
Topic: Martin Armstrong Discussion - page 179. (Read 647310 times)

Activity: 98
Merit: 10
October 26, 2017, 03:00:51 PM
Weather models seems to be spot on, incredible accuracy or incredibly lucky Angry Cold weather in western world will catch most off guard coming decade. There are now several people waking up to this you can see even youtube channels dedicated for a mini ice age growing very quickly in popularity. Marty was calling this cold period years ahead...

Dow shot up after 23k, facing some small resistance now. Not a bad call! Euro in real pressure already.

One thing marty somewhat got wrong is bitcoin, althught i agree there is a government risk. But he overall it's not a growded trade considering the bull run. Some altcoins seemed overhyped and down they came. Even if you talk to millennials  at least 3/4 of them will scream bitcoin is a ponzi, and nobody have invested during the bull run in fear of downfall. Very similar situation as with stocks. Even at the forums, majority of people are hating on bitcoin which is ashtonishing!, i'll take that.  Kiss I dont think marty have looked very closely what is going on with bitcoin

The PM or Wall Street crowd?

Also i think the main problem of crypto is its complexity. Millenials have problem just using crypto properly not even talking about understanding it. Logically the old folks will have even more trouble in doing the same.

I really believe we are still in the early investing stage or barely out of it.

Activity: 98
Merit: 10
October 26, 2017, 08:04:10 AM
One more attempt to open Martin Armstrong’s eyes about cryptocurrency and decentralized ledgers, then I must bow out of this forum to focus on work.

Hope this is helpful for everyone to understand what is probably going on.

---------------------------- Original Message ----------------------------
Subject: You’re myopia on decentralized ledger applications is understandable
From:    "Shelby Moore"
Date:    Thu, October 26, 2017 8:59 am
To:      [email protected]


I see you continuing to harp on the themes:

1. cryptocurrencies are not a medium-of-exchange
2. governments can make their own cryptocurrencies
3. governments can shut down cryptocurrenties with AML

Let me cover each of these:

1. It is true that as of this time cryptocurrencies are predominantly a
speculation on price rises and there is only minimal spending which is not
converted back to fiat (e.g. Bitpay converts to fiat for the merchant).

However you’re incorrect to claim that all long-term Bitcoin (sic)
“hodlers” are betting on converting their BTC back to fiat. A fair number
of us understand that Bitcoin was created in the model of Nash’s Ideal
Money wherein the nation-states will be subjugated to a reserve currency
which can’t be politically controlled by any nation or institutional body.
Even you admitted in your recent report on the coming one-world reserve
currency that the IMF SDRs are not plausible because no one is going to
trust them to be above corruption and because no one will risk issuing
loans in SDRs because the IMF has no taxing power or military might (thus
it would be a proxy of the most powerful nation-state(s) any way). So
clearly Bitcoin was created surreptitiously by some geniuses who
understand there is only one way to get the one-world currency. Bitcoin
was not designed to be a medium-of-exchange! It was designed and is
perfectly advancing towards being the future one-world currency. Mark my

Additionally you do not seem to understand that decentralized ledgers
disintermediate all top-down Internet coordination and we’re just waiting
for my project to launch and then you will see a massive rise in use of
cryptocurrency as a medium-of-exchange for nanotransaction gamification on
the Internet which is where most of the economic growth will be as the
industrial age dies and we move forward to the knowledge age. Tangible
things are withering in relative value to software. You should listen to
genius Marc Andreeseen about how every company will become a software
company. I will extend his thesis to every company will become a virtual
reality gamification company (and that does not mean just games, I hope
you understand deeply what gamification means, research it).

Perhaps reviewing my recent statement about my upcoming project will open
your eyes a bit:


See also:

Here’s my definition: cryptocurrencies are a new asset class that enable decentralized applications.

If this is true, your point of view on cryptocurrencies has very little to do with what you think about them in comparison to traditional currencies or securities, and everything to do with your opinion of decentralized applications and their value relative to current software models.

Don’t have an opinion on decentralized applications? Then you can’t possibly have one on cryptocurrencies yet, so read on.

And since this isn’t about cryptocurrencies vs. fiat currencies let’s stop using the word currency. It’s a head fake. It has way too much baggage and I notice that when you talk about Bitcoin in public you keep comparing it to the Dollar, Euro, and Yen. That comparison won’t help you understand what’s going on. In fact, it’s getting in the way. So for the rest of this note, I will refer to cryptocurrencies as crypto assets.

So, to repeat: crypto assets are a new asset class that enable decentralized applications.

