
Topic: The big VTC Vertcoin settings thread - page 2. (Read 264312 times)

Activity: 56
Merit: 0
June 01, 2014, 03:52:59 PM
i am trying to run 3 x 280x but return error:

 [2014-06-01 23:42:48] vertminer.exe: --scrypt-vert: unrecognized option
C:\miner\vertminer-0.5.2\vertminer.exe --scrypt-vert -o stratum+tcp:// -u xxx -p xxx

im with vertminer 0.5.4
Any ideas where i'm wrong?
Activity: 6
Merit: 0
June 01, 2014, 09:58:55 AM
Hi there, im trying to get my "old" HD6850 running with on Vertcoin but im not getting my expected Hashrate.

Runnin with 8GB ram on i5-2500k (on scrypt -> 240Kh/s )

vertminer.exe --scrypt-vert -u user -p x -o stratum+tcp:// -v 1 -I 12 -g 2 -w 256 --thread-concurrency 6016 --gpu-fan 70 --lookup-gap 2

Im getting just 11khs instead of 90-100.

I tryed to change everything but nothing helped.

The best im getting is 85Kh/s + 5 HW/s with this:

vertminer.exe --scrypt-vert -u user -p x -o stratum+tcp:// -v 1 -I 10 -g 2 -w 64 --thread-concurrency 960 --gpu-fan 70 --lookup-gap 2

Please help me!  Embarrassed


Activity: 76
Merit: 10

Rock solid 306 Kh/s

--nfactor 11 --kernel psw -o stratum+tcp:// -u User.1 -p x --thread-concurrency 19712 --lookup-gap 2 --gpu-engine 1050 --gpu-memclock 1250 --api-listen --api-allow W: -w 256 -I 19 -g 1 --gpu-fan 10-100 --gpu-powertune 20 --failover-only --nfactor 11 --kernel psw -o stratum+tcp:// -u User.1 -p x

No HW's
full member
Activity: 212
Merit: 100
Hello vertans

I'm having a bit of an issue mining without getting any HW errors. I am running a 3 card rig : a 7990, and two powercolor 280x's, on windows 7, 8 gigs DDR3 1600 using vertminer 0.5.3. I'm running non-aggressive clocks at -g 2 and TC 8192 w-256. I get about 370Khs per 280x and combined 680Khs on my 7990.

I cant run at TC 8193 as it gives me HW errors on all cards

Now the particular issue i'm having is that it seems one powercolour card in my rig is giving out HW errors while the others are not.

I am unsure if the card it the problem, as it is able to scrypt mine without any issues at all. Its not an issue of clocks as I can have the card mine at stock and below it still gives me HW errors.

Any tips or suggestions anyone can offer?
Activity: 21
Merit: 0
Searched for an answer so if I missed it please don't hesitate to post a link to the info I am seeking.
I am using BAMT to mine vert and am quite happy. Only hitch is I am not sure how I can automate the env settings export_gpu_max blah and the other one export GPU_use blah. Up to this point I have simply issued the commands in the terminal and it works but I would really like to have this auto run when the system boots up prior to the mining auto launching. I am a total Linux noob but had this done in Windows quite easily. Is it a major undertaking in Linux / BAMT? Any help would be most welcomed. Links to info would also be fine, I don't mind doing the leg work if I have a starting point. While I am at it, thanks for all the great info here. This thread has been an amazing source of information for folks like myself who are only a few months into mining.

Another quickie, I have seen different config settings for the Queue, Scan-time, and Expiry settings. I am currently using below settings. Is this correct? I mine at Simple Vert due to the merged mining options.

queue 0
scan-time 1
expiry 30
vectors 1
lookup-gap 2

Always looking to get all the juice I can from the cards so any tips would be great. My 290s get about 440 khs stable with 410 WU and the 7950s get about 275 khs with 250 wu stable.
1000/1250 I 19
dedicated mining rig
Activity: 43
Merit: 0
I've created PHP script that connects to cgminer / vertminer and in cycle changing GPU / MEM freq and reads hash rate -> and all is written into log file.
Interesting, but how do I run this? Im not a programmer and dont know what PHP is. Can you provide any details on how to use this?
You have to install PHP on your machine and then run script :  php ./script_name
I'm using linux so it wasn't tested on win machine. Someone can try and report .
Activity: 1288
Merit: 1004
I was able to get it to run. 

I am trying to get it to solo mine with my GPU's.
I have the wallet running in server mode just like any other solo mining but for some reason I keep getting this error msg.
[2014-05-15 22:00:00] Pool 0 slow/down or URL or credentials invalid
[2014-05-15 22:01:00] No servers were found that could be used to get work from
Here is my conf for the wallet.

