I'll try to keep it to bitcoin as much as I can help it.
Surely, you are not the ONLY one devolving into politics.. been a long time divergence here, even though I would also prefer to stick to talking about bitcoin.. sometimes, though, just cannot help it, when other members are presenting such issues and some of them even reasonably believe that there is some kind of connection with bitcoin...
I am thinking: "This too shall pass." In other words, we just seem to be going through a kind of moment in which a lot of people are thinking and talking about such political topic... Hot topic, and hopefully soon NOT to be so hot, amiNOTrite? Probably there is going to be some other HOT ..... political topic in the near future.. cannot completely avoid it.
If the time is not right for trains and rockets, one must post something. Or so it seems.
Fair enough...
And better than pumping some nonsense shitcoin... how about HEX?... I have been getting a lot of spam e-mails about that nonsense, recently... for some strange reason...