
Topic: Lucid Dreaming - page 3. (Read 12972 times)

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Activity: 308
Merit: 253
October 24, 2014, 03:37:35 PM
How Debates Used To (And Do) Work pt 2

Over 2,300 years ago (around 300-400 BC) Rome was at war with Carthage (in Africa). The way we usually think about history, we think that these two nations must have not really known each other and they must have been after resources. Not true.

Scipio (leader of the Roman forces) and Hannibal (leader of the Carthaginian forces) met to have a debate after the war. Remember, this is 2,300+ years ago, and these guys were able to do this.

They met somewhere in the middle and they literally debated. Scipio asked Hannibal, "Who is the greatest general in history". Hannibal said "Alexander of Macedonia" and Scipio agreed. Then Scipio asked who the second greatest was, Hannibal said "Pyyrhus of Epirus" because boldness is what qualified a general for Hannibal. Then Scipio asked Hannibal who he named third, and he named himself., because he crossed the Alps faster than anyone, surprised the Roman army and had killed a large portion of the Roman army before putting Italy under Martial Law where he was basically a Batman king, saving people and living in mansions.

Scipio asked where Hannibal would have ranked himself if he had not been beaten by Scipio, he said "In that case I should have put myself before Alexander". And Scipio felt good about that because he beat someone who claims to be the superior of Alexander.

I am not saying this is the best debate or the best outcome, but it's a real debate. An Atheists going in to "argue" with a Creationist, is not a debate. That is an Atheist arguing with a Creationist. You need a more specific topic, and usually a question. Then some form of demonstration, by hand or by words.
sr. member
Activity: 308
Merit: 253
October 24, 2014, 02:29:57 PM
How Debates Used To (And Do) Work

Atheists and Christians like to go into a Google hangout with 9 other people, shit talk and talk over each other, then later call that a "Debate". I would like to let everyone know, that is an argument. Nothing more.

In the 60s, Malcolm X would go out on stages in from of other Muslims and he would talk about the difference between white and black people in the 60s. And it started a lot of problems, because there were a lot of racists, so what did they do? They found someone to debate Malcolm and they put him on PBS with a moderator.

THAT is a debate. Not where one person decides they want to stomp on another person, so they find some people to fund them arguing some asshole on stage. Debates are meant to be like "Let's figure out whose right, because some of us aren't sure" THAT IS THE WHOLE POINT.
sr. member
Activity: 308
Merit: 253
October 24, 2014, 02:05:01 PM
What Atheism Meant To Me When I Was Atheist, And What I See Now

I am not an Atheist anymore, but I was in high-school. I had a friend who was Agnostic and I had never even really heard of that before. I was going to Church confirmation class and I asked "Do Jews go to Hell?" and the church lady wouldn't answer, so I was just like "Why am I Christian?"

So I became atheist. And to me it meant that I was looking for the "Right God" I was not part of any faith, I was just on the outside looking through all of them, seeing if I could accidentally find a God.

Then I found Shiva and I realized that I am like Rudra. Then I found out that Ancient Egyptian God Temples were really just science classrooms. so it really made no sense to me to be Atheist, unless we are talking about a Magic Man in the sky.

I don't feel like there are any Atheist left who want to know if God exists. They all went through confirmation class or whatever and now they think they know everything about everything. What is that? Can't they just say "I don't know" every once in a while? It is a fine answer.
Activity: 882
Merit: 1024
October 24, 2014, 02:34:19 AM

The active ingredient is DMT,N-Dimethyltryptamine and these religious prophets were high and hallucinating? There were a few different things added into some of the jungle potions as well in order to help them connect to the spirit world.
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Activity: 308
Merit: 253
October 24, 2014, 01:44:54 AM
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Activity: 490
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October 23, 2014, 08:21:35 PM
I've managed to taken control over my dreams a couple of times, but that's because it has been very very unrealistic stuff. Need tips on how to get control easier, flying is so fucking cool Cheesy
Activity: 2212
Merit: 1038
October 23, 2014, 07:43:44 PM
I use copious amounts of nicotine and sleep with the light on to prevent lucid dreaming.
Activity: 882
Merit: 1024
October 23, 2014, 07:24:38 PM

Isn't this thread getting a little off-topic? not sure how most of the chemistry is really relating to lucid dreaming since if you are using herbs/drugs to get the result you are only working within a defined window.

