Linux bl4ckb0x 4.13.9-1-ARCH #1 SMP PREEMPT Sun Oct 22 09:07:32 CEST 2017 x86_64 GNU/Linux
LSB Version: 1.4
Distributor ID: Arch
Description: Arch Linux
Release: rolling
Codename: n/a
Let me know if you know something about coz Im really interested in this bot ....
Sorry about the delay in getting back to you. I am just back from holidays.
On Arch, the list of currency pairs is sometimes empty in leonArdo’s login screen. This is caused by our Qt being compiled with openssl 1.0 while Arch uses 1.1. There is a way to downgrade openssl but it requires us to twist the package manager's arm a bit in order for it not to uninstall a bunch of other stuff such as coreutils.
Warning: This way of getting leonArdo to run might therefore have dire side effects and you should know that you risk ruining your Arch install. If you are the adventurous type you can try the following on Arch:
sudo pacman -Rdd openssl
We are looking into a much better solution.
Best wishes,
Warning justified, we can now confirm that the proposed way of getting leonArdo to run on Arch Linux by downgrading OpenSSL as already feared *does* indeed ruin your Arch install. It will in fact render pacman unusable, so you can't even revert the changes anymore. So don't do it!
We hope we have a proper fix ready soon that then also helps Debian users who seem to be running into the same problem.
Yes, you can revert the changes ... Im running leanArdo on arch linux but maybe is not the best way ... (keep always a root terminal) :
sudo su
pacman -Rdd openssl
#### Run leonArdo from other terminal
./ <- At this moment its works fine, then lets fix openssl, pacman, to get root...
In our root terminal
tar xf openssl-1.1.0.g-1-x86_64.pkg.tar.xz
cp -fR usr/lib/ /usr/
pacman -S openssl (I use yaourt -Suy openssl --force)
Hey dude! what about kraken??