Gamblers can lose more and more if they can not take care themselves and willing to chase the wins or recover their lose. Once they forget to control themselves, that time will be the time for them to gets more losses.
That is why you need to know how to avoids the temptation that the casino gives so you will not spends more money that you can not afford to lose. You will only playing gambling with enough money that you willing to lose if you don't have luck.
When you understand the psychological trap losing comes with you'd know how to make adjustments or how to control yourself from making further mistakes. Like you said humans would always want to push their luck either to keep on winning or try to get back what they have lost, the psychological trap behind this is to keep you in a constant cycle of winning and losing more that you have won trapped in that illusion that you can always keep winning if you keep trying despite the fact that you are losing. Once a gambler lacks self control and discipline he will always find himself trapped in this endless loop os losses.