Allez je vous donne un os à ronger (mais pas sur les merits). DdmrDdmr a sorti des stats sur l'activité de certaines sections locales, dont la section Fr.
1. Introduction.Recently, my local board (Spanish) seems to be a bit rather scarce of posts. There are a bunch of decent posters there that keep the local board beating (most of them also post in the general English sections), but engaging and building activity there is painstaking.
That motivated me to take a look into post evolution on my local board (see
Análisis - Número de posts en el foro Español), and I thought that it would be interesting to do for other Local boards. Now creating a specific post thread for each local board is too cumbersome, so I’ve tried to compromise a solution (less information that a static analysis) that can be viewed on the
Merit Dashboard (
go to the last table labelled "Post Count Evolution"), and extended further if I have time.
I’ve currently drawn up the data for the following local boards:
French, German, Philippine, Russian and Spanish, over an 18 month period (to see recent tendency, and draw a line somewhere at retrieving information manually).
Edit: Added to Dashboard (but not to the below figuring sections):
Polish, Portuguese, Scandinavian, Turkish (for now)In summary, what I’ve done is the following:
- Retrieved total post count for each depicted Local Board at regular time intervals, close to being one month apart on each reading. The dates I’ve chosen are not end of month nor beginning of month. That is due to the fact that there is more snapshots available on the
WayBackMachine around the 25th of each month. The actual date selection is not that essential, since I’m going to focus on Net Post creation in readings that are as close to being one month apart as possible.
The data retrieved is at local board level + first level of child boards. This tasks is manual, number by number, and I may have mistyped a number or two in the process (although I did my best to avoid doing so). It’s an interim sort of task, boring, tedious and repetitive.
- I then calculated the number of net posts created between two consecutive readings, and that is the data that shows on the Dashboard. That is, I’m focusing not on how many posts exist at a given time, but the number created roughly in a month.
It’s important to emphasize that I’m looking at
net posts created, and not number of posts created.
Net posts = number of created posts – number of deleted posts +/- number of moved posts.When you compare the number of posts between two readings, what we are really seeing is the number of Net posts created, as we cannot retrieve (without inner data files) the number of created posts on its own.
The results are interesting, but you need to be careful interpreting the data, and especially with the outlier net posts created at times:
- Sometimes, a certain month’s reading for a specific child board is negative. I can only assume that the reason is that more posts have been deleted/moved than created. On occasions, these negative net post readings are pretty large, so I assume that a heavy moderation clean-up took place.
- The opposite can also happen, with abnormal positive net posts created. That may be due to threads being merged as I saw on the Philippine local board.
- It could be a typo on my behalf, but I re-checked most outliers to minimize this possibility.
Having said that, a certain background under the scenes type of context is necessary to understand the outliers, but the general trend can be seen regardless.
2. French Local board.The top line chart ("Total PostDiff") shows how the number of net post creation has evolved over the last 18 months, going from 10.991 net posts created in the month running up to the 25/11/2017 to the 1.435 net posts created over the month leading up to the 26/03/2019.
That is a hell of a drop, and Altcoins seem to have a lot to do with it (as can be seen on the lower chart).
On the Merit Dashboard, you can play around to filter by a specific child board/s and therefore have the charts adjust to the selection (use the Subsection filter or click/multi-select from the numerical table above the charts). Adding a screen capture for each child board here would be over the top, so it’s better to play with the Dashboard.
The Recent Share pie show that Altcoins represent 49,15% of the net posts created over the last 18 months, followed by Débutants (10,90% - Beginners) and Hors-sujet (10,04% off-topic). The French local board behaves pretty smoothly, with barely any negative values in the data table, so the overall 18 month pie is likely pretty reasonable.
Even so, if you filter the data to specific monthly readings (click or multi-select the columns on the data table), the distribution ratios vary. For example, if I select the columns "25/01/2019", "23/02/2019" and "26/03/2019", then Altcoins is down to 25,85% of net post share, and has been overtaken by Hors-sujet (32,30% off-topic).
De 11K messages/mois à 1500 messages/mois en 18 mois. On peut parler de krach ? Ou bien était-on en surrégime ?