
Topic: Martin Armstrong Discussion - page 255. (Read 647062 times)

sr. member
Activity: 336
Merit: 265
October 30, 2016, 03:37:36 AM
I think they are they are happy if you overpay $2 over spot for the oversupply of silver in the world. There is all the silver you want in 1000oz bars. How much do you need? I'll tell you were you can buy it.

Don't buy 18,000 oz of silver like I did. You'll end up bankrupt like I am.

If your goal is to actually make money, you would be buying before there's a physical shortage in 1000oz bars, not after (be first, be smart, or cheat).  I also hear even the big players are buying 1 oz silver eagles and NOT huge bars.

The problem is that physical silver coin is not ever going to be used as currency ever again, no matter what happens. Period.

1. We are in a digital age and no one is going backwards, no matter what happens. Period.

2. When global collapses ensues such that you think you might be able to use metal coinage, what actually happens is as follows.

  • As Fernando “FerFAL” Aguirre points out, only the currency that can be exchanged external to the crisis area has value. People are not bartering silver dimes, rather if you had German DMarks in Bosnia or USA dollars in Argentina, then these were accepted and liquid. Gold coins were much more difficult to liquidate because there is a funnel of few dealers that can't actually exchange them for the externally liquid currencies of USA dollars.
  • As Dmitry Orlov points out, everyone's priority is on food, security, and transportation. Direct trade of these is more valued than some metal which can't be traded for these needs, because these metals are not liquid.
  • Armstrong has also explained that gold and silver only have a value for as long as the collapse is not total and there is still an external market. During Dark Ages such as in Japan or fall of Rome, the gold and silver become entirely illiquid (is buried in the ground) and only food, guns, fuel, and alcohol+cigarettes become money.

See the link below to the description of the war in Bosnia:

You apparently lack appreciation of the significance of both marginal prices in economics, and also the non-linear effects of chaos.

1. With marginal prices in Economics 101, the price you pay is set by the most expensive producer. It is not a useful model to think of a 3/4 reduction in food production causing causing a 400% increase in prices, because when you take away 3/4 of the lowest cost producers, the new supply is highest cost producers. So as was the case in Bosnia, where the cost of food was driven by the highest cost producers, a tin can of Spam was $30 to $40, i.e. roughly a 1000% increase. You need to visualize this as disruption of economies-of-scale not only in farming, but also in terms of distribution economies-of-scale, security of farming and distribution economies-of-scale.

2. When the population has become dependent on high economies-of-scale in farming, distribution, credit, government, corporations, etc., and that is taken away by mother nature and or widespread war/pestilence (-4.5 F average temperature reduction in cold climates, with great aggregate effects such as flooding, droughts, etc), then the F.U.B.A.R. human effects are quite non-linear as described in that link bigtimespaghetti provided on surviving the war in Bosnia (which I had read long ago when it was first published). This can further exacerbate application of solutions and thus drive prices another 1000% higher.

Adaptation was essential as explained below, but the following adaptation can't be done if you are surrounded by humans who are suddenly thrust into a situation for which they are not prepared because they will hunt you instead of adapting:

Makes sense because the purpose of a currency is standardized, interchangeable units of measure, and bullion bars do not fit the bill.  They're only useful for industrial applications, which is why many places in Europe charge VAT on bars and not coins.  Also easier to avoid counterfeits with coins than bullion bars.

Actually doesn't make sense at all. You want to be buying bullion that can be liquidated if the collapse doesn't go extreme. Otherwise you don't want to be buying precious metals at all.

This is why crypto-currency is going to kick ass.

I would have maybe some 1 oz gold coins for a desperation situation, knowing full well that anyone that takes them in payment is only going to give me 1/10 their "official value" (or original value) in an apocalyptic collapse scenario.

Must better I have dollar bills and even better some crypto-currency, especially some that I am able to use anonymously if needed.

I am not betting on the apocalyptic collapse scenario, because if we go there then what I really need is to be self-sufficient. No amount of monetary currency savings can help me. I would need guns, fellow community, and ability to survive off the land.

Please stop talking nonsense about silver coins as an investment. It is stupidest thing I have ever once thought was true until I woke up from being a dumb ass tinfoil hat.