2. You wrote about that again recently:

The Way to the Future – Cryptos Move Over

The Maldives has introduced what may become the next innovation. Maldives
Immigration has introduced a new type of ID card that replaces your credit
card, passport, drivers license and healthcare insurance card all wrapped
up in one.

Your mistake is that can’t be spent globally as instant nanotransactions
on a real-time decentralized ledger. Every nation with a different
cryptocurrency is a coordination nightmare. Software is global now and
will become increasingly more so. Nation-state currencies and systems will
only be viable for the withering industrial age tangible crap and the
dying fixed capital investment age. Again listen to Marc Andreeseen the
serially successful venture capitalist and creator of the web browser at

3. Governments love Bitcoin and cryptocurrency. They want to shut down
cash and blockchains are helping them do so.

Decentralized ledgers are going to help them track black money and enforce
their coming capital controls.

Apparently UAE Central Bank Governor has not read this report from UK
Treasury citing Bitcoin as LOW Money Laundering Risk. And Cash as #1!

IMF Head Foresees the End of Banking and the Triumph of Cryptocurrency:

Open your eyes else you’re going to be a dinosaur on this one.

Very intelligent subscribers of yours who have very much respected and
appreciated your work, are noting that you’re being a stubborn fool on
this issue.

I hope I have above opened your eyes a little bit to your myopic thinking
on this issue.
Activity: 98
Merit: 10
October 24, 2017, 10:00:11 AM
I hadn’t had the time to really catch up on what Trump has accomplished and this summary impressed me:

He is acerbic but retrospectively acknowledged to be effective. Sometimes there’s a method to the madness of a genius that other people do not comprehend while it is happening.

Jeff Flake was a cuckservative enemy of Trump, and went out denouncing Trump. The alt right is successfully nailing Trump’s enemies.

The inner party has been investigating Trump for imaginary crimes, but inevitably the investigation started turning up Clinton crimes, not Trump crimes, since the Clintons are criminals, and Trump is not. I expected the investigation to lead to a left wing coup or an attempted left wing coup, with some judge no one has heard of issuing a warrant for Trumps arrest on the basis of a grand jury indictment, to be followed not long afterwards with arrests of numerous prominent Republicans for insufficient leftism, but it looks like it is just going to evaporate.

With a permanent government coup against Trump evaporating, this makes a Trump coup against the permanent government (“You’re fired”) far more feasible, as everyone rushes to support the strong horse.

Trump has taken important and major steps to defunding the left. He has had far more success in defunding the left than Ronald Reagan. But the left is still massively government funded, while the alt right is still massively government persecuted.

If Trump takes power, falsifying the Moldbug thesis, it will be that the alt right frog marched him into power, as King David’s mighty men conscripted him into Kingship, and the junior officers hauled Pinochet off to the still smoking presidential palace. It is striking that Jeff Flake conceded on the same day, or within a few days, of the investigation into Trump going off the rails
Activity: 98
Merit: 10
October 23, 2017, 09:46:16 AM
Bitcoin is for sheep?

I refuted the somewhat famous and oft-cited Fat Protocols theory of blockchains:

Here are my most comprehensive and latest thoughts about the bubble we are in and the timing on LTC and BCH remains the same. Thanks to @btcbug for alerting me to this (as well @miscreanity for mentioning to all of us months ago about investors outside our ecosystem asking about Bitcoin):

I’ve been hearing from others (since roughly $2000) about them hearing from other investors (from outside our ecosystem) asking about Bitcoin. And here is the reason:


I highly recommend reading the above linked post. Feedback?

I tweeted it:
Activity: 98
Merit: 10
October 22, 2017, 06:11:29 AM

Ironically, most "truthers" get angsty when I start question their theories. Isn't that the point of being a truther... questioning what you've learned about everything everywhere?

I welcome any person with a strong functioning brain stem and reasonably decent IQ to listen the PhDs and scholars I linked to and the evidence and argument that Mossad did 9/11 and then I doubt none of them can rationally make good arguments against the theory.

Of course most people are too lazy/busy to expend 3 - 4 hours digesting the videos as I did, and also because they’ve seen so much crap in the past about UFOs, reptilians, and other diversionary disinformation crap that was ostensibly injected by Mossad to create confusion and discredit the truth.

I am saying that potentially you are wrong about who created Bitcoin. There have been so many different people that have been called Satoshi Nakamoto before, with all sorts of proof in each case. Now you think you've solved it? Think about how crazy you sound to the old timers that have heard the "Satoshi Was Found" story 100 times by now. You do appear to have some proof, but as far as I can tell, you and I both will most likely never know who Satoshi was. There is not a way to prove you wrong, just as there is not any way to prove that you aren't wrong. So please stop asking me to do so. Maybe you are right? I can't prove either way...

