..so, thanks for the confirmation of this ("projecting 50 to 100 years into the future")
.. i guess you missed my subtle yawn of waiting for their plan to actually flourish..
.. waiting for promises to be met
.. waiting for the supposed secure solution without flaws..
here is the funny
LN has been around 5 years.. liquidity=5k btc
taproot has been around 1 year.. liquidity 22k btc
taproot reached its forst 5k coins in 4 months..
taproot most recent escalation by 5k coins in 2 months!! .. says alot about LN's growth factor of 5 years in comparison
havnt ln-ers not realised yet, .. they havnt launched.. their moon plans have not flourished in 5 years
they are just holding up bitcoins evolution with endless promises.. not wanting bitcoin to scale because bitcoiners are suppose to wait for LN to launch.. (in a now projected time of 50 to 100 years)