hello, could I have a help. I was sending bitcoins from counterparty wallet to get storj ipo and the computer stuck and I had to restart the computer. After restarting computer when i logged on again and there was no transactions pending, no bitcions and and no storj , what should i do? Did i lose the money? Please help!
most probably your send succeeded, but you don't receive yet storjcoin. Please check the address with blockchain.info and blockscan.
Please do not check with blockscan, at least until I get the daemon running again. The latest update due to the CFD has broken my install even after attempting to install pip. Any assistance is of course appreciated
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "C:\counterpartyd_build\dist\counterpartyd\counterpartyd.py", line 21, in
from lib import config, api, util, exceptions, bitcoin, blocks, blockchain
File "C:\counterpartyd_build\dist\counterpartyd\lib\api.py", line 16, in
import flask
File "C:\Python32\lib\site-packages\flask\__init__.py", line 17, in
from werkzeug.exceptions import abort
File "C:\Python32\lib\site-packages\werkzeug\__init__.py", line 154, in
File "C:\Python32\lib\site-packages\werkzeug\exceptions.py", line 111
return u'%s
' % escape(self.description)
EDIT: Actually I see you're on windows. I'll have instructions soon for that. Assuming you already tried to rerun the setup script? Add me on Skype "xnovaxcp", and I can work with you interactively to resolve.
Try the following:
counterpartyd only, if using the build system manually (assuming that counterpartyd_build is installed into your home directory):
sudo ~/counterpartyd_build/env/bin/pip install --upgrade -r ~xcp/counterpartyd_build/dist/counterpartyd/pip-requirements.txt
If running a federated node:
sudo ~xcp/counterpartyd_build/env/bin/pip install --upgrade -r ~xcp/counterpartyd_build/dist/counterpartyd/pip-requirements.txt
sudo ~xcp/counterpartyd_build/env.counterblockd/bin/pip install --upgrade -r ~xcp/counterpartyd_build/dist/counterblockd/pip-requirements.txt