Criminal investigators look for motive, capability, and strong circumstantial/corroborating evidence. I found all three. All other prior attempts to identify Satoshi were diversionary disinformation crap that was ostensibly injected by Mossad to create confusion and discredit the truth.


IMO, SHA256 (and possibly Scrypt) as a hashing method is done as far as I'm concerned if this attack goes down, and so is any cryptocurrency that uses it. If this attack happens, then I will sell every single SHA256 token I have, and I will spend a very long time trying to convince people of that being the only way to punish the thugs that attacked Bitcoin. Let the bag holder's (miners/whales) be stuck with useless and valueless bags (usless mining hardware or effectively valueless tokens).

I don’t think so. BTC will become stronger (after some collapse in price and recovery) because it remained immutable as no Core thugs were able to monopolize the mutation of the blockchain for their bankster masters who funded them. Whereas BCH was an airdrop not a hard fork. The point being that the free market should decide which mutation is valuable, by making them all airdrops and not the anointing one over the others by some NYA of whales. Nevertheless, I think the entire Core thuggery is really just a Hegelian dialectic by design, to take BTC from sheep when immutability is ultimately restored. Again this is not a certain outcome nor is the timing certain. I reiterate this is a speculative interpretation of what I perceive may be the reality behind the curtain so to speak, although technological facts are in the open for anyone to analyse. Of course, my speculation could end up entirely incorrect or it could happen years from now when everyone has long since concluded I was smoking my own Koolaid.

the very nature of an “agreement” between a few parties in a decentralized consensus protocol can be interpreted as an aggression against the network.

My speculative perspective is that Core are the thugs and I will celebrate when this reality becomes apparent to everyone. Sheep are slow to learn, but the whales already know what is coming and why.

The SegWit theft will correct the thuggery and punish all those stupid enough to trust thugs.

Politics is rule by the manipulated sheep mob, i.e. thuggery by proxy. It is what we are trying to eliminate with decentralization.

Marting Armstrong explained:

The Silver Democrats virtually bankrupted the nation because they were paid off by the silver minors who had them overvalue silver at 16:1 to gold when in fact the ratio was more in the area of 133:1 at that time (1884 211,080 $20 gold coins v 28,136,000 $1 silver dollar coins).


If we look at the entire imports of gold and silver from America to Spain as reported by Earl J. Hamilton, we see 5.8 million ounces of gold compared to 545.4 million ounces of silver. This shows the real silver to gold ratio was 93.31 to 1. Indeed, just after World War I, this ratio soared to 120:1.


If they dare to come out in the open field and defend the gold standard as a good thing, we shall fight them to the uttermost, having behind us the producing masses of the nation and the world. Having behind us the commercial interests and the laboring interests and all the toiling masses, we shall answer their demands for a gold standard by saying to them, you shall not press down upon the brow of labor this crown of thorns. You shall not crucify mankind upon a cross of gold.

The Silver Democrats, led by William Jennings Bryan (1860-1925) and his famous speech against the Gold Standard, overvalued silver on a ratio to gold at 16:1, which led to massive arbitrage. Silver poured into the country and gold fled. This
unsound finance led to the virtual bankruptcy of the USA by 1896.

This is when JP Morgan came to the rescue and arranged for a gold loan to bailout the US Treasury. It was Morgan who made every effort to raise the stature of the United States in dealings in London. Indeed, by 1914, that was the final peak in the pound and thanks to World War I, Britain had found itself deeply in debt. The British pound had collapsed in value against the dollar significantly moving into 1920.

There are those pesky Zionists always creating false flags Hegelian dialectics (i.e. their manufactured crisis requires their solution) by manipulating the willful ignorance of the sheep. Yet Armstrong turns a blind-eye:

There has been a longstanding view that the Bible warns of a One-World-Currency. It has been a prophecy that many expect to unfold. This report is not based upon the Bible or any such prophecy. Nevertheless, if this report tends to warn of this possibility, keep in mind it is purely based on politics and economics and nothing more. Presented here is an economic review, not a conspiracy theory nor a religious prophecy.


Whatever the government needs to do to retain power, they will do without any comprehension of the long-term implication of their actions. Many people attribute way too much to those in power with their grand conspiracy theories. What they fail to understand is what is there is nobody in charge, and we are merely riding a train with no engineer? That is the real outcome of government action going forward. It’s worse than any conspiracy theory for we head into the unknown even for government and the elite.


