Our patience is being tested with you.
On discord :
"Correct Gilligan! @B.Y.O.B We're making good progress and I've been writing the new dev update that will (hopefully) get published this Monday. As you can imagine some of Luxcore's members, myself included, took some time off to be with friends and family during the holidays. Everything will be getting back to normal starting next week. Hope you had a great holiday too :slight_smile:"
The situation is becoming catastrophic on the exchanges... 0.09$
EDIT: Dump just before the big wave of fee for webwallets. Coincidence ?
Hopefully this week, as mentioned in the post you provided, team will give some details of current dev status and whats coming next.
Team works around the clock to finish such high-priority things like Luxgate-beta and RX2 algo, I can only advise to be patient and keep an eye on our social-media channels for further announcements.