Lucid dreaming is really about concentration and it's been a while since I have done it but I found the best way was to lie on my back, hands folded on my hips or at my side, along with a pitch black room with as little audible stimulation as possible. You want to let yourself fully relax, so try to not move any muscles or tense up your body and try not to focus on your breathing too much. As you relax it will begin to feel as if your whole body begins to get numb/floaty until you start to get a type of ripping sensation in your chest which can feel strange or scary but if you relax and let that sensation increase it begins to feel as though you are ripping out of your body or even spinning and then you are standing in your dream with everything being dark or hard to see and begin to become brighter. It is like being in 2 places simultaneously, you are in a dream and can touch, taste, see, hear but you are still aware you are in your room and can hear things going on.

In the dream world you can do anything, Telekinesis, Jump/fly, energy balls etc. but it's a bit more of a skill, if you find yourself in a place you don't like then start spinning and the entire scene will change. Once you get more proficient you can also find people/places or visit far off worlds.

The key is letting go and staying relaxed, if you are trying to force yourself out, or to stay in the dream it will give you the opposite result.
sr. member
Activity: 308
Merit: 253
October 23, 2014, 06:08:19 PM
The Hannibal Gisgo Quote

Everyone likes to think of Hannibal Barca (Not Hannibal the Cannibal) as the worst person in History, but this was simply the way Rome painted him, it is not the truth. Hannibal was responding to the Empirical War Machine known as Rome, who his dad had spent and given his life to keep out of Africa. So he wasn't going to let Rome into Africa, that doesn't mean he was the bad guy in the situation. And even more-so since Rome broke their own treaty to defend a small ally town Hannibal was attacking on his side of the river.

But the Gisgo quote is probably the most amazing quote in the whole story of the life of Hannibal Barca. The setting was Hannibal in charge of 50,000 troops from different nations. Africans, Spaniards & French people who had never seen anyone defeat a Roman force until they met Hannibal.

Rome has 90,000 soldiers, who were all better armed, better armored, better trained, less diverse nationally and supposedly with better leadership.

Gisgo was one of Hannibal's officers and he came to him and said:

"They have many more men than us, we will not win today"

Hannibal replied:

"It seems something has escaped you. In all their vast numbers, there is not one of them named Gisgo".

That day 50,000 men killed 70,000 men and sent the other 20,000 (survivors) out of 90,000 running. And at that time the phrase was coined "Hannibal is at the gates" which businessmen still say today (or did until like the 80s if they don't now) when they have a client who is particularly difficult to deal with.
sr. member
Activity: 308
Merit: 253
October 23, 2014, 05:27:32 PM
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Activity: 308
Merit: 253
October 23, 2014, 02:14:43 PM
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Activity: 308
Merit: 253
October 23, 2014, 12:50:42 PM
Plausible Deniability Still Makes You An Ass

A lot of people like to live their lives as if they are the CIA and they need to be protected. I am not sure when this happened, but at some point a lot of people decided "If the person I say things about doesn't hear it, I can just say I never said it". And sure, you can SAY that. But that doesn't mean that other people keep their mouths shut, or that you aren't an asshole. You are still an asshole.

Plausible Deniability was used to keep people from knowing when the CIA was involved in murders, and now people are using it to make sure their friends and strangers don't know what they said about them. How about just don't say shit you don't think is really worth saying? Why live your life like someone on trial?
sr. member
Activity: 308
Merit: 253
October 23, 2014, 12:22:38 PM
Have you ever wondered why medicine and law are called "Practices"?

Not many things are called "Practices". Usually when it comes to a job, you only practice when you aren't really working. The practice is for before the work, right?

Well, not in Law and Medicine. You may have noticed something strange about Law and Medicine that you don't see in many other professions. They use ancient symbols for their "Craft". Doctors have the symbol of Mercury, with the staff and the snake and the wings, while Lawyers have Justice AKA Ma'at, the woman with the sword and a scale, wearing a blindfold.

The reason these ancient Symbols are there, and the reason Medicine and Law are called "Practices" is because they started as religions.

Our modern Hospitals originate in Ancient Greece, where Western Medicine was started as well. A man name "Hippocrates" started it after reading about the life of Imhotep/Aesculapius and being educated. Doctors in 2014 (or 2015 if you are reading this later) STILL say the Hippocratic Oath. Doctors are simply passing down the traditions that were started by Imhotep and Hippocrates (Surgery and Medicine). While Lawyers, Judges, etc are keeping society's "Codes".
sr. member
Activity: 308
Merit: 253
October 23, 2014, 01:47:23 AM
The Satanic Ritual You Preform Every Morning

If you are a person who drinks Coffee, you probably don't think much about the process or the beans themselves or where the come from. They are roasted before you get them and they are sometimes ever ground up before you get them. I want to ask everyone, how is Coffee distinct from Tea? Because Coffee is actually just Tea, but, made out of a certain seed and roasted.

