Not sure if thats accurate wrenchmonkey. SB post said as of right now he is giving us a refund option.
However, he also stated he is talking with Yifu to see if there are other workarounds to be had. I don't think thats SB not being communicative with us. He has to deal with Yifu and once those discussions are over, I am sure it will be explained to us. I also dont know if theres a second option in the future, if that means anything for SB and his "original offer" (i.e. you can choose your options at that point if BTC was not refunded yet).
Well, again, it's ambiguous. I don't know WHAT the offer is. Sounds to me like once it's requested, it's final.
Secondly wrenchmonkey, what other option could there be? The only one I see is a discount on Chips that get delivered. I will take that option (if it comes) as I am not seeking a refund.
I would consider this option as well, provided the discount was enough to make ROI attainable. I bought into this group buy with the intent of seeing a return, or at least break-even. I'm not seeking a refund just because I changed my mind. I'm seeking a refund because the terms weren't met. If I can still be made whole then I'm willing to move forward.
However, If you want a refund, why would you consider a discount on those chips? Are you afraid that if Yifu decides to give us a discount you will lose out?
As I stated above, at this point the refund is an attempt to minimize losses. Taking a 5% loss is more appealing than a 100% loss. But if there's a better option on the table, why wouldn't I want in on that?
All in All, could have been avoided if everything was delivered on time given the "NO BS" terms of Avalon.
You'll get no argument from me. If this is Yifu's idea of "No BS," I'd hate to see what he considers, just a little BS, or moderate BS, or extreme BS.
Ultimately the responsibility for the deal rests on Yifu, and he's come up wanting.
That doesn't mean that SB's behavior in disappearing for several days with no word except emails saying "no refunds" to the few people who managed to elicit a response is an acceptable way to do business on SB's part either. Like I said, I think it reflects poorly on SB, but I'm over it at this point. It is what it is. Maybe he'd do things differently if he got a do-over. Maybe he has a legitimate excuse for doing what he did. But he's not sharing, so I can only go off of what I know, and what I know is that this type behavior is bad form for somebody who's got control of probably over a million bucks worth of other people's money; and that's bad business.
Maybe I'm a little more edgy about this disappearing bullshit than most though since Raginazin, who headed up another group buy I'm part of, pulled this disappearing act quite some time ago, and there's STILL no word back from him except some bullshit story about him feeling depressed (Unbalanced Chi, perhaps?).
I think it's fair to say that my anger toward Ragin has spilled over toward Steamboat, and I may have come off a little hotter than Steamboat deserved. Like I said, my Chi is much more balanced this morning than it has been the past couple of days.