The thing is for most use case, you dont have to know all the chain to assert the validity of a transaction/operation.
Of course you have. You have to know whether a given "right of spending" (in bitcoin's language, an UTXO) has not been executed somewhere. From the moment that you delegate that knowledge to "someone", that "someone" can collude with the right of spending owner (or is the same one), and tell you that the right to spend still exists while it is not the case.
Also, you have to know how many "rights to spend" are in circulation, to verify that nobody is counterfeiting and debasing the whole system. If Joe and Jack have been double spending for half a year, even if you never have anything to do with Joe and Jack or their coin history, they are debasing the system you're using, which is a good thing to know. The only way to know that Joe and Jack are not double spending, is to have a cryptographic proof of that.
If you give up on those two issues, you have given up on decentralization and trustlessness.
With dns you can already delegate authority of a subdomain to another dns server who has authority on the subnetwork domain zone.
But this is really not the problem. DNS is totally different, because it gives you information of things that exist, not on things that don't exist. The DNS system is a hierarchical system that tells you what IP address corresponds to what name, and yes, things like Kademlia can do it in a decentralized way. But with a coin, you don't (only) need to know "what IP address corresponds to what name", but also that "no other name corresponds to that IP address", in such a way, that the delegated server has an incentive to tell you that such is not the case, that this could actually right now be assigned even though you don't know, and that the server having that information may very well not be online.
This can only be the case if there is a common knowledge of which you can verify yourself, continuously, whether spending of the same right to spend is being transacted somewhere else right now, or whether an address is "locked in" (style LN / sidechains / ....).
I don't think there is any way out, unless you give up on trustlessness (and you start trusting entities telling you whether you should, or shouldn't, accept a payment - with all the danger of those entities actually being the ones trying to scam you) or on decentralisation and permissionlessness (even if those trusted entities are to be trusted, they are single points of failure whose role you couldn't just, on your own decision, not take over).
In fact, you'd end up with a system that looks a lot like the current fiat system, with a lot of cross checks, reporting, auditing etc... even though it might be somewhat automated cryptographically.
Essentially, if you think that users should have their account at some or other "delegated node of trust", that's nothing else but the banking office where these users have their account, in a way. If these entities decide to tell you that owner X has nothing in his account, then you will not trust owner X's transactions, even though he may have stuff in his account, but his "node of trust" to which his account was delegated, decided to punish him for one or another reason...