Coffee was first growing in Ethiopia, where they didn't use the seeds mainly, but the berries which actually taste better. According to legend, the tribes there would make balls out of the mashed berries, and eat those to get filled with warrior spirit (caffeine).

Then around 1400-1600 AD, Coffee made its way to Yemen wear a Christian mission was, and a Yemenese person brought a Coffee plant to a missionary. And what did Christians do when they heard about a plant that could alter your mental state? He threw it in the fire to be destroyed, hoping it would be gone forever.

The people in the village collected the seeds from the fire, crushed them up and made Tea. This was the first Roasted Coffee Beans in History.
sr. member
Activity: 308
Merit: 253
October 22, 2014, 03:24:10 PM
The "Fallacy Fallacy" AKA Argument from Fallacy

Just because someone has committed a Fallacy, does not mean they are wrong. It means that a Fallacy has been committed.

If you have heard of "Semantic Trolling" Where someone says "You spelled a word wrong, so you're wrong" that is "Semantic Trolling". The Argument from Fallacy is similar, just because you have spotted a Fallacy, does not mean that the statements the Fallacy was meant to defend are themselves invalid. It just means there is a Fallacy.
sr. member
Activity: 308
Merit: 253
October 22, 2014, 03:01:13 PM
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Activity: 308
Merit: 253
October 22, 2014, 02:28:57 PM
Josephine Mota ran in Mexico last election, let's get a Hispanic female who supports Mota (Marijuana) in America.
sr. member
Activity: 308
Merit: 253
October 22, 2014, 02:17:06 PM
I am from Texas and live in Colorado.. It is a FACT that Texas is no longer a state that has a white Majority, the Majority is "Hispanic-White" as they call it. And that is my family. My Grandpa was Mexican, we have family album pictures of him smoking Marijuana out of a Pipe. it's great.

And in Colorado there is a large population of "Hispanic" or "Hispanic-White" or whatever, and in both states, it seems that these people are just counted as white.

But did you notice something in the past 2 elections. Bush said like 3 words in Spanish and he got the "Hispanic Vote". And I was in Florida during the last Obama election, so I heard a lot about the "Hispanic Vote" and I noticed that ALL the states that are usually red that voted for him, were green states. The last election was basically won by Marijuana votes and the "Hispanic Vote".

How about we just promote a "Hispanic" President, who supports Marijuana legalization. We can do like Scarface and push out all these white people in the middle, to get right to the source.

And that is what Bill O'Reilly says he is afriad of
Activity: 1834
Merit: 1019
October 22, 2014, 01:39:29 PM
"We are taught to think of our success in terms of numbers, aren't we? If touching one person's life is a good thing, then touching 1,000 people's lives must be a great thing. It's easy to see where we learn to think this way. Our whole society revolves around mass production. The more units we can move, the more customers we can serve, the more votes we can get, the more money and the more stuff we have the better right? Maybe it's not really so revolutionary after all to have a group of people telling everyone else what is right. Wouldn't it be better if we tried a decentralized approach? Do you have to save the world all by yourselves? Why don't you trust someone else to do it with you?" -The Sound of Animals Fighting

sr. member
Activity: 308
Merit: 253
October 22, 2014, 12:47:05 PM
How to Find Your God (Or Realize You Already Had It)

A lot of people like the idea that "I didn't find God, he found me" and that is real poetic in the moment, but over the long term, your God owns you. Your God wants you worshiping him, and when you die he wants you worshiping some more, but you have to like it more.

I would like to let everyone know, God is not meant to find you, you are meant to find your God, and here is how.

Do you have a "Season" that is best for you? (I know some girls talk like that)

Do you have a favorite Sport? (Since Olympic competition and before, sports have been religion rituals)

Do you have a favorite Plant? (Maybe Marijuana, Coffee or Ayahuasca)

Do you have a "Nemesis"?

All of these things are a form of "God", Gods are usually just things that interact naturally. Such as, the Earth and Mars. They interact with each other by having patterns they follow around the sun, and they spin so that certain parts of each planet can only see the other planet at certain times.

The same way Mars and Earth interact (Mars was a God in he Ogdoad, and  Terra was Earth), you interact with these things in your life. Seasons effect you, Sports effect you, Plants effect you and your Nemesis effect you. And not everyone is effected by all these things (I know I don't have a Nemesis, unless someone hasn't told me something) but even if you are not effected by these things, society is. And that is a whole other aspect of the Gods outside of yourself. They are here if you accept them or not, and they are not magic people in the sky. But we can make statues to represent them if you really want a magic man.
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