As for the future, both Hillary and Trump have talked about massive, expensive, public works projects, plus Trump has even talked about defaulting on the debt.  Tons of govt spending that won't be paid for is pretty bullish on anything that's not connected to USD debt markets.  We also reached peak oil in 2004, so extraction of anything from the earth is inherently more expensive after that date.  The markets have just not caught up to the fact yet since markets are manipulated and distorted.

So buy gold bullion.

We also reached peak oil in 2004, so extraction of anything from the earth is inherently more expensive after that date.  The markets have just not caught up to the fact yet since markets are manipulated and distorted.

Peak oil is propaganda lie that Rothschilds has been funding same as the Man-made global warming lie.

It is not true. You'd only need the flow of oil out of the ground of a medium size river, to supply the entire world's support of oil. The USA has risen to the #1 global producer over the past decade due to the discovery of fracking.

Besides we are moving away from carbon-based fuels and generation via nuclear energy, solar, hydroelectric, and geothermal. New technological breakthroughs in these areas plus battery technology will obsolete carbon fuels. Also we are moving towards living in high-density cities with mass transportation instead of one human per vehicle. Our vehicles can also improve efficiency by 100 - 200%. The technological innovation whirlwind is underway.

There is no strong case for silver. It is more volatile than gold, less liquid, and there is no supply crunch problem. The precious metal promoters are fooling you with lies and propaganda.

In the end though, you will always have tyranny without metals circulated as currency in native form.  A "gold backed" currency is useless, they have to be circulated.  Bitcoin does not solve any of those issues because Bitcoin is inherently a technoracy, which is what I told Theymos in the following thread:

There is no solution to the inviolable (insoluble) tyranny of the power-law distribution1 and the Iron Law of Political Economics power vacuum.

Sorry just accept the fate of the human race.

That unfortunate fact won't make gold and silver viable again, just because Bitcoin isn't a panacea. There will never be a panacea. Give up.

1 A. Dragulescu and V. Yakovenko. Exponential and power-law probability distributions of wealth and income in the United Kingdom and the United States.
sr. member
Activity: 336
Merit: 265
October 30, 2016, 02:06:43 AM

Rothschilds is forcing Obama+Clinton into a corner. Will they be forced to declare war on Russia to remain in control to prevent themselves from going to jail?

The RELIABLE sources from behind the curtain (1) say the Wikileaks has made the FBI look like fools, besides I reported previously that those working on the case unanimously believed she should be indicted. (2) the latest “new” emails go all the way to Obama and it appears that Hillary didn’t like reading long emails on her Blackberry. She was first sending them to Huma would then print them out for Hillary. Huma did not delete them so now they have the whole batch. This is the latest running around behind the curtain for they surfaced from another department when they were looking into allegation of Huma’s husband texting underage girls.

---------------------------- Original Message ----------------------------
Subject: Rothschilds caused the Oct. 28 ECM cycle date event!
From:    "Shelby Moore"
Date:    Sun, October 30, 2016 2:02 am
To:      [email protected]

Greetings Martin,

I was waiting for you to write that the FBI reopened the Clinton case on
your ECM cycle turn date of Oct. 28 (which previously you only noted w.r.t. to the
Bundy acquittals,

I had immediately noticed that and written about it publicly before you
did. But I had also noticed that Wikileaks was driving this with their
plan to announce on Tuesday, Nov 1, information that could irrefutably
incriminate Clinton and possibly Obama:

And I was pleased to see that you became aware that Wikileaks is forcing
the hand of the FBI:

Now others are picking up on what I (and Armstrong) were writing:

Trump is the way for the Joe Blows get to blow up the system and then the
economic collapse (and war) gets laid on Trump's lap.

Another possibility is that the global elite want to force war in the
Middle East, dump all the problems on Trump, and more over what I wrote:

I think the some Americans are willing to fight to the death for their
culture and way of life. Perhaps that is why Rothschilds may be promoting
Trump to the Presidency (via the alleged control of Wikileaks), so as to
unleash the conservatives against the Liberals in all out civil war mixed
with a potential war with Russia, so as to divide-and-conquer.

You can't kill the conservatives easily (there is a gun under every blade
of grass, and you can take each one from a cold dead hand). So let them
burn themselves out fighting several enemies.

This also fits with Armstrong's theme of the USA breaking up into regions
of conservatives and liberals self-segregation.

