OP, Your daily interest value is wrong for couple of users.
I made some changes to the interest rate column to make it more representative of the lenders' actual policies. Sorry, I have this habit of trying to get numbers represented in the same units, i.e. days in this case.
Disclaimer:- The lowest advertised daily interest rate listed herein may not represent the rate for which you qualify.
I didn't want to include all interest rates made available, that would make the table too busy in my opinion. So I only included the lowest possible rate.
Condoras charges 9%weekly so it come as 9/7 =1.28 % daily.
Condoras also offers 13% for 20 days, or 0.65%.
Tracaspacy OP specify the interest as in week basis, so daily interest is not valid.
Parodium is charging max of 5% monthly or 50 dollars, so daily interest does not make sense.
LimLims charges .5% daily and Chrispops charges 7.5 % for 1-7 days.
Both fixed.