1.) Won't clearly explain the LiteCoin trademark issue. Their explanation amounts to "Well, they're not using it anymore, guess it is ours now so bugger off". Even if a trademark is expired and the Twitter girl is a Fudette there's a cheap and easy procedure to take it over free and clear. They won't do that. Finders keepers is their way of doing things it seems.
http://tmsearch.uspto.gov/bin/showfield?f=doc&state=4803:nl0vhh.2.2 -- The name could also be changed if this became an issue. Not something I care about in the slightest.
2.) They've managed to piss off a bunch of rich Romanian gypsy geeks by insulting the aforesaid Fudette. That lot has threatened to mass dump the coin in revenge and couldn't care about their losses if they do. A simple apology and maybe a bit of compensation might work according to one fellow. They won't do that. The said they'd dump 400,000 coins and then did so it doesn't seem this is something that ought be pushed under the rug.
Really? So in order to maintain "reputable standing" we should give in to extortion or apologize to the ones responsible? No.
3.) They've managed to piss off any other non-gypsy Euros on here by threatening to ban some Germans who were having a perfectly innocent conversation. Someone might have run their posts through Google translate before going nuclear. Idoits.
Give one instance where I or any other dev has threatened to
ban anyone. I'm not even certain that we could if we wanted to.
4.) Never come clean about their connection to IconicExpert, coin dumper supreme. I'll bet his lot will push the button any second now lest the Romanians beat them to the punch. Again.
I crypto as a hobby. I don't follow BS. I don't even know who this is, nor do I care.
5.) Come after me for pointing out a few things and asking questions. Surprised I'm not banned yet. Soon likely. They also moderate the forum but aren't saying. Where's that awful picture of a toilet the Romanians posted. Nasty thing, glad it is gone but what else isn't getting posted one wonders?
Not coming after you. You're not even a blip on my radar. The only reason you're getting a response is because you asked a list of questions, and I do my best to answer what's asked of me as you can clearly see throughout this entire thread.