By taking his Knight, we allow him a free move of his Rook.
Let him come to us, we get to move our Bishop into the Knight's position.
It's meaningless to "vote on the next move" given how many times participants have said "I wasn't expecting him to do that!"
You are right that some of us have been fooled already in the game, but I think we can predict a simple piece capture if we play Nxd7.
If there are better proposals for the current move I agree we should discuss them before we talk about the next move. I just have not seen any moves that appear to be better than Nxd7 yet.
Have any other ideas for the current move?
My other idea would be to move the Knight 23(a) Nc3 which would block a downward move by his Rook...
and despite what the doom-sayers say, the "a" pawn isn't actually threatened by anything at this point, unless I'm missing something?