Here are a few more excerpts which support my recent retort of @realr0ach about why gold is dead as money at least in terms of a medium-of-exchange:

The number one problem with cryptocurrencies is the idea that they can be the alternative to government. Yet you will still have to sell them at some point to pay your taxes, rent, and to buy food. Moreover, the government is not about to lay down and surrender to the world of cryptocurrency and just let people avoid taxation. That is NEVER going to happen. So we have to look at this issue no different than anything else because we are dealing with a governmental power.

Armstrong does not seem to understand that public distributed ledgers are the best tax tracking devices every designed. They’re a gift to the governments, which is why governments even such as Russia are embracing them:

By taxing crypto-rubles at the capital gains rate for those that cannot provide a paper-trail of ownership, Russia and Putin are incentivizing the development of low-cost crypto-payment systems to exchange rubles for goods only in cryptocurrencies that also track ownership, like Ethereum and others that have transparent blockchain histories.


The crypto-ruble provides the means by which to convert, transaction-cost-free, back into the national ‘fiat’ currency to pay bills, taxes and the like.  This is in direct opposition to how the U.S., for example, treats cryptocurrencies.

The 2014 I.R.S. rule that classified Bitcoin as ‘property’ means that every Bitcoin transaction, no matter how minor, creates a potential capital gains event.  It means that buying a cup of coffee at Starbucks in Bitcoin is taxable for both the person buying the coffee (capital gains on the sale) and Starbucks when they go to sell those Bitcoins, buy dollars and pay salaries, order supplies, etc.

It’s why the capital that has moved into cryptocurrencies isn’t moving back out.  It’s why the ICO market has exploded.  Billions in profits actively looking for new investment opportunities without paying taxes.

It’s also the main reason why Amazon, for example, doesn’t take Bitcoin.  Who wants that hassle?

Can you imagine Amazon’s Schedule D if it accepted Bitcoin?

The crypto-ruble’s structure dispenses with that for those that can prove ownership via the blockchain.  Bitcoin allows for transaction transparency, so does Ethereum, Litecoin and many others.

Armstrong seems to address Russia’s creation of a cryptocurrency:

The problem people do not grasp is that government can easily outlaw private cryptocurrencies and declare it as money laundering that avoids taxes. They will be 25 years in prison and the first person they prosecute will be held up as an example to scare the life out of everyone else.

Governments have to be wary of attacking decentralized ledgers because the users may simply defy the government and the government may be incapable of prosecuting every case.

Armstrong reiterated his coming short/strong dollar vortex:

Don't care, you are delusional

Quote from: private discussions
I am not sure about anything w.r.t. to the world view. But I can not refute the PhD & scholars compelling evidence that Mossad did 9/11 and the corruption in WW2 to create the Zionist state. Doesn’t mean I believe in UFOs, reptilians, and other disinformation from non-scholars.


People believe what they want to believe. Sheep like to ignore opportunities to separate from the herd and prefer to feel safe in the herd even when they are being harvested.

I have vacillated over the past 16 years on the global elite conspiracy theme. I became burned out on it for several years and was tired of listening to nutcases rail on and on about chemtrails, reptilians, etc.. But then recently I decided to watch some videos produced by PhDs and scholars about the evidence and arguments that Mossad did 9/11. And frankly, I can not refute that very compelling exposition.

Do you really believe that 9/11 was done by some Arabs who could not fly airplanes well in flight school who boarded the planes with box cutters (yet our government refuses to release the full length of the surveillance videos same as in the recent Las Vegas massacre). What is your explanation of this event (other than to just ignore it and focus on the ass of the sheep in front of you)?

I have an inquisitive mind.

I am interested in understanding the Zionists as it may pertain to what type of monetary systems, laws, and regulations we are headed into, so that my altcoin project has taken this into account as much as possible. It’s actually a very responsible action I am undertaking.

The following is the same concept as Nash’s Ideal Money, as FOFOA’s free gold concept, and what I mentioned in my blog. The problem is that no one knows how to achieve a reserve currency that won’t be (even if surreptitiously) centrally controlled and thus eventually abused!

In the instant case, we will need to create a neutral Reserve Currency that is free from domestic political conflicts such as the Democrats v Republicans in the USA. It must also be free of CONTAGIONS due to issues that may be nearby as took place with Britain during the 1920s. We will need all exchange in goods globally to be between two independent currencies converted through the independent Reserve Currency. Therefore, all commodities instead of trading in dollars will be traded in this new NEUTRAL Reserve Currency.

The reason this is so important is because who ever controls the one-world reserve currency can basically turn the world into slaves via debt similar to what is happening to Greece now and what will happen to the entire world soon due to the short dollar vortex underway:

Send this to Armstrong!

Apparently UAE Central Bank Governor has not read this report from UK Treasury citing Bitcoin as LOW Money Laundering Risk. And Cash as #1!