Martin, I would like for you to also contemplate that Bitcoin wasn't
likely created by some imaginary Satoshi in his garage. More likely its
development was funded by the global elite for the purposes of breaking
down resistance by nation-state currency systems and turf battles
resistance by banks, while also enabling digital tracking of every
transaction on a public blockchain. Knowing full well that profitable
proof-of-work does not remain decentralized (China's mining oligarchy
controls 65+% of the Bitcoin hashrate, thus controls the protocol).

Also Martin it makes me suspicious of you that you do not admit that a
global elite is a natural order within your models. It is as if you want
to deny the inviolable power-law distribution of wealth.

Shelby Moore III
Activity: 1260
Merit: 1000
October 30, 2016, 12:42:01 AM
Amazing summary of the motives of the neocons/khazars for war with Russia.  I already knew most of the picture, but not all the fine details:
Activity: 1260
Merit: 1000
October 29, 2016, 05:53:08 PM
I think they are they are happy if you overpay $2 over spot for the oversupply of silver in the world. There is all the silver you want in 1000oz bars. How much do you need? I'll tell you were you can buy it.

Don't buy 18,000 oz of silver like I did. You'll end up bankrupt like I am.

If your goal is to actually make money, you would be buying before there's a physical shortage in 1000oz bars, not after (be first, be smart, or cheat).  I also hear even the big players are buying 1 oz silver eagles and NOT huge bars.  Makes sense because the purpose of a currency is standardized, interchangeable units of measure, and bullion bars do not fit the bill.  They're only useful for industrial applications, which is why many places in Europe charge VAT on bars and not coins.  Also easier to avoid counterfeits with coins than bullion bars.  I really don't see how you managed to go bankrupt while holding $320,000 in silver.

As for the future, both Hillary and Trump have talked about massive, expensive, public works projects, plus Trump has even talked about defaulting on the debt.  Tons of govt spending that won't be paid for is pretty bullish on anything that's not connected to USD debt markets.  We also reached peak oil in 2004, so extraction of anything from the earth is inherently more expensive after that date.  The markets have just not caught up to the fact yet since markets are manipulated and distorted.  

Trump might even be supported by elements of the "deep state" because they already know the system is going to collapse, so they want someone to default on the debt and do it in an orderly manner instead of a chaotic one that sends the entire world into a new dark ages.

In the end though, you will always have tyranny without metals circulated as currency in native form.  A "gold backed" currency is useless, they have to be circulated.  Bitcoin does not solve any of those issues because Bitcoin is inherently a technoracy, which is what I told Theymos in the following thread:
sr. member
Activity: 336
Merit: 265
October 29, 2016, 03:49:23 PM
his supercomputer modeling of events in time

I'm not an Armstrong fan because he implies two completely irrational claims, that we live in a deterministic universe, and he somehow built a magical computer to unravel the secrets of said universe,

Your heart beats deterministically, the sun rises and sets deterministically, but we don't live in a deterministic universe. Why is that? Answer that question and then you will understand the genius of Armstrong.

Armstrong has never claimed his methods can predict every action of every actor. Nor that he can even predict what exactly which happen on any cycle date. Rather he can just predict that something will happen on a cycle date and that it will be related to some thing in that class of cycle.

So he predict broad long-term effects which repeat with regularity throughout history (note there is a complex interaction of these cycles which the supercomputer sorts out), but he can't predict various short-term actions with much better than 50/50 odds. On the very short-term he might be say 55/45% but on the cycle turn dates, he is closer to 100% but he can't predict what the exact event will be, just its broad taxonomy (e.g. economic confidence, war cycle, etc)

but all the predictions are the equivalent of Chinese fortune cookie proverbs that can be interpreted to mean anything so he can claim he's always right, or that the "timing" of said event has "just been put in motion" but we haven't seen the fruits of it's labor yet.  It's all ambiguous fortune cookie stuff.

You don't understand the broad thesis, because you just read a few blogs and don't put in enough effort. I read all his blogs for 4 years. So you see noise, I see patterns. Also I have a high IQ for seeing patterns. I don't know about you.

My mistake was assuming BTC was correlated to gold, even though Armstrong never wrote that. That was my mistake, not Armstrong's. I realize now that BTC is correlated to safe haven liquidity same as the dollar and USA stocks.

It's relative to your native currency.

Agreed. Good point. Gold will probably not decline in Euros from here forward.

Things like the Comex and ETFs are trading unallocated metals at 50-100:1 ratio, so that when shit actually hits the fan and there's a run on the fractional reserve metal system, the profits will be ridiculously enormous and I'm 100% sure Armstrong has no idea the date that happens.

