Looks like you fellows went and pissed off a mafia group of Romanian gypsies. Bad move: they'd starve naked in a field if it means their enemy is starving next to them. Loosing money means absolutely nothing to those people if it means avenging an insult.
Someone on the dev team needs to own up to exactly what happened. Did one of you take a trip to Romania and get someone important's daughter pregnant in the countryside? Was something promised and not delivered?
They'll definitely pull the plug and dump; God only knows when. The best part of revenge is waiting to sneak up on your enemy from behind and killing them slowly when they think the issue is forgotten. There's no Anglo-Saxon honor, etc. with those people. They'll keep on buying and buying LTCD just to drive the blade in deeper when the time comes.
You might turn it around with an apology and stopping all the sexual posts. It isn't fair but you have the equivalent of the Supranos on your collective asses. Some kind of compensation for their friend's honor might be in order. They mentioned that 400,000 for a reason I think. It is crass to ask for a bribe directly; everyone there understands what is going on in these situations.
Things might have gone too far for that. Hard to say. Calling it FUD and just carrying on as if all was well on won't solve the problem.
This is Romanian gypsy toilet full of dumps just like me any my supporters will do to your scam coin.
We have over 2,000,000 coins between us in different wallets and we are getting more every hour.
We just dumped about 400000 this morning to show we are serious.
Because of insults and bad jokes about dicks in mouth we will crash this to 1 satoshi.
It is better to loose every dollar and spit in your enemy's face!
There is an expression, "If my goat dies, I hope my neighbor's goat dies, too".
I am not the singer. She is a friend who thinks this is a fun game
Any minute, any hour any time any day I will say "yek, duy, trin merge!" and down you go.
The devs know who I am, what they did and how much secret pre-mine they have.
We just want to fuck them up. You guys are not part of this.
They know about LiteCoin trademark issue but tell giant lies.
Better sell out now!
LOLOLOLOLOL You only made me laugh from that..
Fuck off noob
Was it me?
Did I say Something???
Why do I have to be the victim???
I never offended anybody and never would.
Bullshit the fact that they have to hurt the whole community. Just cowards thats all.
If you have a problem with one person in particular take it up with them and Please leave the community out of this.
Its ridiculous.
People like this are the ones who will break the crypto world before its even proper licked off.
Now is the time that all in the crypto world need to be together and to stop this scamming, fudding, trolling and seeking revenge because somebody said a name or lost a few coins.
Hey guess what. I have lost coin, been hacked been scammed been called useless newbie when i was a newbie etc etc etc.
It did not make me go out and kill a community especially one that is as great as it is.
Do it like men. Get out meet up, talk and find a solution!
Easy as that.
Kind regards