DarkCoin is what bitcoin should have been. Some might call it "Bitcoin 2.0" but would do better by saying:
"DarkCoin is digital cash."
But that's why I think its better to call it D-coin or something else (not related to dark)
New people will think that darkcoin is related to illegal things and thats not the intention, idea of it. Maybe it will scare/put off (I don't know the right word) some people...No?
I echo all of these sentiments. If we called cash "paper crime bucks" people would probably look down on that, too... BitCoin is already perceived as crime currency because of the media slant.
When you can say that DarkCoin is really "just a digital form of the cash you already use," it undermines that dirty media and government propaganda against cryptocurrencies. So, if you can do that in just a name, why not do it? Why deliberately attach yourself to the negative aspect?
I agree, this looks like what BitCoin should have been from the beginning. Real digital cash for the people. But damn, why bring it down by functionally naming it "crime money?" Erk! For the volume of crypto involved, name it cryptcoin.... Or digicoin, or bytecoin, or ciphercoin, damn, anything but crimecoin... Lols.