Thanks everybody for joining so far, we even have first several picks on; that's cool. Still patching, testing, but the deposits went well so far.
I have a small update;
- changed the deposit procedure a bit; to ease up and enhance in usability
You don't need to give in any wallet info, sorry for that, was stupid. Instead, it's enough to leave the TXID.
It's all explained in the GUI; but rough process goes like this:
1. Choose package and proceed to step 2
2. Send the deposit amount and grab the transaction ID
3. Paste transaction ID into input box and hit submit.
Remember: transactions not confirmed or incorrect transaction ID will not be looked at. It's best that way for both ends safety. No mistakes, long love, at least in this bad manual times, lol.
Let's go! Jackpot size is something I'm actively working on, to go as high as possible.
I'm actually preparing fun twist to the concept very soon, still have to work on admin a bit first.
Thanks for the time
Haha awesome nosf009 I was just going to ask a question about this because i don't know which address is the payment/outgoing address or how to see/set it.
Let's play Lotto!!!
edit:maybe you could put a small explanation in the 2nd step of the deposit page to help people find the transaction id like this: go to your transaction -> right click the transaction -> show transaction details -> copy/paste
just for people like me who are not only new to Lottocoins but coins in general