1. i go to NXTblocks.info and open a wallet,,,i set password and i got a wallet identifier: X6L5-F4T7------,
(what is it for ? is it like my account on NXT-AE ? )
Think of identifier as a name of wallet file. Your wallet is on NXTblocks server, but it's encrypted by your password. The identifier downloads the correct wallet so you can decrypt it in your browser.
This has nothing to do with Nxt, but how NXTblocks wallet works (with a wallet file, like bitcoin).
only see the buying and selling orders..
NXTblocks wallet hasn't yet implemented AE. It's upcoming feature.
and then, i will have the stake token in this account ID,, right ?
There is no such account http://www.nxtreporting.com/?a=NXT-KKFH-M4RE-HREC-CK8Z8&c=USD
As someone suggested, use https://trade.secureae.com/ wallet. It's totally secure lightweight wallet too, as password never leaves your machine/browser (does local signing in the browser). You don't need to download/install any software and no blockchain to worry about.