IMF Head Foresees the End of Banking and the Triumph of Cryptocurrency:
Activity: 98
Merit: 10
October 22, 2017, 03:24:40 AM
Another day another new milestone in high will this continue to rise -- do we see any trend changes coming up?
I've sold off from index funds now..and on side.

Armstrong predicts 38,000+ over next years. We may or may not get a SLINGSHOT dip along the way.

Here is a small sample of what Armstrong writes for subscribers (note I omitted the timing and pricing information for the DJIA as that is for paid subscribers only):

Quote from: Armstrong paid subscription update
Keep in mind that a Vertical Market does not give people a lot of chances to buy dips. It draws everyone in and the majority bullishness comes finally at the very end.

This is the difficulty in trading a Vertical Market. This will be our focus at the WEC in Orlando. You are getting a taste of what is to come and you are witnessing how real vertical moves unfold. It is like a party where everyone is drunk, but nobody is having a good time.

With Bitcoin all you hear is tremendous bullishness, In the Dow, all we have heard is it's too high. The market is simply pushing through as short keep getting stopped out and capital is pouring in from especially Europe.
Activity: 98
Merit: 10
October 18, 2017, 06:11:20 PM
Another day another new milestone in high will this continue to rise -- do we see any trend changes coming up?
I've sold off from index funds now..and on side.

Armstrong predicts 38,000+ over next years. We may or may not get a SLINGSHOT dip along the way.

The fundamental analysis is very positive,

The fundamental of Bitcoin and nearly all cryptocurrencies is they are a theft paradigm. Every Legendary I know has lost massive amounts of BTC due to scams and theft. This will continue to be the case.

The fundamentals are not the fantasy of defeating the powers that be and spreading freedom to the slaves, that many may imagine they are and which the mass media helps goyim to fantasize about.

Try to wrap your mind about the fact that the people who run the world are thieves. Jesus threw them out of the temple. They're always scheming ways to strip you of your productivity and savings. This is the reality of the world, not some silly fantasy about how we peons ($millionaires and such) rise up and cut off the head of the beast.


Since most of you have become wiser about safeguarding your private keys and not leaving your BTC on exchanges, the Zionist bankster thieves need a more sophisticated method of taking your BTC from you gullible goyim.

I see you are into "6"s lately so...
We are very close to 16,666,666 circulating supply, and $6,000...
6000×16666666 = 99999996000

Hmm. Well I am not that superstitious to base predictions on it.

I’m just noting probabilities.
Activity: 158
Merit: 16
October 18, 2017, 10:00:54 AM
I'm understanding learning from all the comments / dialogues on this thread.  THANK YOU ALL


Today's post by MA -

In regards to Metals -- my own opinion and I'm no expert...I wouldn't say its completely dead but would say it not the TIME for metals.
They will always have some use/ purpose etc.   Right now "TIME" is for everything Technology and that means also speculation on Crypts.

With respect to Crypts - as a newbie - I'm learning much from all of you here and thank you I'm not invested in Crypts at present but do plan to when feasible.   For metals I have some but don't plan on adding unless something changes.
What I've I find most useful - is never get married to one perspective and always be ready to adapt to changes "TIME" that's only way to survive along with COOPERATION.

Another day another new milestone in high will this continue to rise -- do we see any trend changes coming up?
I've sold off from index funds now..and on side.
sr. member
Activity: 770
Merit: 268
October 18, 2017, 09:15:35 AM
@realroach, gold is not divisible into microtransaction size units for spending. That is one of the reasons it is no longer suitable for where we are headed with the Internet and a global information highway.

Higher entropy systems means systems where there is more diversity and more uncertainty over specific outcomes. If that is your definition of complexity, then I am sorry to inform you that the Second Law of Thermodynamics dictates the entropy of the universe trends to maximum.

It’s ok to have a little bit of gold. But crypto is going to out perform by orders-of-magnitude. And I no longer see any point whatsoever to silver as monetary instrument.

Peak oil and peak resources is nonsense propaganda the Zionists have planted to fool you. OPEC can’t even make an agreement and Saudi Arabia is preparing to sell their oil as an IPO.
Metals being used as store of value. Gold, silver, copper were used as currency. Over the period of time the value of these metal surpassed the value they supported in form of coin. That is a silver coin of legal tender value 1 dollar was underpriced. Anyone melting that silver coin could fetch more value from the metal. Internet banking is more profitable for banks as for them it is better manageable. Without even liquidating assets or currency they juggle the amount from one account to other. Basic banking works on very principle that out of 1000 people operates their account only 4 or 5 will ask for cash or withdraw in cash. Most of the time people will put their money in bank and then bank will use that money to lend to other person at higher interest rate.
Time to invest in the metal is long gone. This is the era of crypto currency.
Activity: 98
Merit: 10
October 18, 2017, 06:10:37 AM
@realroach, gold is not divisible into microtransaction size units for spending. That is one of the reasons it is no longer suitable for where we are headed with the Internet and a global information highway.