Hmmm.. I solo mined for about 2 days on a CPU back in the day. I recall there being some type of server setting? Like server 1? Can't recall off hand, but I may be able to find something out.

does anyone have a good setup for Sapphire 280X Dual's for solo mining??
Yes I know solo mining is nuts but I want to test it and see if I can get it to work.
I keep getting this error.

 [2014-05-15 17:10:12] Started vertminer 0.5.3
 [2014-05-15 17:10:12] Started vertminer 0.5.3
 [2014-05-15 17:10:12] Probing for an alive pool
 [2014-05-15 17:10:16] Pool 0 slow/down or URL or credentials invalid

This is my init.  Yes the wallet is open.
vertminer --scrypt-vert   -o -u user -p password

Thanks for the help.
Activity: 1109
Merit: 1000
I've created PHP script that connects to cgminer / vertminer and in cycle changing GPU / MEM freq and reads hash rate -> and all is written into log file.
Interesting, but how do I run this? Im not a programmer and dont know what PHP is. Can you provide any details on how to use this?
sr. member
Activity: 280
Merit: 250
I've created PHP script that connects to cgminer / vertminer and in cycle changing GPU / MEM freq and reads hash rate -> and all is written into log file.

Good Lawd! Is this what I think it is???
Activity: 43
Merit: 0
I've created PHP script that connects to cgminer / vertminer and in cycle changing GPU / MEM freq and reads hash rate -> and all is written into log file.

You can find this way the best GPU/MEM freq. combination
It will use aticonfig for freq. modding

Usage: php ./findOptimalFreq.php gpu_id gpu_from gpu_to memory_from memory_to freq_increment delay_sec

gpu_id - which GPU
gpu_from - gpu freq. min
gpu_to - gpu freq. max
freq_incremenet - freq. increment step
delay_sec - how long after changing freq will system wait to settle down hash rate

# Sample Socket I/O to CGMiner API
function getsock($addr, $port)
 $socket = null;
 $socket = socket_create(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, SOL_TCP);
 if ($socket === false || $socket === null)
   $error = socket_strerror(socket_last_error());
   $msg = "socket create(TCP) failed";
   echo "ERR: $msg '$error'\n";
   return null;

 $res = socket_connect($socket, $addr, $port);
 if ($res === false)
   $error = socket_strerror(socket_last_error());
   $msg = "socket connect($addr,$port) failed";
   echo "ERR: $msg '$error'\n";
   return null;
 return $socket;
# Slow ...
function readsockline($socket)
 $line = '';
 while (true)
   $byte = socket_read($socket, 1);
   if ($byte === false || $byte === '')
   if ($byte === "\0")
   $line .= $byte;
 return $line;
function request($cmd)
 $socket = getsock('', 4028);
 if ($socket != null)
   socket_write($socket, $cmd, strlen($cmd));
   $line = readsockline($socket);

   if (strlen($line) == 0)
      echo "WARN: '$cmd' returned nothing\n";
      return $line;

   print "$cmd returned '$line'\n";

   if (substr($line,0,1) == '{')
      return json_decode($line, true);

   $data = array();

   $objs = explode('|', $line);
   foreach ($objs as $obj)
      if (strlen($obj) > 0)
         $items = explode(',', $obj);
         $item = $items[0];
         $id = explode('=', $items[0], 2);
         if (count($id) == 1 or !ctype_digit($id[1]))
            $name = $id[0];
            $name = $id[0].$id[1];

         if (strlen($name) == 0)
            $name = 'null';

         if (isset($data[$name]))
            $num = 1;
            while (isset($data[$name.$num]))
            $name .= $num;

         $counter = 0;
         foreach ($items as $item)
            $id = explode('=', $item, 2);
            if (count($id) == 2)
               $data[$name][$id[0]] = $id[1];
               $data[$name][$counter] = $id[0];


   return $data;

 return null;

if (isset($argv) and count($argv) > 1)
// $r = request($argv[1]);
$gpu_id = $argv[1];
$engine_from = $argv[2];
$engine_to = $argv[3];
$memory_from = $argv[4];
$memory_to = $argv[5];
$increment = $argv[6];
$delay_sec = $argv[7];

// $r = request('summary');
//echo print_r($r, true)."\n";
echo "Usage: php ./findOptimalFreq.php gpu_id gpu_from gpu_to memory_from memory_to freq_increment delay_sec\n";
return 0;

