I don't see that as an use case when it's literally same usecase as with bitcoin.
You can say the same thing about almost all altcoins, at least about all blockchain platforms. All those "Ethereum killers" for example, what do they offer what Ethereum doesn't offer? (If it's lower fees, then ... well, we've a similarity to LTC
) They're almost all pure PoS coins based on traditional BFT mechanisms so they are also similar on consensus level.
There are relatively few coins which really have a dedicated use case, and they're often tokens (e.g. Maker as a base token for Dai, rollup coins, utility tokens).
What coins need to achieve is a network effect, i.e. users, merchants and exchanges. And Litecoin has succeeded here in some way: since 2021 it has over 100.000 transactions per day. In its "heyday", when it was at #2 or #3 in the cryptocurrency rankings, it had only around 5.000-10.000 (see
The reason why I'm following LTC is however that it's one of the biggest non-premined coins. While Charlie Lee mined a lot, it's now quite decentralized.
Best thing about litecoin is the fact that it's so much similiar to bitcoin that you can use it as a platform to experiment on something that could be applied to bitcoin.
Agree here, even if it's maybe not "the best thing", but MWEB shows what can be done.