rockethead seems to like "walk the talk" every time anyone says something contrary to the "official" opinion, I will offer my service to continue the token issuance like this:
1. patmast3r continues to receive token issuance request via PM ( this step is like before ).
2. Following each valid request, patmast3r posts the requester's account in the issuance list ( this step is like before )
3. I will cross check the requester's account against the official stakeholder list (a new cross checking step) to ensure that every requester's account has a match in the official stakeholder list. No need to give me any special access to the document.
4. After getting my confirmation, patmast3r can send the tokens to the requester's account.
If patmast3r post the requester's list at a fixed time everyday, I guarantee to give my confirmation within one hour of that day. I am very careful with lists and numbers so there is almost no chance I make a mistake. If you want to make it foolproof, enlist one more person to cross check the list. That is my 5 minute solution to your token issuance problem. Feel free to comment.
That's the thing, Pat can do it by himself, no problem, the chances of him making a mistake would be zero.
Then, on top of this ARGpentem, who is a numbers guy, double checks as well.
Now, tell me the chance that a scammer would get through, ZERO!!!
Now with all the complaining I have done, just by myself, not to mention the other 5 or 6 community members who have put a word in saying this should be fixed ---> why in the world would they still be holding back?
---> what in the world are they discussing that we are not allowed to know?
At first, I just wanted my token, but now things are getting really spooky here.
Care to let us in on what the REAL problem is, because it stands to reason, that with the info that has been given us, the hold would be long over by now. So my question is, WHAT THE HELL IS THE SECRET?? WE DESERVE TO KNOW WHAT IS UP?
ARGpentem figured it out in 5 minutes, its been weeks.
SO SOMETHING IS FISHYI've been contributing to the community the last few days and I am not going to stop. Fine. Don't give me my token now.
BUT TELL US WHAT IS GOING ON? WE ARE NOT DUMB. you have to see it from our vantage point, we are not on the inside, imagine what goes though my mind everytime, each hour or so, I check my account, and it is still not there.
Try to put yourself in our shoes guys? Wouldn't you be asking questions? and even more and more questoins with each cryptic answer?