I used to preach that nonsense when I was a goldbug. Now I know better.

I see you drank the gold promoter KoolAid. They aren't very smart. I have spoken with the guys from GATA.

This is why the central bankers WANT you to buy Bitcoin instead of silver.

I think they are they are happy if you overpay $2 over spot for the oversupply of silver in the world. There is all the silver you want in 1000oz bars. How much do you need? I'll tell you were you can buy it.

Don't buy 18,000 oz of silver like I did. You'll end up bankrupt like I am.

They get the added bonus that Bitcoin isn't actually decentralized and they can take it over.

Bitcoin is their spying machine and digital kill switch.
Activity: 1260
Merit: 1000
October 29, 2016, 03:19:06 PM
his supercomputer modeling of events in time

I'm not an Armstrong fan because he implies two completely irrational claims, that we live in a deterministic universe, and he somehow built a magical computer to unravel the secrets of said universe, but all the predictions are the equivalent of Chinese fortune cookie proverbs that can be interpreted to mean anything so he can claim he's always right, or that the "timing" of said event has "just been put in motion" but we haven't seen the fruits of it's labor yet.  It's all ambiguous fortune cookie stuff.

My mistake was assuming BTC was correlated to gold, even though Armstrong never wrote that. That was my mistake, not Armstrong's. I realize now that BTC is correlated to safe haven liquidity same as the dollar and USA stocks.

It's relative to your native currency.  If you live in the UK, Venezeula, or lots of other places, metals have damn sure been a safe haven.  Things like the Comex and ETFs are trading unallocated metals at 50-100:1 ratio, so that when shit actually hits the fan and there's a run on the fractional reserve metal system, the profits will be ridiculously enormous and I'm 100% sure Armstrong has no idea the date that happens.

This is why the central bankers WANT you to buy Bitcoin instead of silver.  They don't monkey hammer Bitcoin downwards because their metal system is fractional reserve and much more delicate in nature, and having it explode on themselves brings all their criminal activities to light, while Bitcoin going to the moon and replacing metals doesn't.  They get the added bonus that Bitcoin isn't actually decentralized and they can take it over.

You say that the world is short the dollar via debt, the "synthetic" paper gold markets are fractional reserve leveraged something like 100:1 because they only have to account for 1-2% physical delivery per month.  The world is short both dollars and metals, not just dollars.
Activity: 2912
Merit: 1852
October 29, 2016, 12:39:06 PM

Armstrong and iamnotback have gotten the latest moves in BTC and the dollar pretty spot-on.

BTC may still have a nice little run left in its current spike if some of the Chinese wealthy continue to want out with their money. 

So much BTC is there in China that it behooves us to keep a careful eye on their markets...

Ever observant Zero Hedge has another article today on BTC's latest spike up.
sr. member
Activity: 336
Merit: 265
October 29, 2016, 05:58:12 AM
Just to correct factual errors.

USA is starting a war with Russia to declare Marshall law you claimed.

I didn't claim that as a prediction. I posted a poll and Martin Armstrong's speculative theory; and I developed the theory further with research into that Rothschilds appears to be in control of Wikileaks and appears to be using the leaks to force one of several possible outcomes and goals.

sr. member
Activity: 336
Merit: 265
October 29, 2016, 05:12:30 AM

Rothschilds is forcing Obama+Clinton into a corner. Will they be forced to declare war on Russia to remain in control to prevent themselves from going to jail?

The RELIABLE sources from behind the curtain (1) say the Wikileaks has made the FBI look like fools, besides I reported previously that those working on the case unanimously believed she should be indicted. (2) the latest “new” emails go all the way to Obama and it appears that Hillary didn’t like reading long emails on her Blackberry. She was first sending them to Huma would then print them out for Hillary. Huma did not delete them so now they have the whole batch. This is the latest running around behind the curtain for they surfaced from another department when they were looking into allegation of Huma’s husband texting underage girls.
sr. member
Activity: 336
Merit: 265
October 29, 2016, 04:08:49 AM
r0ach, Armstrong has written about that sometimes a strong dictator is superior. He often uses Julius Caesar as an example.

You shouldn't allow Armstrong's interpretations impact your objectivity of the performance of his supercomputer modeling of events in time, with an unverified claim of the largest historical database ever assembled at some ~$billion in cost (in today's dollar value).

