The answer is no, only the margin maker bot allows to put a stop loss but you cant set a sell order as its calculated dynamically.
A dynamic sell order for price target would in theory be even better than a fixed one. If I understand the margin bot correct it's a bot which executes a strategy of continuous buying and selling between a dynamic range. If I could instruct the bot to only do it once for
the coins I allready have than I would have what i'm looking for, but i don't think that's possible right ? (it would make it a 'sell-once-sell only'- bot basically)
I really hope someone can help me with this, because since it feels like such a basic feature, it really annoys me that I can't find it anywhere even after multiple days of searching.
You can set Leonardo to do this on the margin maker, you set the initial order to be "Sell" and set the "never buy above" price ie "0.00000001" btc/eth, so when it completes the first order it will set a buy order all the way down the bottom, after you sells are complete you can then remove any buy orders when you come back to your PC.
The sell order will be dynamic according to your Leonardo settings
EDIT: In fact i don't know whether it would even place a buy order as it would be outside the Margin makers params
First of all many thanks for this reply.
I tried to replicate this and it almost worked. The only unfortunate thing is it's impossible to widen the margin range enough (the red area in the graph) to reach my profittaking levels. Every time I start the bot it immediately puts a sell order at top of the red area. I've tried setting a minimum gain of 10% but that doesn't seem to do anything. (it still puts in the same sell order)
At last i tried the setting ''never sell below X'' which results in higher sell orders outside the red range, but after thinking about it, this option will probably eliminate my Stop Loss. So not an option ....
Am i missing something here ?
I will immediately buy this software if i can get it to work like I want, so maybe the creators can tell me if what i want is possible ?