为什么这么说 我觉得我们可以站起来
I'm old enough to really remember life before the internet, when we didn't know what was "behind the iron curtain" and calling / seeing relatives from across the country or across the Atlantic was a huge deal. The internet has changed that in such a way, you young people can never ever comprehend! I can see and talk to my family in Germany any time using Skype. We don't have to worry about how much it costs or anything, just the time zone! It still amazes me. Now I can go to Google translate and translate something for someone in China, and they can read it and know I MAKE ABSOLUTELY NO SENSE! But they know I'm trying, and they do the same for me, and we get to talk like friends.
What a truly wonderful world. Anyone who thinks technology is bad has never been touched by another from a far away place, yet so like our own back yard.
How can there be war when life is so wonderful.... oh yah, those politicians.... ugh!
The alt world is a veritable minefield. Every week is a new controversy over some theft or scam. Can we set up an official place where new alt investors can come to get legit help. Kind of the ABC's of what to do to get started safely and securely. One stop shopping for all potential Darkcoin needs. How to mine. Where to trade. Updates on exchanges that are not safe. Everything about wallets. How to keep your DRK stored safely. At present it's so scattered. And if it was also translated in several languages. Well organized and easy to navigate. If this could happen I would want to help make it reality. And it would reduce the barriers to entry for thousands who are skeptical of dipping into an unknown.
I apologize if this is already been talked about, if it has I am unaware. This is IMO far more pressing than any marketing. It's a service that the non cryptocurrency world is desperately needing. And Darkcoin could accomplish it and enter the mainstream as a positive leader and not just for nefarious underground technogeeks.