your current or previous positions and qualifications;
    • Misrepresent your affiliations with a[n] person or entity, past or present;
    • Misrepresent your identity, including but not limited to the use of a pseudonym;
    • Creating or operate a pyramid scheme, fraud or other similar practice;

    We respect the intellectual property rights of others. We require that information posted by Members be accurate and not in violation of the intellectual property rights or other rights of third parties. We provide a policy and process for complaints concerning content posted by our Members.[/list]

    Fully knowing that Stake Miners is not even a company but just a website, thus incapable of attending any school on the planet, I say that it's 100% unlikely that Stake Miners received a B.B.A. from Ohio University in Athens, Ohio. Of course, we know that Stake Miners is really StakeMiners representing Leroy Fodor (or versa visa) who claims to have earned an associate degree from a community college in St. Clairsville, Ohio, depicted below:

    Unless you're a motherfuckin' retard, the above clearly depicts Leroy Fodor as a Goddamn liar. On one account, Leroy claims to have earned a B.B.A. from Ohio University in Athens, Ohio, posted cir. Q3, 2015, and on another account, Leroy depicts on his resume dated Wed, 02/13/2008, that he earned an Associate Degree from a community college located in St. Clairsville, Ohio. Both CAN NOT  be true, ergo one, if not both, accolades are outright lies.

    What do you have to say about that, Leroy Fodor, as I WILL continue to fuck you up your redneck lyin' piece of shit ass? HAHAHA That'll teach you for not paying my extortion requests (plural). HAHAHA
    Activity: 1428
    Merit: 1145

    Hey, look! There's a dude in the Philippines named Mr. Stake Miners who, like Leroy Fodor, attended Ohio University. HAHAHA This dude even earned the same degree as Leroy "I can't spell" Fodor: Bachelor of Business Administration (B.B.A.), Business Administration and Management, General, Graduated. HAHAHA

    Bruno: Hello, Mrs. Fodor.
    Helen: Hello, scammer.
    Bruno: Did your son, Leroy Fodor, graduate from Ohio University?
    Helen: Can you repeat the question? I just removed the pee-pees from both my ears.
    Bruno: Sure, did your son graduate from Ohio University?
    Bruno: You praying?
    Helen: No, cumming. JESUS, JESUS, JESUS! What was the question, you scammer.
    Bruno: Click!

    The Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA or B.B.A.) is a bachelor's degree in commerce and business administration. In most universities, the degree is conferred after four years of full-time study in one or more areas of business concentrations. The BBA program usually includes general business courses and advanced courses for specific concentrations.

    The degree is designed to give a broad knowledge of the functional aspects of a company and their interconnection, while also allowing for specialization in a particular area. BBA programs expose students to a variety of "core subjects" and allow students to specialize in a specific academic area. The degree also develops the student's practical, managerial skills communication skills and business decision-making capability. Many programs incorporate training and practical experience, in the form of case projects, presentations, internships, industrial visits, and interaction with experts from the industry.

    8/2000 - 6/2003 Ohio University Associate Degree Business Management
    St.Clairsville - Ohio - US

    MAJOR EDIT: Okay, looks like I've made a grave error, and sincerely hope that Leroy Fodor forgives me. I may even lock this thread, then shoot myself.  Cry It seems that Stake Miners and Leroy Fodor on Linkedin are two different people. One has a B.B.A., whereas Leroy Fodor ONLY has an associate degree. I knew I should've done more research oppose to just goin' on both living in the Philippines and attending the same University during the same exact timeframe. I'm such a retard. HAHAHA
    Activity: 1428
    Merit: 1145

    There's the retard, Leroy Fodor. He's checking to see if anybody posted in his lock thread about my scammy ass. HAHAHA

    Seriously, I honestly believe he's just there to correct any grammatical errors made in his former posts. HAHAHA

    Or, maybe he's seeing if the post count has reached the post count of this thread. HAHAHA

    Or, maybe he's showing his wife, Katrina Fodor, how he finally serve Bruno. HAHAHA

    But, sadly, we know what's goin' happen. Leroy's gonna pen another post about my scammy ass oppose to addressing major concerns pertaining to him holding his investards 100+ BTC in his StakeMiners' Ponzi. HAHAHA Once he does, there'll be about another dozen posts indexed on the Internet having the name Leroy Fodor attached. HAHAHA

    I bet it irks him to read my HAHAHAs mocking his HAHAHA ass. HAHAHA
    Activity: 1428
    Merit: 1145
    Leroy's locked thread ripping on you is one of the most pathetic things I've ever seen on these forums.

