Few questions for Stars.
Will V2 beta still run for testing?
Will there be a bounty for bugs Kale already fixed which I found
Will the signature campaign still be active on V2?
Some answers would be nice
Just giving a bit of feedback as this question has come up before. I didnt plan on announcing our JV with MD byt obviously our payment wallet was found and made public anyway (My fault) so I made a announcment that I placed in the FD thread that I will paste here afdter this update.
1. Stars are waiting for myself and Developer to setup and prepare MD2 and we are working on it daily but have to learn a complete new coded system. The priority being that NO ONE can predict rolls ever.
2. Payouts for signature and bounties is not day one priorities, the release is, so that will be addresses at a later date.
3. I will support Stars for just about any decision moving forward as long as it is justified and adds value. I have no interest is changing the was MD has had its success to date.
4. I understand that there are questions now that cannot be answered, but for now the beta will be announced soon and the launch soon after that.
5. We do not have access to MD1 at the moment so we have only worked on MD2 to dates. Bugs will be accessed soon.
6. I know it does not answer questions BUT I hope it buys some time
7. Im sure bounties will be offered HOWEVER I assume that loyal MD players will pass their recommendations so we can be better and faster after launch.
8. Star, if any of this information is in error, please feel free to correct me.
Here is info that was put on FD thread yesterday.
Bit early but I will give some base info.
We have done a deal for relaunch of MD2
After their closure I did offer 100% funding, developer and hosting solutions and the ability to have a 3rd eye on their system to make sure all rolls are truely random and not predictable, I have guaranteed that.
Star will run the show (specifically marketing) as normal as MD has little value without him. It is a partnership with growth as the plan.
I think star will be much stronger not having to worry about back end.
I expect to be a silent partner unless I am required on front end.
I will bring funding and expertise to the table, any potential issues will be fully screened before launch.
MD2 Is now online on my servers today BUT is not ready for production,
I assume star will announce when ready to launch when our dev are complete with setup. Limited people will be invited to beta launch when done.
Like I said , way early to let you know. I expected to stay silent after launch. No chance of that now I guess.
FYI, I have been watching MD since their start and watched their growth, that is the reason I actually made fastdice.com
We possess experience that MD has had to pay for in the past, MD will now enjoy having strong internal development at call.
MD and FD will be run as completely seperate dice games, we will try not to compete with each other other than dice space in general.
I hope this explaination is taken as a positive thing with the community, I only want growth of MD in the future. Opening of MD is not ready to be announced at this time but should not be far away.
The wallet you did see is a good faith reserve/working payment, additional funding will be placed at time of beta launch