Thank you, our site using two way for transactions, first we have our own withdrawals system and working directly to Bitcoin network core and your balance will be withdrawaled to your Bitcoin wallet directly every week on Sundays its free of fee for withdrawals, but the second way for instant payout which is optional, you have to pay Bitcoin network fee’s by yourselves.
Why you not try Xapo for direct instant free withdrawals
You can use Xapo as your personal wallet, No matter where you get paid to purses. But we’re using our own withdrawals system for transactions and sending directly your Bitcoin balance directly every week on Sundays to your wallet and it’s free of fee for withdrawals.
I’d like to thank you and others friends for the feedback.
I take your suggestions seriously and respect the time you have taken to let me know your concerns.
I'm working hard on new payment methods.
Happy New Year 2016! and congrats with Christmas!
Kind regards