    The guy should be ashamed of himself, but, well, he's demonstrated he has no shame, so there goes that notion.

    Instead of addressing a single serious accusation presented by me, you, and several others, Leroy Fodor opts to lump all of us into a single group, giving us all negative trusts, an act that I won't be paying back in kind, then goes into a diatribe as to why this thread penned mostly by me holds no weight because of something I've done in the past. With that logic, that means that Bill Clinton or Bryan Williams wouldn't be able to present one iota of proof proving Leroy Fodor a fuckin' liar like I have because their past actions are a helluva lot worst than mine. HAHAHA

    That fucker honestly believes that I'm backed into a corner when the truth of the matter is that I have him backed up in a corner and he's highly pissed because of it. HAHAHA Worst still, there's not a motherfuckin' thing he can do to hurt me nor stop me from doin' what I'm doin'... and having the unique pleasure of making his life a living fuckin' hell. HAHAHA

    That's what he gets for not paying my extortion requests (now plural). HAHAHA That, and for making me jealous of his hard work and deleting my posts back in March of this year. HAHAHA And starting his scam thread on my scammy ass: HAHAHA And having his last post on his StakeMiners Google+ page depicting me as a scammer oppose to using it to further StakeMiners so that his investards could possibly enjoy a betterer ROI. HAHAHA And for having a mother in Ohio, Helen Fodor, pray for her son's redneck lyin' piece of shit scammy ass on a daily basis whereas by mother's dead. HAHAHA And my father's dead, too, whereas Leroy Fodor still has a father, albeit he wishes that son wasn't his son because of his lyin' nature. HAHAHA
    Activity: 1652
    Merit: 1067
    Christian Antkow
    Leroy's locked thread ripping on you is one of the most cowardly and pathetic things I've ever seen on these forums.

    The guy should be ashamed of himself, but, well, he's demonstrated he has no shame, so there goes that notion.

    Activity: 1428
    Merit: 1145

    Bruno is proving more and more his extortion is real, if you fololow his actions, he was very laid back until the days I refused to pay him his bribe. Once he got his feathers ruffled becasue I would not steal funds from my investors to pay his 35 BTC extrotion attempt his posts of trolling his scam thread almost quadrupled. This is a way he likes to try and forcfe you to pay him. Saying if you dont pay me I will increase my efforts until you pay me.

    He claims I have not done a complete correct scam thread lets see now.

    Search about the scammer first, use google to search for his/her details, other forum profiles, past scam reports and link to them in your scam report.

    Yep this was very easy as a simple google searchy brou8ght up all of the above, when you google me the onbly ones you see are from our extrotionist Author Gleb and his band of friends he garnered along the way.

    Always try to provide chat/PM logs as a screenshot if it's possible.

    Yes I have done this as well, not screen shots but chat logs complete in here to prove he uses his alt accounts to garner help in his threads, he wants people to assume he does this for humor yet he talks to himself so others will see hey this gleb is not the only person supporting these claims, and look back and see he doesnt really do this until more than one person comment he was the only one making these accusations, then all the sudden his alt accounts join in followed by his friend he actually begged for help.

    Make sure to provide as much as info you have, like the payment address, instant messenger ID's, etc.

    Yes again complete as I have provided proof other than my own opinion, the proof in this scam thread is mostly information made by the people who were scammed, attacked or fro police reports themselves

    Make sure to leave negative feedback on the scammers profile and add your scam report as a reference link.

    I was nice to bruno and did not do this for the longest time, but he forced me to have to do this with his repeated slanderous attempts.

    Now lets look back at Bruno's scam threads and we will see it is him who cant follow basic forum rules and authentic thread structure.

    BRUNO, I am not a fraud and you know it, and you have not proven otherwise in your scam thread.

    I have never scammed anyone and you know it,and you have not proven otherwise in your scam thread.

    I do not steal peoples money and you know it, and you have not proven otherwise in your scam thread.

