> I strongly disagree for a number of reasons. That Assange told a reporter
> he gets annoyed with false conspiracies like 9/11 is the apogee of
> disrespect for truth and justice. 9/11 being the fulcrum event launching
> the genocidal war on terror and the rise of the global police state was
> single most important thing he could have focused on.
> I will not try to convince youof this. Believe what you want to believe.
Let me quote Hillary in response, "
What difference does it make!".
Who cares if he is consciously evil and part of a diabolical plan, or if he is just influenced by his youth and following an ideology that resulted from being abused as a child. Aren't we all?
The human condition is becoming more apparent to me. I see myself now. Reactionary. Ideological. Fighting daemons from my past. All of us are.
Success is stripping away that addiction and focusing on production. Put the blinders on, we have a horse race to win. Everything else will fall where it may.
It seems you derive a lot of self-worth and satisfaction by knowing how evil others are. That you understand very well all the interworkings. I am a curious guy, so I bit on that.
But I don't like to know how evil we all are. The only person I want to know more objectively about the evil inside is myself. I want to solve the evil inside of me. Other people have to deal with theirs.
I hope we could be friends on a different topic. I see no benefit whatsoever from analyzing the evil of others. I am not in control of them. I can't do anything about it. I can only effect myself and the life around me.
Regarding your specific point, people have an ideology and they will justify anything because the ideology overpowers their evaluation of facts which would otherwise conflict with their goal(s) and ideology. Also Assange may think "
what difference does it make now" about 9/11. He may be practical and realize that people like you (and me) accomplish absolutely nothing w.r.t. to all the analysis. It is a masturbation.
And/or he may have fake empathy like Clinton and be a functioning high-level autistic. I don't know. There are lots of weird people on this planet. and there is no way that you nor I can control them. They reach positions of power and influence and this will always be the case. There is nothing we can ever do to stop that.
I am moving on to what I can do. Seems more sane.
It is not a question of what I believe, because I don't even know the man. It is question of having a sane set of priorities of what I should expend my effort on in what remains of my life.
I am not shooting you. I am saying that you AND I went through a phase of analyzing everything. And I did it with the hope of finding a cure. And you apparently did it because it fits your research interests to analyze the minds of sociopaths.
I am just saying now that for me, there is nothing in that which can help me. Maybe for you, you want to continue that for research reasons. But I also perceive that maybe you are sort of addicted to that as if it makes you feel something superior or some benefit to yourself for knowing that you know.
But for me, it doesn't seem to benefit me to know that information. All I can see is that it made me crazy paranoid and caused me to lash out trying to find solutions for problems that can't be solved.
I am an engineer. It means I want to creatively find solutions to problems or improvements that can be made to our quality of life.
I don't see any point to analyzing something if I can't do something about it or if doesn't help me make some decision.
I don't see how any of my decisions would change based on knowing the shenanigans of the evil globalists. I don't think it impacts where I would choose to live. I don't think it impacts which projects I should work on. Well actually maybe by being so paranoid I would work on projects that are unrealistic instead of ones that could actually generate a profit.
Maybe that could be a contributing reason to why I am in a difficult situation now, because of not having good priorities about what I should be focusing my energies on thinking about and working on.
I am in a desperate situation right now. And I need to make quick
decisions on how to rectify it. So it seems to me that deciding to let all this globalist hell on earth stuff go away from my consciousness as much as possible is one of the better quick and easy decisions I can make.
What bothers me is you aren't even thinking about my well being.
I reached out to you again because I'm in a stage of great upheaval and uncertainty. And I reach out to those who may have some wisdom and can help me. Just as if someone reached out to me, I would try to help them (at least that was my pattern in the past before I became so depleted).
I didn't reach out to you trying to help you. I am the one who needs help right now. Maybe in the future I'll be ready to help others again.
So if I agree Assange is a horrible evil person, how does that help us? What do we do with that? Does that make us feel good? Have we accomplished something useful? What is the utility. As a research on sociopaths I guess. But I didn't choose that as my field of interest.
And again, I haven't met him and I don't have a complete record of all his actions, and writings so I can't really form a certain judgement of all his psychology. And even if I could, why would expend so much effort to know that much about another person? I don't even know that much about my gf. I have always been sort of the geek who is too busy doing some creative work to analyze people in depth. I get around to analyzing people when I need to, such as when they are causing a problem. I've learned later in life to be a bit more circumspect so as not to enter another relationship from hell.
As I remember you are very empathetic person and took care of someone for a long time who was ill. And I think that person was very much into this sort of analysis that you enjoy. So perhaps there is some emotional connection for you in that. I would understand if so. I apologize if I am not a suitable surrogate for the reasons I stated above. There was a time for me to be curious about that, but now it needs to come to a close.
I hope we are still cordial and friends. I appreciated your friendship from 2005 until my health got bad in 2011 or so. We exchanged a lot of ideas. It was fun and informational and we had a rapport for while.
But I think the actual shit is hitting the fan now. I don't want to be depressed all the time, because that is one of the psyops as you know. They try to wear us down.
My wishes for you is hoping you are still out on your bike and enjoying God's creation. And hoping you having good social interactions that are healthy.
Please I am not against you. I hope you understand I am trying to make decisions based on mental, emotional, and physical health, as well as maximizing production.
My warmest and sincerest to you. Take care.
I realize my statement was very abrupt to cut off giving mental and emotional
energy to globalism.
I just realize it is a waste. It is intractable. It has been part of the
human condition since Mesopotamia. Yeah the devices of enslavement have
changed from whips and rope, to digital control, yet it is the same shit.
It won't ever stop. It is part of humanity. The epipheny is to not wrap
my life around that. Uninteresting now that I think about it from that