Higher entropy systems means systems where there is more diversity and more uncertainty over specific outcomes. If that is your definition of complexity, then I am sorry to inform you that the Second Law of Thermodynamics dictates the entropy of the universe trends to maximum.

It’s ok to have a little bit of gold. But crypto is going to out perform by orders-of-magnitude. And I no longer see any point whatsoever to silver as monetary instrument.

Peak oil and peak resources is nonsense propaganda the Zionists have planted to fool gullible goyim like @realr0ach. OPEC can’t even make an agreement and Saudi Arabia is preparing to divest their oil fields in an IPO.
Activity: 2044
Merit: 1005
October 17, 2017, 05:29:34 PM
Indeed. And that is a good thing. We had discussed in great detail why gold is a barbaric relic whose time is coming to an end.

Some old guys still take Bitcoin profits into gold or silver, but the younger (and even GenX) guys realize gold is dying.

You are fighting against the laws of gravity if you believe metals will be displaced by craptocurrency.  I'll take the Joseph Tainter position any day on this subject matter.  When complex systems implode, they don't shift over to an even more complex system, they either go backwards in complexity or enter a full dark ages.  Complexity is not inherently good, it's a liability.  Another crux of the Joseph Tainter argument when extrapolated to it's end point is that overspecialization is essentially a Fermi Paradox-style extinction level event.  The invisible hand of nature will force chaos and implosions at random intervals to prevent this.  The world doesn't want "total order" as you always reference the term as being bad/an impossibility.

Metals always survive these random interval re-orgs of nature because they are very basic elements and almost indestructable; craptocurrency does not.  Not to mention craptocurrency being a far inferior settlement system with no reason to even exist due to not removing counter party risk and having built-in rent seeking middlemen (transaction validators - so called "miners").

Humans are not going into some type of permanent "knowledge age" as you seem to think.  Cyclical dark ages are kind of inevitable in the grand scheme of nature's design just like economic cycles.  If you actually did attempt to engineer some type of overspecialized "knowledge age", it would just make the coming cyclical dark age all the more severe and possibly lead to extinction.
Exactly we dont go back. Gold is a thing of the past. We already got past it with rate targeting fiat. Not thats replaced with crypto. Only fools cannot see that and keep trying to spit out flatout lies that gold somehow acts as a better medium of exchange even though its not even any more fungible than bitcoin. Flatout lying fools I tell ya! Hows that $600 btc sell into gold feeling right the way? Coulda.shoulda woulda listened to me but nope.

Your argument against metals is entirely based around the fact that you used to own a lot of metals and then gave up on them before the generational cash-in moment came.  To have an unbiased view, you have to own both metals and craptocurrency at the same time, and anyone who does own both tends to look at craptocurrency as a wretched thing that you feel like you need to ditch for more metals.
Im indian I own lots of metals trust me. But gold is old.. not buying more
Activity: 3080
Merit: 1688
lose: unfind ... loose: untight
October 17, 2017, 04:18:18 PM
To have an unbiased view, you have to own both metals and craptocurrency at the same time,

Well, no, but let's go with that for argument's sake.

and anyone who does own both tends to look at craptocurrency as a wretched thing that you feel like you need to ditch for more metals.

Not in my experience. I know a lot of folk that (at least claim to) own significant investments in both these categories. Most of which I am aware (myself included) are more bullish on crypto than on PMs.
sr. member
Activity: 924
Merit: 311
October 17, 2017, 09:56:53 AM
Indeed. And that is a good thing. We had discussed in great detail why gold is a barbaric relic whose time is coming to an end.

Some old guys still take Bitcoin profits into gold or silver, but the younger (and even GenX) guys realize gold is dying.

You are fighting against the laws of gravity if you believe metals will be displaced by craptocurrency.  I'll take the Joseph Tainter position any day on this subject matter.  When complex systems implode, they don't shift over to an even more complex system, they either go backwards in complexity or enter a full dark ages.  Complexity is not inherently good, it's a liability.  Another crux of the Joseph Tainter argument when extrapolated to it's end point is that overspecialization is essentially a Fermi Paradox-style extinction level event.  The invisible hand of nature will force chaos and implosions at random intervals to prevent this.  The world doesn't want "total order" as you always reference the term as being bad/an impossibility.