    Your thread has violated not only the laws but the very structure you say i have not followed. You googled me and found not one single act of fraud, nor any history of scamming anyone, Yet you pursued your futile case.

    You could not even find one place where I have broken a promise or not held up my end of the deal, and actually found the exact opposite, as repeatedly people have told you that I do what i say i will, I keep my promises yet you continue to pursue.

    The real audacity is when you try and make me do unethical things, like break my ties with my Business partner who i have made promises too, and tried to get me to steal funds from my investors and pay you, it really gets under your skin when i refuse and show you how honest and hard working i really am.

    This only shows what you would be willing to do when backed in a corner Bruno. You are the true scammer, you would be willing to lie to get out of a situation, ignore people when caught, and steal in order to pay, if of course you could not find some poor soul to again cover your theft as you have done in the past.

    I WILL NOT PAY YOU BRUNO get it thru your head.

    Leroy Fodor is one delusional fuck! And you can take that to the bank. HAHAHA

    Hey, Leroy Fodor, please show me one definitive proof where I've requested money or tried to extort your scammy ass as you've so claimed? Do that, and I'll leave this forum forever. You move, you fuckin' piece of shit, penned from a dude backed up in a corner. HAHAHA
    Activity: 1428
    Merit: 1145

    Leroy Fodor never lies:  
    Leroy Fodor has me on ignore:  
    Leroy Fodor is unable to see any of my posts because I am on ignore:  
    Leroy Fodor has me on ignore because nothing I pen warrants his attention:  
    Leroy Fodor would not even consider viewing my posts via bypassing the me being on ignore:  

    Conclusion: I'm officially seeing things that aren't there:  

    Apologies to the venerable Leroy "Honestly" Fodor. HAHAHA

    EDIT: After posting the above, Leroy Fodor decided it was time to log off upon reading this post. HAHAHA

    Full Disclosure: If Leroy Fodor isn't 100% fucked in the head yet, I won't stop sticking my dick up his ass till he's 100% fucked in the head. HAHAHA
    Activity: 1428
    Merit: 1145
    Full Disclosure: I reported Leroy Fodor's scam accusation thread on my scammy ass - - to the mods. HAHAHA

    Since Leroy Fodor refuses to allow anybody to comment in his scam accusation thread about me, I feel that it should be permanently locked or permanently remained opened, but not ONLY unlocked by Leroy so to comment within ONLY on his whim. Thank you.

    Leroy Fodor doesn't have a clue as to how to conduct a proper scam accusation given that I've linked to his thread more times than he has posted in it. HAHAHA Hell, I even had to help the useless piece of shit out, of which Leroy has yet to thank me, by properly penning a scam thread on my scammy ass using his OP - verbatim - as a template for my OP: HAHAHA

    Meanwhile, Leroy Fodor STILL remains steadfast in espousing that he did indeed get started with Bitcoin back in 2011 when ALL evidence by me - AND OTHERS - undeniably point toward Leroy didn't even become aware of Bitcoin till May, 2014. HAHAHA It's no wonder why his mother, Helen Fodor of Ohio, prays for her son because he's a lyin' piece of shit redneck. HAHAHA

    Leroy Fodor claimed that his sorry-ass Sari Sari had solar panels on its west-facing hot tin roof surrounded by coconut trees prior to it being burnt to the ground by a jealous fellow cock fighter. HAHAHA If that were the case, then why wasn't the solar panels mentioned in the following, penned by Leroy Fodor depicting all the Sari Sari's attributes just prior to the fire?