I watched him predict the Ukraine crisis, before it was on any one's radar. I watched him predict the rise of the War Cycle back in late 2013 and early 2014.

People focus too much on day-to-day even month-to-month speculations. That is not the value of Armstrong's model. It is the long-dated predictions of his computer which are stable.

I do have an issue with Armstrong's database and model not being open sourced. Makes me very skeptical about whether he is some figurehead financed by the global elite to deceive us. But life is not perfect. We must operate with fuzzy data. His model has been predictive for me.

My mistake was assuming BTC was correlated to gold, even though Armstrong never wrote that. That was my mistake, not Armstrong's. I realize now that BTC is correlated to safe haven liquidity same as the dollar and USA stocks. This seems to indicate that maybe before gold starts to blast off in 2018 or so, that Bitcoin will suffer some bad fate perhaps (does my altcoin project destroy Bitcoin? lol). Or maybe BTC becomes correlated with gold.
Activity: 1260
Merit: 1000
October 29, 2016, 03:24:01 AM
Armstrong is hyping the defeat of the monarchy in one of those articles.  Once you get past all the bullshit, the senate is just a decentralized tyranny, while a constitutional monarchy actually has a figurehead you can kill if they become tyrants.  The decentralization of tyranny was not a step forward and a constitutional monarchy is actually better in the end.  The only real benefit of decentralizing the tyranny is to average out behavior between somewhat normal people and psychopaths instead of occasionally ending up with a unilateral psychopath leader like Nero.
sr. member
Activity: 336
Merit: 265
October 29, 2016, 12:51:27 AM
The dollar has to be lower just in order to be realistic about its current worth.

Incorrect. The dollar will go to ATHs in 2017 or 2018, for the reason I told you (which comes from Armstrong).

It must go sky high to totally break the global economy into an abyss, which will then destroy the dollar and usher in the new global monetary reset with Asia leading the way coming out of their bottom 2020.

You've got to understand Armstrong's thesis about the $11 trillion dollar global short position and the international capital flows into the safe haven reserve currency as the crisis elevates into total chaos and war every where. Later the dollar will peak due to killing the global economy, and that is when you want to have gold.

For now, you want the dollar, US stocks, and Bitcoin. Later in 2017/18, you want to transition to gold.

It is still possible for gold to sell off to $850 as the dollar rally and US stock market rallies accelerate due to the rush to a safe haven. The world is not yet really to admit it is totally fucked and move to gold. That will come later. You will see a double in the US stock market over the next 2 years. Probably a triple or more in Bitcoin. Gold will go down.
sr. member
Activity: 336
Merit: 265
October 29, 2016, 12:46:06 AM

As I told you it would on Sept 3.

I'm still waiting for the collapse of 2015.75

Are you blind? It is already in full effect. What the fuck is happening in Europe due to what the fuck happened in Syria due to what the fuck what Hillary Clinton fucking up in the Middle East due to what the fuck day did Putin enter Syria officially (hint: Oct 1, 2015).

More education for your blindness here.

Listen, you're delusional

Maybe you are too. Compile your well researched facts, because afaics, you've documented nothing. It is your ideology only, i.e. prone to delusion. Enjoy it.

In case some of you foreigners haven't heard yet, our FBI director is re-opening the investigation of Hillary again as of this afternoon and the left is freaking out! Dear October...Surprise!

She's finished. Lower level FBI agents that were furious that their director played the coverup artist back in July, are investigating Hillary's aide's husband for interstate trafficking of sexual pics w/ a 15 yr old girl and this is where the new info is coming from - potential classified info on Weiner's server. There's something big going on and the FBI director's hand is being forced by his agents that will blow the lid if he doesn't act outright as he's perceived to be doing today. Trump's stock is rising heavily and dems are in freakout mode.

Wikileaks promises to release emails which send her to jail:

Sending messages by voting for wolf-in-sheepskin-centrist-marshmellow Gary Johnson (diluting the vote against Clinton!) and citing ancient photos as objective rationality are for non-objective pussies (Trump is an ego maniac is both playing all sides and being played by Rothschilds).

Click my Rothschilds link and start to grasp that the situation is much more complex than your simpleton good vs. evil conceptualization.
Activity: 4004
Merit: 1428
Catalog Websites
October 28, 2016, 05:27:35 PM
When Trump wins, in order to re-industrialize America he has to devalue the dollar.