$myFile = "./testGPU".date("Y-m-d H:i:s").".txt";
$fh = fopen($myFile, 'w');
$output = "";
for ($engine = $engine_from ; $engine <= $engine_to ; $engine += $increment )
for ( $memory = $memory_from ; $memory <= $memory_to ; $memory += $increment )
  echo "ENGINE: $engine , MEMORY: $memory\n";
  $output =  "$engine,$memory,";

  system("aticonfig --adapter=$gpu_id --od-setclocks=$engine,$memory");

   $r = request("{\"command\":\"gpu\",\"parameter\":\"$gpu_id\"}");
   echo $r['GPU'][0]['MHS 5s'];
   $output .= $r['GPU'][0]['MHS 5s'];
   $output .= "\n";
   fwrite($fh, $output);


Activity: 1288
Merit: 1004
I am trying to get it to solo mine with my GPU's.
I have the wallet running in server mode just like any other solo mining but for some reason I keep getting this error msg.
[2014-05-15 22:00:00] Pool 0 slow/down or URL or credentials invalid
[2014-05-15 22:01:00] No servers were found that could be used to get work from
Here is my conf for the wallet.

Hmmm.. I solo mined for about 2 days on a CPU back in the day. I recall there being some type of server setting? Like server 1? Can't recall off hand, but I may be able to find something out.

does anyone have a good setup for Sapphire 280X Dual's for solo mining??
Yes I know solo mining is nuts but I want to test it and see if I can get it to work.
I keep getting this error.

 [2014-05-15 17:10:12] Started vertminer 0.5.3
 [2014-05-15 17:10:12] Started vertminer 0.5.3
 [2014-05-15 17:10:12] Probing for an alive pool
 [2014-05-15 17:10:16] Pool 0 slow/down or URL or credentials invalid

This is my init.  Yes the wallet is open.
vertminer --scrypt-vert   -o -u user -p password

Thanks for the help.
sr. member
Activity: 280
Merit: 250
Hmmm.. I solo mined for about 2 days on a CPU back in the day. I recall there being some type of server setting? Like server 1? Can't recall off hand, but I may be able to find something out.

does anyone have a good setup for Sapphire 280X Dual's for solo mining??
Yes I know solo mining is nuts but I want to test it and see if I can get it to work.
I keep getting this error.

 [2014-05-15 17:10:12] Started vertminer 0.5.3
 [2014-05-15 17:10:12] Started vertminer 0.5.3
 [2014-05-15 17:10:12] Probing for an alive pool
 [2014-05-15 17:10:16] Pool 0 slow/down or URL or credentials invalid

This is my init.  Yes the wallet is open.
vertminer --scrypt-vert   -o -u user -p password

Thanks for the help.
sr. member
Activity: 280
Merit: 250
Is there anything other than the BIN file which would cause the GPU to retain settings?

It seems like there is another file. Are you able to compare the files in the folder you're using against what came in the original? That might be worth a shot.

You don't have your LTC files in the same folder, do you?
No, cgminer and vertminer are each in their own directory. I did a global search of C: for additional BINs and didn't find any.
Im wondering if it's the GPU or OS which needs to reboot to clear the settings.
Between these vertminer tests, I have been running the GPU's on Scrypt to keep them busy, so I may try a reboot tonight then startup the single-line command and see where the GPUs land.

Good deal. Keep us posted!
Activity: 1288
Merit: 1004
does anyone have a good setup for Sapphire 280X Dual's for solo mining??
Yes I know solo mining is nuts but I want to test it and see if I can get it to work.
I keep getting this error.

 [2014-05-15 17:10:12] Started vertminer 0.5.3
 [2014-05-15 17:10:12] Started vertminer 0.5.3
 [2014-05-15 17:10:12] Probing for an alive pool
 [2014-05-15 17:10:16] Pool 0 slow/down or URL or credentials invalid

This is my init.  Yes the wallet is open.
vertminer --scrypt-vert   -o -u user -p password

Thanks for the help.
Activity: 1109
Merit: 1000
Is there anything other than the BIN file which would cause the GPU to retain settings?

It seems like there is another file. Are you able to compare the files in the folder you're using against what came in the original? That might be worth a shot.

You don't have your LTC files in the same folder, do you?
No, cgminer and vertminer are each in their own directory. I did a global search of C: for additional BINs and didn't find any.
Im wondering if it's the GPU or OS which needs to reboot to clear the settings.
Between these vertminer tests, I have been running the GPU's on Scrypt to keep them busy, so I may try a reboot tonight then startup the single-line command and see where the GPUs land.
sr. member
Activity: 280
Merit: 250
Is there anything other than the BIN file which would cause the GPU to retain settings?