    Leroy Fodor , Owner at K&L Grafix

    We have a great opportunity for anyone who wants it fast. We are selling extremely cheap because in 8 months we made enough money that I can get my wife back to america. We have to sell by april that is why this is all so inexpensive. we are selling our whole estate. EVERYTHING. Talk about the Filipino dream, this is it baby and the only one you will find online. Not 1, Not 2 But 3 sources of income with readily potential for 4 or more we just have not expanded it to that yet. Everything is brand new and up to date. There is a grocery store, A disco bar a coconut farm and a house included in this sale, PLUS all of our american household items some of them you will NOT find in the philippines. To be honest these items alone if sold to all these people asking for them could bring you in over 500,000 almost instantly. If you dont want everything you can sell things that you dont want right in the grocery store, when we first decided to go back to the states we put everything up there and WOW things started going really fast. Ok the coconut farm is harvested every 3 months, the grocery store has a sales revenue of 160,000 a month the disco bar does about 10,000 to 12,000 a month, there is a brand new grill for an extra source of income, when we fire that thing up all the people smell the foods cooking and come running. And we are selling our 2008 Kawasaki Motorbike with everything. So for 1 low price you get an existing profitable coconut farm, a grocery store with current and loyal customers, a disco bar with all the laser lights and led lights 2 15 inch and 2 12 inch speakers, the videoke player and all the dvds youll need, there is also a touchscreen laptop bought in the states that has tons of music and music videos on it. Now under the store is a complete 1 bedroom house with kitchen living room and CR. In the house is all brand new wiring, heck the building is brand new completely. Inside the house is also brand new refridge, oven stovetop in 1 with 3 stovetop burners, 2.5 HP aircon installed but not used, microwave, toaster oven, 2 coffee makers, 3 or 4 DVD players, a 70 inch TV yes I said 70 INCH that is damn close to 2 meters of television, there is also a brand new 45 inch flatscreen. I have so many electric and regular tools you could literally start a construction business. over 200,000 pesos worth of just tools. Pots Pans heated mini inside grill from america and there are 3 of them a meat grill, a sandwich grill and a waffle iron grill. All the american equipment is already supported by the electric converter so you never have to worry about blowing things up, Plus there is a digital electric voltmeter in the tools so you can always gauge your electric usage for the american items. The building sits on the lot so that 60 percent of the lot is open for development, and inquiries have been made that people want to rent that space. You are the only disco bar and grocery store in our barangay, the sari sari traffic alone could make you a billionaire. This is a great opportunity for someone and if we dont sell by april we will just keep it all. Talk about lifestyles of the rich and famous this is it bro as good as it can get for poor folks like us. If not for my wifes family stealing from us and scamming us out of 400,000 pesos, we would not be leaving. But I just do not want to be near them, or around them and I want to take my wife back where she is appreciated. We never had anyone steal from us and her until her parents did. That is sad, Lets be happy the Filipino Culture is not based on their actions alone. So there you have it we were gonna make a life here and her family ruined it all so now we can go ahead and let some other lucky couple have the life they always dreamed of. Hope you are interested, If you are not We could set up a commission if you can help us sell it, Like a realtor broker, the more you get for us the more you will make. Good Luck My email is [email protected] email me with any questions or comments, once we are comfortable with you I can give you our cell numbers.

    The fuckin' retard, Leroy Fodor, took the time to mention pots and pans along with the new wiring, but nary a mention of the recently installed state-of-art solar panels which would save the new owners money on their utility bill, aside from having an energy source available since it's a foregone truism that the electric power was intermittent at best.

    For those scratching their heads as to how such was possible, especially StakeMiners' investards, THERE WEREN'T ANY SOLAR PANELS ON THE ROOF BECAUSE ... wait for it ... LEROY FODOR LIED ABOUT THE ENTIRE ORDEAL. hahaha

    I told Leroy Fodor that if he provided definitive proof that there were indeed solar panels on his sorry-ass Sari Sari, I would lock this thread and leave cryptocurrency forever. Instead, Leroy Fodor opts to pen another post in his scam accusation thread on my scammy ass seen here:

    How fucked up does one have to be to not opt to simply provide the proof requested oppose to penning a bullshit post, of which ONLY brought more attention to his scammy ass? HAHAHA I say pretty fucked up in the head. In fact, so fucked up, his children should be in protective custody for their safety. That's not a joke!

    To be fair to Leroy Fodor since obviously StakeMiners is slowly but surely runnin' dry, I'll adjust my 35 BTC extortion attempt down to ONLY $1,500, whereupon I'll lock this thread and promise to no longer spread lies about Leroy Fodor or his venerable StakeMiners. Deal, Leroy?
    Activity: 1428
    Merit: 1145