Metals always survive these random interval re-orgs of nature because they are very basic elements and almost indestructable; craptocurrency does not.  Not to mention craptocurrency being a far inferior settlement system with no reason to even exist due to not removing counter party risk and having built-in rent seeking middlemen (transaction validators - so called "miners").

Humans are not going into some type of permanent "knowledge age" as you seem to think.  Cyclical dark ages are kind of inevitable in the grand scheme of nature's design just like economic cycles.  If you actually did attempt to engineer some type of overspecialized "knowledge age", it would just make the coming cyclical dark age all the more severe and possibly lead to extinction.
Exactly we dont go back. Gold is a thing of the past. We already got past it with rate targeting fiat. Not thats replaced with crypto. Only fools cannot see that and keep trying to spit out flatout lies that gold somehow acts as a better medium of exchange even though its not even any more fungible than bitcoin. Flatout lying fools I tell ya! Hows that $600 btc sell into gold feeling right the way? Coulda.shoulda woulda listened to me but nope.

Your argument against metals is entirely based around the fact that you used to own a lot of metals and then gave up on them before the generational cash-in moment came.  To have an unbiased view, you have to own both metals and craptocurrency at the same time, and anyone who does own both tends to look at craptocurrency as a wretched thing that you feel like you need to ditch for more metals.
Activity: 2044
Merit: 1005
October 16, 2017, 10:20:39 PM
Indeed. And that is a good thing. We had discussed in great detail why gold is a barbaric relic whose time is coming to an end.

Some old guys still take Bitcoin profits into gold or silver, but the younger (and even GenX) guys realize gold is dying.

You are fighting against the laws of gravity if you believe metals will be displaced by craptocurrency.  I'll take the Joseph Tainter position any day on this subject matter.  When complex systems implode, they don't shift over to an even more complex system, they either go backwards in complexity or enter a full dark ages.  Complexity is not inherently good, it's a liability.  Another crux of the Joseph Tainter argument when extrapolated to it's end point is that overspecialization is essentially a Fermi Paradox-style extinction level event.  The invisible hand of nature will force chaos and implosions at random intervals to prevent this.  The world doesn't want "total order" as you always reference the term as being bad/an impossibility.

Metals always survive these random interval re-orgs of nature because they are very basic elements and almost indestructable; craptocurrency does not.  Not to mention craptocurrency being a far inferior settlement system with no reason to even exist due to not removing counter party risk and having built-in rent seeking middlemen (transaction validators - so called "miners").

Humans are not going into some type of permanent "knowledge age" as you seem to think.  Cyclical dark ages are kind of inevitable in the grand scheme of nature's design just like economic cycles.  If you actually did attempt to engineer some type of overspecialized "knowledge age", it would just make the coming cyclical dark age all the more severe and possibly lead to extinction.
Exactly we dont go back. Gold is a thing of the past. We already got past it with rate targeting fiat. Not thats replaced with crypto. Only fools cannot see that and keep trying to spit out flatout lies that gold somehow acts as a better medium of exchange even though its not even any more fungible than bitcoin. Flatout lying fools I tell ya! Hows that $600 btc sell into gold feeling right the way? Coulda.shoulda woulda listened to me but nope.
Activity: 98
Merit: 10
October 16, 2017, 09:05:30 PM
Re: Will BCH kill BTCSegWit while reinstating BTCSatoshi?

Guys I appreciate your feedback. I am busy doing errands. Will reply later and delete this post.

Hey Satoshi was not some Japanese nerd in his garage. Get a grip on reality. Bitcoin subjugates the nation-state central banks to a global ledger. And thus control over that global ledger is control over the world.

Proof-of-work will not converge to a decentralized consensus any more once the revenue from transaction fees exceeds the revenue from the protocol block reward. Thus Satoshi designed it such that it must become centralized, else it dies in a forkathon.

“Permit me to issue and control the money of a nation, and I care not who makes its laws!” — Mayer Amschel Bauer Rothschild

Come on guys, the logic is straightforward. Present cogent rebuttals please.
Activity: 158
Merit: 16
October 16, 2017, 03:34:48 PM
God forbid that an Asteroid or EMP or something else as powerful takes out the US grid....(Not Europe/ not Asia).
How would BTC and metals react to such havoc.


I'm thinking that perhaps a group (small /minority) will continue to use metals as way to stay out of BTC like systems of the Zionist.
Activity: 158
Merit: 16
October 16, 2017, 03:31:00 PM
God forbid that an Asteroid or EMP or something else as powerful takes out the US grid....(Not Europe/ not Asia).
How would BTC and metals react to such havoc.

sr. member
Activity: 924
Merit: 311
October 16, 2017, 02:20:25 PM
Indeed. And that is a good thing. We had discussed in great detail why gold is a barbaric relic whose time is coming to an end.