The dollar has to be lower just in order to be realistic about its current worth.   Its more supported and set in price as a global chess piece then an actual national currency, thats a blessing and a curse.
I see a realistic exchange rate as the best conduit to business, capitalism is dynamic not fixed centrally?

No matter our opinions or who wins in politics at any stage or level of power, the dollar is going down.   I dont think it can be argued otherwise just because its so incredibly unlikely that US government will cut back its fiscal deficit, run a surplus repaying debt, reversing QE and raising rates to be above inflation and so actually tighten monetary policy.    Isnt it just the case that no matter what, the current situation will carry on till it hits the rocks and a serious deformation to the status quo occurs.    
Personally I dont see that big event as resulting in Dollar higher value but it did in 2008 so who knows but that is the tail end of its use globally.  The business and politics and USA doesnt seem to show any way the dollar can be higher.  Its only because its so solidly counter balanced by larger populations and business outside its borders that Dollar is even where its at

Here is dollar index since leaving gold standard, it doesnt reflect the debt or trade gap.  Its still to fall and leave what is now its point of strength, making now (long term) a good time to sell dollar imo.  It could be argued every currency has devalued at just the same pace so its right that the sum average of the graph is sideways neither up or down but if USA loses its reserve currency use it would be lower and thats the result of mismanagement via QE.  
  I think Greenspan and Bernankes words recently justify that view, a change away from the norm will occur
sr. member
Activity: 336
Merit: 265
October 28, 2016, 04:25:43 PM
When Trump wins, in order to re-industrialize America he has to devalue the dollar.


This destabilizes the status quo corruption and which will unleash the massive dollar short which Armstrong has documented (some $11 trillion) which will send massive capital flow into the dollar safe haven. I wrote more about that here:

The dollar will rise along with Bitcoin. Eventually gold will flip and rise with the dollar, or wait until the dollar peaks sometime late 2017 to 2018 or so.

I would not be in gold and silver. Be in crypto and the dollar. Transition to precious metals later in 2017 or so when you will be able to buy it for relatively less than now.

Sorry r0ach if this heresy to your ears, but you will very likely be wrong about the timing on gold and the dollar. Sorry.
sr. member
Activity: 336
Merit: 265
October 27, 2016, 12:28:00 AM
Clicking the Armstrong links in this blog of mine, will give some perspective on just how prescient his computer has been:
sr. member
Activity: 336
Merit: 265
October 24, 2016, 04:29:34 AM
Armstrong's prediction of shift of economic center of the world from West to Asia is well underway:

..., and certainly a huge portion of the population with any money to spend.

Well the Asians are going to have the most money to spend in aggregate, especially after 2020 as the West collapses. The hightech nerds in the West will still have money to spend, but the 2nd degree relations maybe not. Btw, if you need some convincing on this, check this out and realize that no one in the West will be earning more than about $2 - $3 per hour for any job that can be outsourced online (as the Western Sovereign Debt/Socialism collapse ensues in earnest 2017 - 2032):

When Duterte was in China this week to declare Philippines was saying goodbye to its subservient alliance with the USA, he announced telcom deals to upgrade Internet broadband in the Philippines. There are huge 10 story call/BPO centers being built all over Davao for example (and every city in the Philippines).

Asia doesn't have the entitlements, so taxes thus wages can remain low (and China's debt can written down unlike the West's debt which will increase forever until the socialists die) until full employment is attained for billions of Asians (then wages can rise faster for all skill levels). For example look at Singapore's medical system financing:
sr. member
Activity: 336
Merit: 265
October 22, 2016, 03:07:28 AM
---------------------------- Original Message ----------------------------
Subject: Fact check before you publish false amateurish allegations
From:    "Shelby Moore"
Date:    Sat, October 22, 2016 3:06 am
To:      [email protected]
sr. member
Activity: 336
Merit: 265
October 21, 2016, 08:43:39 PM
Armstrong's rise of China is underway. The President of the Philippines has announced his military and economic separation from the USA and realignment with China: (see end of video) (see video!)

Technical Education and Skills Development Authority Director General Guiling Mamondiong also tried to ease fears that Mr. Duterte’s declaration would have an adverse effect on the information technology and business process outsourcing sector of the economy.

“In my view, labor force is not affected by foreign relations,” Mamondiong told reporters.

“Our workers who are now at the call centers are needed by the US. Regardless of what happens [in our relations with the United States], I don’t think this is going to affect the labor force in our country,” he said.

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