I use math, and i have proof to clarify it's work.
i try with 66 Bit.
Divide 4 from upper range, with formula!
| 46337664863972737024 | 2831074afb231c000
| 46341573236515241984 | 2831e5754973d8000
| 46345481609057755136 | 2832c39f97c496000
| 46349389981600260096 | 2833a1c9e61552000
Private key located (already found) is on : 46346217550346335726 | 2832ed74f2b5e35ee
I make this formula like 90% to measure the range of search.
it work for count and make variable for measure ranges from key alread found or not.
for next 67 Bit.
46346217550346335726 | XXXXXXXXX8929167990784 | XXXXXXXX868880000 |
46346217550346335726 | XXXXXXXXX146718502912 | XXXXXXXXc12500000 |
46346217550346335726 | XXXXXXXXX364268752896 | XXXXXXXXfbc140000 |
46346217550346335726 | XXXXXXXXX581819002880 | XXXXXXXX365d80000 |
i already test it from 30 bit until 115 bit. and it's precisely work measure range.
go and brute this, lloks like this in not so hard. replace firts X to number from 1 to 9 in dec or to 1 to f in hex, you get ranges. from 46346217550346335726 to f000.0008929167990784 to 8929167990784.etc.
need not more then 2hours for prepare rabges and brute... ??