Some old guys still take Bitcoin profits into gold or silver, but the younger (and even GenX) guys realize gold is dying.

You are fighting against the laws of gravity if you believe metals will be displaced by craptocurrency.  I'll take the Joseph Tainter position any day on this subject matter.  When complex systems implode, they don't shift over to an even more complex system, they either go backwards in complexity or enter a full dark ages.  Complexity is not inherently good, it's a liability.  Another crux of the Joseph Tainter argument when extrapolated to it's end point is that overspecialization is essentially a Fermi Paradox-style extinction level event.  The invisible hand of nature will force chaos and implosions at random intervals to prevent this.  The world doesn't want "total order" as you always reference the term as being bad/an impossibility.

Metals always survive these random interval re-orgs of nature because they are very basic elements and almost indestructable; craptocurrency does not.  Not to mention craptocurrency being a far inferior settlement system with no reason to even exist due to not removing counter party risk and having built-in rent seeking middlemen (transaction validators - so called "miners").

Humans are not going into some type of permanent "knowledge age" as you seem to think.  Cyclical dark ages are kind of inevitable in the grand scheme of nature's design just like economic cycles.  If you actually did attempt to engineer some type of overspecialized "knowledge age", it would just make the coming cyclical dark age all the more severe and possibly lead to extinction.
Activity: 98
Merit: 10
October 16, 2017, 02:49:52 AM
We probably got a response from Armstrong. Obviously he is pretending the email said those things he wrote, but clearly he is responding and appears I caused him to do some more research:

I will try to address some of his points if I have time and energy. @OROBTC I will reply to your PM after some sleep.

@realr0ach I read your points and may respond later.

Has the introduction of cryptocurrency  been displacing gold as the alternative currency?

Indeed. And that is a good thing. We had discussed in great detail why gold is a barbaric relic whose time is coming to an end.

Some old guys still take Bitcoin profits into gold or silver, but the younger (and even GenX) guys realize gold is dying.

bitcon transactions are not blinded and the system has built-in middlemen (transaction validators/miners).  If I have a gold or silver coin on my table, I'm not required to ask anyone permission or pay anyone extortion fees in order to be able to spend or trade with it.  Bitcon is the exact opposite.  In order to be able to do anything with a bitcon (since transactions aren't blinded), I'm not only required to ask permission to a centralized transaction validator, but also required to pay extortion fees to them (which they can artificially raise to the moon) to do anything with it.

Taxation is a similar issue in the area of theft/extortion:

Bitcoin is not blinded because it is designed to be a tax tracking ledger. Agreed proof-of-work has some flaws.

You can’t trade gold and silver for anything (with any decent liquidity) without the government regulated market makers. We already had this detailed discussion and I am not going to repeat. You tinfoil hats will all end up being destroyed and your children with throw your shiny metal into the streets as the Bible predicts, because cryptocurrency has superior utility and liquidity.

If you don’t want to pay taxes, then change your citizenship to a country which does not tax you. Refusing to pay the IRS is likely to not work out well for you.

As I explained to Armstrong, the government can’t realistically/plausibly tax the nanotransaction virtual economy. So render unto Caesar what is his, and render unto God what is his.
Activity: 2996
Merit: 1903
October 15, 2017, 07:57:53 PM

If BTC gets to just $7000, I will go ahead and cash some more in for gold.  I am already on record at Zero Hedge for mentioning that. 

I have also mentioned there and here that it is unlikely that I will ever ("ever" in the short to medium term) trade all my BTC for Au.

I cannot time and trade "like the best of them", so I am a take the money and run kind of guy (which usually has worked out pretty well for me).

*   *   *


I am finishing my project on calculating my gains & losses in Bitcoin through the past three years.  Except for small spending on BTC hardware wallets, anything I have spent has been on gold, but my understanding (a weak understanding) is that once BTC is even bartered (in my case, payment for gold w/ BTC) that is a taxable event.  The gold dealers accepting BTC quote in dollars after all, even if accepting payment in Bitcoin as an option.

Re Jesus, keep in mind that Jesus is more concerned with matters far beyond Caesar's taxation.  He does not condone taxes, he does say that what is due to Caesar is due to Caesar, what is due to..., well you get my drift.  The Bible is written in a special symbolic & technical manner, meant to hand down the message through the millennia and to those at all levels of spirituality...

*   *   *, CoinCube, realr0ach and perhaps a couple of others of you will get a private message re this vexatious taxation of BTC gains & losses.

I will be talking with a taxation adviser, who is very good (and part of a good team), on just this topic once I have the raw numbers in.
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