This is still being caused by temporary downtimes in the APIs we use. We're going to add an indicator of whether these APIs are fully functioning to the next version.
Is this related to bitwatch? Wey, please tell me, if something like this happens. I'm passive reader here, but still..
FWIW I have another server already available, but didn't had the time to migrate yet..
You may also sign up for downtime notifications -- it didn't happen until now, so I'm not sure, if it works at all, but this feature appears to be new on (click on the node, then you can subscribe)
While we're at it:
I noticed there were 93'206 requests from 1CHACHAGuuxTr8Yo9b9SQmUGLg9X5iSeKX out of a total of 117'301 over a timeframe of less than, but almost the last seven days. (this is a crazy growth btw) -- I noticed this address earlier and was wondering.. what exactly is this?