So you just load putty on say a windows 7 laptop and get the ssh going in BAMT and you're good to go?
I know you need to figure out the IP addresses or something on your mining rigs, assign them numbers, something like that. This is the only part that confuses me a little because I seriously feel like anytime I touch ANYTHING in a linux distro it's a cluster F.
The problem in linux for me as a noob is I really don't even understand the basic commands like how to remove stuff, or restore things if I f something up. I really need to go through some online tutorials and just quit bitching.
Everyone in this forum has already been of great help, so I really can't complain, it's a hell of a community similar to the overlocking forums I visit.
All my rigs are connected to my network via an ethernet switch, so it should be easy enough. the laptop connects wirelessly of course.
I mean I'm not a netwokring idiot, I did install my own modem and wireless network at my house, but whoop te do, that's easy. I still just have a limited understanding of how to figure out which IP address is assigned to a given machine, etc.
Use your router. It should have something called DHCP reservation. It will give the same machine the same IP address always based on MAC address. Then you don't need to configure anything.
My rigs are to
I can install a new copy of BAMT, or another Linux OS or hell Windows and their IP addresses will never change.
My big issue is I now have at least 150-200 hours into this over the last 6 months and all I want is a little break before I try something new. I have two more machines to build and I'd rather focus on that. Looking at idle graphics cards is very frustrating as I'm sure all of you know.
Time you aready spent on something that doesn't work is meaningless. If you have more than 1 rig learn BAMT. Linuxcoin is never going to do what you want. Hooking monitors to each rig is never going to do what you want. Note BAMT does support a monitor but once you get a rig booted the first time there really is no need to use anything other that SSH. The entire distro is run from 2 or 3 config files. All you need is an SSH client.
I have 6 rigs 13 GH/s and I had no outages in last week. Had one rig crash 2? 3? weeks ago. With BAMT it is painfully easy. I cut power, cut in back on and it reconfigured itself and began mining in 30 seconds or so.
It seems like you rant could be paraphrased as
"I have been beating my head against the wall for 200 hours so I am not going to stop until it starts working." If what you are doing isn't working there is no guarantee that after 200 more hours you will be anymore stable. Seems silly.