If people love FreeBitco.in, they will not hesitate to try DPLAY a few times especially if they can use their balance on FreeBitco.in to bet on DPLAY.
Will they have to register account on DPLAY and link it to account on FreeBitco.in? Will it be simpler? No account registration on DPLAY is needed. Just have an account on FreeBitco.in and can link to DPLAY, then go to bet.
Do you really think that any company stays huge by just with one product? That is what this is probably, all these fun tokens and dplays and maybe in the future more and more stuff all because it can't be just stuck to freebitcoin, it is reaching to a certain level where it may have harder time growing whereas if they use that money to grow bigger then they could make more money that way.
I believe that one thing that is very important about the future is that they need more staff, just 3-5 staff is not enough, like how thequin talked about doge withdrawal recently, it is like not enough at all to have small staff amount, if they want to keep growing I would advice more staff.