The idea that someone who won the lottery on his first attempt should have played already 10 years is not really correct, because his numbers wouldn't have won back then. Just because it won today doesn't mean he would have always won on the first try. There is a difference in choosing numbers randomly and always picking the same numbers, but the winning chances are always the same. The only way to increase our winning chances is to buy more tickets, there is not strategy that we can follow that is going to make us win the lottery. The whole idea of the lottery is based on the fact that people don't care so much if they have 5 or 10 bucks more in the wallet or not. The chances of becoming a millionaire overnight are much more valuable than saving all the money we spend on lottery over our life. The whole concept of taxes in lottery is what makes a bad deal for the players and still millions of people play every week. My grandfather is the best example, he played the lottery every week for 30+ years and never won anything big. I think his biggest win was something like 250 Euro in today’s money. That is why I only play when there is a huge jackpot and only because all my friends win. The worst thing would be if my friends beat the jackpot and I would be the only won not playing and missing out on millions.