I outlined to the dweebs over at the BitShares forum how they could easily monopolize the Lisk trading market for a couple weeks until it hits the exchanges so they could get some new hands on their real-time trading wallet, but they despise marketing over there.
plus, they invented DPOS, so you would think that they would be proud to see Little Crypti all grown up now as Big Lisk. Maybe they are just jelous that Lisk is soon going to be the biggest market cap DPOS crypto on the planet. But if that was the case, then you would think that they would be trying to get new people to try their wallet like I proposed.
Logic would conclude that the BitShares community just doesn't give a shit either way.
I would put up some of my personal Lisk stash on the BitShares DEX just to show you all how fast and easy their trading experience is, but what is my reputation worth?
what, maybe $300 bucks. That might draw a few new customers, but the BitShares community DPOS consensus model is backed by the trust of their miners, so I'm sure you guys would trust them with a whole lot more money than you would trust me with. After all, if I haven't mentioned it before, I'm not the
real Erlich Bachman!
But many BitShares community members are actual people with real addresses where you could actually track them down and get your money if they ran off with it
https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=ivwuANB1Syo#t=12sHave you got a hack to make a sale less trust-based? I've issued a lot of assets on the Horizon system, including one for IOTA because a Horizoneer asked me to. I could swing the same thing - an HZ gateway for Lisk, if there were some way to validate that my accounts have the Lisk that I say have them (to establish full backing). But even then, it would be iffy. In the case of IOTA, I backed my HZIOTA with a Nxt Asset called CIOTA - and most of my buyers did ask for redemption into the underlying CIOTA IOUs. (I followed through on all those redemption requests.)
I could give it a try with an Asset called "HZLisk", but the trust structure would be rickety - and everyone would need
Horizon to buy some. Rickety, I know, but I can try if you want me to.
If you ask, I'd appreciate some tips on how to make it as verifiable as possible.