ugye a nevek alatt ezek az új cuccok csak áprilisi tréfa?
The new rank components are:
Activity & Merit
As before.
How polite you have been in your posts, using language such as "please" and "sir". Politeness is after all the cornerstone of any good community.
An obvious extension on top of Merit, sMerit, and source merit. It is calculated using this simple formula:
min((1103515245*(uid+activity)+12345) % (1<<10),(1103515245*posts+12345) % (1<<10), (1103515245*merit+12345) % (1<<10))
Bitcoin would not even exist without Satoshi's impressive imagination, so I've decided to take this into account on the forum. Imaginative people are those who have posted many images.
This is an upright, God-fearing community which will suffer no witchcraft or other heresy. This stat measures your moral virtue. Warning: those with low virtue may be visited by the holy inquisition.
How many different coins you have invested in. A good Bitcointalker will maintain a reasonable balance between conservative (100% yearly return) and aggressive (7% weekly return) tokens/coins.
This is how many non-scammer trust ratings you have both sent and received. Due to our strict moderation of the trust system, this is sure to be a highly reliable measure of your reliability vis-à-vis the trust system.