    Way to go, Leroy Fodor! Thanks to you opting to sit under coconuts trees forgetting that it's fruit doesn't fall far from its source, today's result of your past retard decisions is that yet another scam thread has been penned depicting you as everything opposite of what you claim to be true. HAHAHA Frankly, I believe God is getting sick and tired of Leroy's mom, Helen Fodor, praying to him on a continuous basis for actions that God has no intentions of honoring. HAHAHA But, FWIW, at least God and Spartacus are at least well entertained. HAHAHA
    Activity: 1428
    Merit: 1145
    You are supposed to be proving my new service is a scam, who cares when I started in bitcoin, who cares when I started mining, at the end of the day what people want to know is If I give my investment to Leroy is he going to steal it, and thru your own evidence (much like all the other things I disproved) You have shown everyone that NO Leroy Fodor will NOT steal your money, he does what he says he will do, and those testimonials up there proves that when doing business with me, the people I do business for ALWAYS come first.

    [02:08] Leroy, you sure are one fucked up dude, and I won't stop fuckin' with you till you're gone.
    [02:09] <@StakeMiner> I am not going anywhere bruno, you kep going on, and while you do our payouts will keep going up, Our service will copntinue to flourish, and yuour hate will increase by the day.
    [02:09] <@StakeMiner> If you want to give yourslef a heartattack over a tiny little investment site like StakeMiners be my guest
    [02:10] <@StakeMiner> hes penning a post on Bitcoin talk as we speak Wink
    [02:11] <@StakeMiner> I will not see it because he is ignored but hey more power to him

    Unlock your thread on my scammy ass you motherfuckin' piece of shit lyin' redneck Leroy Fodor!
    OUCH Bruno such language. There is no need to unlock it Bruno, everything in this thread is completely undeniable. This thread is merely to give REAL proof of crimes, Not just 1000 posts of trolling nonsense.

    Leroy Fodor does what he says he will do:  
    Leroy Fodor has me on ignore:  
    Leroy Fodor reads my posts:  
    Leroy Fodor comments on my posts:  
    Leroy Fodor does opposite of what he says:  
    Leroy Fodor is a serial liar:  
    Helen Fodor prays for her son, Leroy Fodor:  
    Leroy Fodor will eventually fuck his investards:  
    Leroy Fodor IS a cancer to the cryptocurrency community:  

    Bruno WILL continue to fuck with Leroy Fodor so to DESTROY StakeMiners.   HAHAHA

    "That was one epic thread there in the twenty-first century."
    Activity: 1428
    Merit: 1145
    I dedicated this now 52-page thread to Leroy "Honestly" Fodor because it's quite obvious to everybody but himself that he's not playin' with a full deck, hence the compensation. HAHAHA
    Activity: 1428
    Merit: 1145
    Leroy is a delusional ignoramus, and full of hubris.

    The fact that he hides behind locked threads, and refuses to engage in discourse or answer difficult pointed questions, makes him quite possibly one of the biggest cowards in crypto right now next to The Garza Brothers.

    Anyone that buys Facebook likes is obviously up to no good and engaging in deceptive behavior.

    The man is about as fake as they come.

    Why people still "invest" with StakeMiners after witnessing the huskypower2015 bullshit will remain a mystery. StakeMiners demonstrates the phrase "There's a sucker born every minute" very well.

    It's sad, really.

    Please quit commenting in my dedicated thread otherwise I will lock it. HAHAHA (seriously, HAHAHA)  Grin Now, I have to post at least twenty times to bury this post. HAHAHA
    Activity: 1428
    Merit: 1145


    Skill Name   Skill Level   Last Used/Experience
    Forklift Operator   Intermediate Currently used / 2 years
    Car Audio Installation (Including LED lights)   Expert Currently used / 15 years
    Basic Computer Skills Expert Currently used / 19 years
    Computer Programming Intermediate Currently used / 11 ears
    Digital Printing Expert Currently used / 6 years
    Flexi Sign Pro Expert   Currently used / 8 years
    Photoshop up to/Including CS3 Intermediate   Currently used / 2 years
    Roland Versa Camm Expert Currently used / 4 years
    Versa Works Expert 1 year ago / 4 years
    Vinyl Fabrication Expert Currently used / 8 years
    L-Tec Router   Intermediate   Currently used / 2 years
    Sabre 2000 Router   Intermediate   Currently used / 2 years
    Management   Expert   Currently used / 6 years

    What fuckin' lyin' piece of shit this Leroy Fodor is. HAHAHA
    Activity: 1652
    Merit: 1067
    Christian Antkow
    Leroy is a delusional ignoramus, and full of hubris.

