"DarkCoin is digital cash."
But that's why I think its better to call it D-coin or something else (not related to dark)
New people will think that darkcoin is related to illegal things and thats not the intention, idea of it. Maybe it will scare/put off (I don't know the right word) some people...No?
I tend to agree with this. The name itself will be the reason darkcoin is never widely accepted by, er, "normal" people (also can't think of the right word sorry). It doesn't matter how great it is, give it a shady or evil sounding name and it's doomed.
The name is irrelevant, Bitcoin was not adopted because its name but more so because of libertarian values and adopters/enthusiasts being aware of what is going on the economy/banking. If dark can provide anonymous "dark" transactions it could be called purple unicorn coins for all I care.. Dark is good branding for people in the know ie tor darknet stuff. If joe blow isn't aware of what dark means he will soon enough.. with every Snowden leak or bullshit passed law/corrupt lawless judge's decision is making people more aware. It is like built in marketing because we all know what governments agenda is just like how cypress bumped up bitcoin.
I could give 2 shits about branding and market cap. Freedom is where it's at, make a coin that facilitates free commerce even silk road style commerce that bypasses bullshit laws and market cap & awareness will take care of itself. Makes me wonder why people are here promoting an anonymous coin if they care about mainstream perceptions.. perhaps cat coin is the better choice for them.
Agreed! Why the hell would average joe be interrested in this coin already? There is already bitcoin for your every day needs if you dont care too much about being anonymous.
I like the sound of "purple unicorn"-coin though. The dogecoin of the the black market. So lsd, much wow!
While I agree completely that the name is irrelevant when considering the technological and political advances, I don't think you can rule out the importance of a good name, branding, and marketing. Most startups fail because of distribution issues rather than technology issues. The more engineering-minded tend to place all the importance on technology, that this product will sell itself. Very few products actually succeed in selling themselves.
If you look at Dogecoin, you can see the power of great marketing and branding. The technology is completely worthless and the coin will no doubt fail long term, but without widespread awareness of a brand name/coin, the coin will also invariably fail long term. Look at the viral success of Apple products(I know another touchy subject for bitcoin enthusiasts atm). With Apple, a business model of function following form created the largest company in the world. I'm not saying in order to succeed Darkcoin has to focus primarily on branding, but it has to be a high priority for the best chances of widespread adoption.
I like the name. DarkCoin will sell itself. Once word gets around it'll go viral.
Let the devs focus on getting the technology right. Screw the marketing.