Which pool isn't getting attacked every day I fed up with this crap?
Answer: None.
HackShardGaming.net pool is under another DDOS attack. You think your fed up with this crap? Try being me. I have had to completely reset my servers 2 times and spent over 20 hours now in a 90 hour period of time fixing bugs. I have contacted my network manager from my old servers and I have requested him to install some better DDOS Protection on my server for me. I will hopefully get around to doing this in the next 24 hours. Until then, just hang on for the ride. That is literally all we can do.
*EDIT* it appears that my hosting provider is trying to take counter measures against the DDOSers on there own. Our mining pool appears to be online. Our website is online. but I cannot SSH into my server machine or even ping it! Very awkward.
Since you can see it on lot.hackshardgaming.net when you're mining, it should be possible to just fix one right?
heres how I changed my settings up. I took an estimate of 30k coins per block average and put it in the configs. that is how it estimates your LOT/Day.
Now I just did the math on 882 blocks Our pool made 30,476,310 coins in 882 blocks. That is an average of 34,553.64 coins per block. so my 30k coins per block setting is pretty much correct. Any pool that hasn't done this just set the block reward in the pool config to 30k. obviously leave block reward setting on (block) so it pays correctly.