Oh and another "little problem" ... on windows, there is no way to right click a exchange, a pair or a strategy to save it.
You _have_ to close leonardo completely to get your actual setup saved to disk and in one of 2 times, leonardo even can't do that but just crashes.
Thanks for the detailed report. We are looking into it!
No problem, i really like the software and if i can help, i'd be proud to do so.
So, as followup to the mentioned crashes on closing leonArdo, i found that actually _to many changes in open pairs and strategies_ whilst having 3 exchanges open seems to be a bigger problem than if you only have a few pairs open. Which may actually depend on the problems with the Bitfinex api, as leonardo seem to work properly if it is _not_ connected to bitfinex (ie this exchange is not opened at all).
So it looks to me, that there is a huge problem with the connections to bitfinex which eventually even keeps leonArdo from closing properly, or it just needs way more time than i am willing to spend to wait for it. (Well, program close to re open it in a sane state and watiting for 3 to 5 minutes for it to close is just ... not working.
Not if you just want to catch up with the actual market to do some trades.)
On top of that, it looks to me as if leonArdo even has some problems with catching up with the actual market data and even placed buy or sell orders need strangely a lot of time to finally appear in the ui.
#Feature request: I would like to be able to change the order of pairs from each exchange in the tabs list.
Right now, i have to open them in the order i want to operate them, on all exchanges on the same place so to speak. To have it that way, you have to open them in that specific order, which is a bit annoying if you have to do that for 3 separate exchanges (and actually on 2 different setups due to the bitfinex api changes.
But well, fixing this bitfinex problem gets a higher priority from me.
Greetings from Undeloh, Lower Saxony, Germany, Europe, (Northern Hemisphere of) Earth, Sol System, Milky Way Galaxy, Laniakea Galaxy (Super)Cluster, Virgo Supercluster;
P.s.: leonArdo just crashed with only having bittrex and poloniex with 10~12 pairs and avg 8~14 margin makers (switched on/off depending on market states, it's no self running magic at all.
) The actual crash happened after i tried to add an manual order iirc. I will keep an eye on that, it was after an uptime of more than 24hrs and tons of small but profitable trades and a lot of changes in pairs and bot/strategy setups (and additional manually adapted bot orders to keep up with bigger swings...