...I have come across Owen Jones, I cannot remember much about him, but I remember disliking his glorification/absolution of responsibility of the poor, despite his best intentions he still sees them as children that need helping, perhaps I misread his opinions. I should probably make an effort to skim through some of his books.
Among those who understand how the previous generations benefited there is resentment or frustration. Which could well lead to some radical policies in the future- rent controls, price freezes on utilities ect...
Yes, I'd agree on your last comment. People get rabid when the NHS is threatened, despite it being a shambling inefficient mess. If I had to make a one line comment it would certainly be that real change would occur if all of a sudden the NHS becomes inviable. But by then perhaps it would be too late.
I haven't quite made my mind up about Owen Jones yet, exactly what his agenda is; I agree with your description of "...his glorification/absolution of responsibility of the poor..." perhaps cynically - I'm not sure - to perhaps prepare his way for political ambitions?
Btw, anyone wanting an insight into living through the Great Depression in the UK should consider reading
"Harry's Last Stand: How the World My Generation Built is Falling Down, and What We Can Do to Save it" http://www.amazon.com/Harrys-Last-Stand-Generation-Falling/dp/1848317263 "Born in 1923 in the north of England and a longtime resident of Toronto, Ontario, Leslie Smith witnessed firsthand the horrors of the 1930s depression and the rebuilding of the world out of the rubble of the Second World War. He now fears that history is repeating, and with a voice as angry as it is lyrical, Harry shows us younger generations what the world looks like to him—and why we shouldn't take it lying down".
Coming from a similar background, my 90-year-old dad devoured the book and could be seen nodding in agreement throughout, finishing it in one sitting. I couldn't really agree with the solutions he offered, but hey.
I descend from my grandfather Shelby H. Moore Sr. on my father's side...We used to have long discussions about religion and morality. He was my best friend and in ways my true father.
A vivid picture you paint with your recollections. Reminds me of long chats into the early hours with my father about almost every subject under the sun, when he was younger. We are apparently very similar, so sparks tend to fly!
I'm just plain old 100% English as far as I know, though possibly a little Welsh on my mother's side, who's ancestors originated from a town on the old England / Wales border.