HILARIOUS... I've spent the last 15 minutes sharing it.
Thanks for sharing...
Yw..I appreciate your charting as well. A lot of good insight I feel. +1 WOsMerit
That will be enough of that. Everyday is a good day.
21 if the most populated cities on the globe. What do all of these cities have in common? They all have over 17 million inhabitants.
Anyway..out of those 21 cities if you average the population, it is in the neighborhood of 500 million people(cant..data is either old or out dated)so I just rounded it there. That is 15.26563865% of the 7,632,819,325 billion people that call the planet Earth home. If we go with the low metric of 1% adoption at this point...thats 5 million people who use bitcoin in those 21 cities. That gives us 238,095.238 users per city..a quite modest number in my mind. Getting to the next order of magnitude is going to happen remarkably fast imho.