It seems like there is another file. Are you able to compare the files in the folder you're using against what came in the original? That might be worth a shot.

You don't have your LTC files in the same folder, do you?
Activity: 1109
Merit: 1000
Copy this exactly. Only changing what's underlined:

vertminer.exe --scrypt -o stratum+tcp://your pool:PORT -u MyUsername -p MyPassword

But before you run, delete the old config file and all .bin files. If it works, go into settings to write your own config file. Once it's generated, you can tinkle with the settings. You don't have to put your parameters in your .bat

Let me know if it works.

Ok, ran that exact command (except used --scrypt-vert) and got only 1 out of 4 gpus running. It came up to 116KH/s (30% of Scrypt speed). Other GPUs still show as Failed/OFF.
Tried to enable them, but they just stayed at 0KHs.

vertminer --scrypt-vert -o stratum+tcp:// -O usao.M4:x

Whoops! I forgot to add the -vert, nice catch!

So we have a great start then Smiley  before you write your config (if you have, just delete the file and .bin again), disconnect all but one card and try again. If it works, write your config file. Now you can begin to tweak your settings in your file, use the .bin generated to grab your thread concurrency. Work with just this one card until you find the optimum settings. Once you're satisfied, shut down and add another card and run your .bat. If it works, remember to write your config file again Smiley  and you should tweak the parameters on the second card as well - sometimes even the same card might have slightly different values.

I won't be able to unplug the other GPUs till I get home tonight.
But I did notice somthing I though was odd.
Even though I deleted the BIN files, I saw that the gpu settings were persisting from the last run of Scrypt (LTC).
Same engine/memory and intensity settings anyhow.
Is there anything other than the BIN file which would cause the GPU to retain settings?
sr. member
Activity: 280
Merit: 250
Copy this exactly. Only changing what's underlined:

vertminer.exe --scrypt -o stratum+tcp://your pool:PORT -u MyUsername -p MyPassword

But before you run, delete the old config file and all .bin files. If it works, go into settings to write your own config file. Once it's generated, you can tinkle with the settings. You don't have to put your parameters in your .bat

Let me know if it works.

Ok, ran that exact command (except used --scrypt-vert) and got only 1 out of 4 gpus running. It came up to 116KH/s (30% of Scrypt speed). Other GPUs still show as Failed/OFF.
Tried to enable them, but they just stayed at 0KHs.

vertminer --scrypt-vert -o stratum+tcp:// -O usao.M4:x

Whoops! I forgot to add the -vert, nice catch!

So we have a great start then Smiley  before you write your config (if you have, just delete the file and .bin again), disconnect all but one card and try again. If it works, write your config file. Now you can begin to tweak your settings in your file, use the .bin generated to grab your thread concurrency. Work with just this one card until you find the optimum settings. Once you're satisfied, shut down and add another card and run your .bat. If it works, remember to write your config file again Smiley  and you should tweak the parameters on the second card as well - sometimes even the same card might have slightly different values.
Activity: 1109
Merit: 1000
Copy this exactly. Only changing what's underlined:

vertminer.exe --scrypt -o stratum+tcp://your pool:PORT -u MyUsername -p MyPassword

But before you run, delete the old config file and all .bin files. If it works, go into settings to write your own config file. Once it's generated, you can tinkle with the settings. You don't have to put your parameters in your .bat

Let me know if it works.

Ok, ran that exact command (except used --scrypt-vert) and got only 1 out of 4 gpus running. It came up to 116KH/s (30% of Scrypt speed). Other GPUs still show as Failed/OFF.
Tried to enable them, but they just stayed at 0KHs.

vertminer --scrypt-vert -o stratum+tcp:// -O usao.M4:x
sr. member
Activity: 280
Merit: 250
Copy this exactly. Only changing what's underlined:

vertminer.exe --scrypt -o stratum+tcp://your pool:PORT -u MyUsername -p MyPassword

But before you run, delete the old config file and all .bin files. If it works, go into settings to write your own config file. Once it's generated, you can tinkle with the settings. You don't have to put your parameters in your .bat

Let me know if it works.

I do:
mode CON cols=96 lines=32
timeout /t 60
set DT=C:\Users\miner\Desktop
set VMINER=%DT%\vertminer-0.5.3

del %DT%\*.bin

%VMINER%\vertminer --scrypt-vert


However, I don't know how to fit all those options on the comamnd line, which is why I have always used the conf file.
Are you suggesting that I just start vertminer with just the -o/-O options and nothing else?
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