    The fact that he hides behind locked threads, and refuses to engage in discourse or answer difficult pointed questions, makes him quite possibly one of the biggest cowards in crypto right now next to The Garza Brothers.

    Anyone that buys Facebook likes is obviously up to no good and engaging in deceptive behavior.

    The man is about as fake as they come.

    Why people still "invest" with StakeMiners after witnessing the huskypower2015 bullshit will remain a mystery. StakeMiners demonstrates the phrase "There's a sucker born every minute" very well.

    It's sad, really.
    Activity: 1428
    Merit: 1145

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    An Ohio University, University Registrar signed, degree verification letter is available online nearly 24 hours/day, 7 days a week. A degree verification letter is available once the degree has been conferred (approximately four weeks after the end of the semester).

    If the online system does not meet your need, or if you have additional questions or concerns, contact Registrar Services, first floor lobby, Chubb Hall; 740.593.4324; or email [email protected].

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    If neither of the above meet your needs, or if you have additional questions or concerns, contact Registrar Services, first floor lobby, Chubb Hall; 740.593.4324 (phone); 740.593.0216 (fax); or email [email protected].

    Looks like another phone call is in order, but don't worry, Leroy Fodor, this one that I'll make won't put your ass on some LEO's list in Washington DC. HAHAHA By the way, any idea when you're planning on returning to the States? I'd love to have a party that night while you and your wife are sitting in some cold jail cell, you having your cold balls eyeballed. HAHAHA
    Activity: 1428
    Merit: 1145

    We need real rpoof of scams, not just opinion, and this thread proves not only is Bruno a scammer, he is also a liar, and an extortionist, he makes accusations against people just so you will pay him to stop. That has to be the most unethical scam in crypto. He also likes to evade questions, like Bruno why did you steal that mans money, bruno to you have any real proof of your claims, Bruno, why do you need to lie in order to get an edge on your victims. Its sad people have to deal with nonsense like Bruno.

    Its funny bruno needed over 1000 posts (95% his own posts) and has tried to discredit me and my projects, I have 1 thread 6 posts that proves without a doubt he is a liar, he lies to get ahead of his competition, he extorts people in order to stop posting nonsense, he is a theif and a real criminal. In his over 1000 posts he has proved nothing to be honest.

    Its a fun game, but his buck stops here, because I will not pay him nor steal funds from investors (which he advised) to pay him. how ruthless and desperate does one have to be to do these kinds of actions.

    I'll say it ONCE AGAIN! Leroy Fodor is seriously fucked in the head! That cocksucker honestly believes that there's not one shred of evidence depicting him as being dishonest in spite of literally over a hundred documented cases on this thread and over at GH detailing such to be the case.
    Activity: 1428
    Merit: 1145

    Please take the time to read the latest post about my scammy ass in Leroy Fodor's lock thread about my scammy ass. HAHAHA

    I really like the part where Leroy mistakens sarcasm for truism, i.e., that supposed 35 BTC that I was tryin' to extort from his ass. That fucker doesn't have a clue that that was penned because of the now infamous 35 BTC withdraw from StakeMiners that hurt its investards. HAHAHA Just like it try to stick it up my ass with my "at the end of the clause" where Leroy Fodor honestly believed I was referencing the end of that particular day. HAHAHA Another thing, I don't believe that mules are real nor that a lawn can grow twenty feet tall. Yesterday, I saw a shooting star. HAHAHA

    See how a scammer operates? Instead of Leroy Fodor addressing all the questions, concerns and accusations by me and myriad others, he opts to try to discredit the lead naysayer, me, Bruno Kucinskas. HAHAHA

    I'll say it one more time: Leroy Fodor is one fucked up dude and I honestly believe that his kids are in danger. That fucker is 100% not right in the head. HAHAHA Case in point, the only motherfuckin' reason Leroy Fodor would pen another post about my scammy ass is because he's been reading my posts on this thread, an act that should be an impossibility given that Leroy Fodor, the professed truth-teller, vowed to ignore me and my pennings. HAHAHA No wonder his mother, Helen Fodor, prays for his lyin' piece of shit redneck ass there in Ohio with his father, John. HAHAHA
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