
Topic: Martin Armstrong Discussion - page 344. (Read 647062 times)

Activity: 2268
Merit: 1141
Activity: 1484
Merit: 1002
Strange, yet attractive.
September 17, 2015, 01:01:40 PM
Have you heard about demographic transition?

If Muslims do more children than Christians or post-Christians it's not because of their religion but become they come from poor countries. A lot African migrants are Christians, and their fertility rate is high.

You probably gave it a better perspective than mine - I admit your explanation is better. The outcome still remains the same though. The demographic transition is happening as we speak. Funnily enough though; in Greece the people who migrated here a couple of decades ago (Nigeria, Kenya, Albania) blended in with the rest of us. They only got about 2 children tops. So there you have it... The "virus" got them too.
Activity: 861
Merit: 1010
September 17, 2015, 11:57:05 AM
its manufactured to break the identity of the old EU countries.
problem is it seems to be more "resistance" than predicted with nationalism patriotism rising everywhere.
so hopefully it could also ultimately lead to the demises of shengen's aberration, and then shortly followed by the EU as a whole, with its euro crap (by the next greek "crisis").
+ lmao at the germany now closing its borders.. Roll Eyes

This could be true, but I'd pose another thought for you... The EU population is getting old. We're a land of "old people". I've mentioned it before, but the biodiversity of all human beings is only 0.02%. It doesn't matter if you're "Native American" or "Scottish" for that matter as long as you keep up with the most important thing in your existence. Which is NOT to make money NOR make yourself smarter.

It's to give birth to children!

Maybe you agree, maybe you don't, but the truth is that the migrants are a blessing towards modern societies. I wouldn't blame Christianity for equalizing people nor the Muslim dogma about having the women treated as lesser beings. They both serve their cause, only the second one serves it better! Every woman has about 4 to 5 children, where a christian one only has one or none at all. Our consideration of "in what world my child will live into?" is our Achilles heel that will eventually bring us down.

Islam doesn't have that. Women are "tools" towards its dissemination of culture and religious beliefs. It's a "silent" war. It's been happening since the '90s. Only a few back then had the ability to foresee a continental EU as "Eurasia".

So, what will it be? Prepare yourselves for a multicultural Europe. It's already here in France, Netherlands, England - even Greece. Don't be afraid of it; there's the same virus that will eventually catch them all like it did with us the last couple of decades. It's called "Science & Technology". Evolution-wise these things will eventually normalize them to what we became as well... And they too, will be religion-free after a while.

Yeah. Just like us. And then we will have to find another migrant wave...
Have you heard about demographic transition?

If Muslims do more children than Christians or post-Christians it's not because of their religion but become they come from poor countries. A lot African migrants are Christians, and their fertility rate is high.
Activity: 1484
Merit: 1002
Strange, yet attractive.
September 17, 2015, 11:00:23 AM
its manufactured to break the identity of the old EU countries.
problem is it seems to be more "resistance" than predicted with nationalism patriotism rising everywhere.
so hopefully it could also ultimately lead to the demises of shengen's aberration, and then shortly followed by the EU as a whole, with its euro crap (by the next greek "crisis").
+ lmao at the germany now closing its borders.. Roll Eyes

This could be true, but I'd pose another thought for you... The EU population is getting old. We're a land of "old people". I've mentioned it before, but the biodiversity of all human beings is only 0.02%. It doesn't matter if you're "Native American" or "Scottish" for that matter as long as you keep up with the most important thing in your existence. Which is NOT to make money NOR make yourself smarter.

It's to give birth to children!

Maybe you agree, maybe you don't, but the truth is that the migrants are a blessing towards modern societies. I wouldn't blame Christianity for equalizing people nor the Muslim dogma about having the women treated as lesser beings. They both serve their cause, only the second one serves it better! Every woman has about 4 to 5 children, where a christian one only has one or none at all. Our consideration of "in what world my child will live into?" is our Achilles heel that will eventually bring us down.

Islam doesn't have that. Women are "tools" towards its dissemination of culture and religious beliefs. It's a "silent" war. It's been happening since the '90s. Only a few back then had the ability to foresee a continental EU as "Eurasia".

So, what will it be? Prepare yourselves for a multicultural Europe. It's already here in France, Netherlands, England - even Greece. Don't be afraid of it; there's the same virus that will eventually catch them all like it did with us the last couple of decades. It's called "Science & Technology". Evolution-wise these things will eventually normalize them to what we became as well... And they too, will be religion-free after a while.

Yeah. Just like us. And then we will have to find another migrant wave...
Activity: 1260
Merit: 1002
September 17, 2015, 09:14:17 AM
I've often stated here that we're en route for a EU Federal State. This could not be achieved via a Democratic procedure. TPTB had to create the "need". The need is here in the form of millions of migrates. Their expatriation has been carefully designed and it's been enforced in various forms for the past five years in Syria, Iraq and Pakistan.

The last and most brutal measure, came in the form of Islamic State. Whoever is dumb enough to believe that this wasn't the "child" of TPTB shouldn't be here reading these lines. It was all in the plan. Now, Germany (who firstly stated that "we welcome the emigrants") now closes its borders; the same goes for Austria, while Hungary raised a fence that whoever tries to pass either is imprisoned or abolished from the country.

"The Need" for us Europeans to maintain our territory and protect our borders is "finally" here. We NEED a European Army. Everybody should give what they can; the poor and the rich. The conservatives and the socialists. The migration crisis affects us all...

This Is Gentlemen. The 1st step towards a European Federal State. The United States of Europe finally has something to celebrate.

Goodnight and good luck.

I agree, this seems manufactured to create this outcome.

its manufactured to break the identity of the old EU countries.

problem is it seems to be more "resistance" than predicted with nationalism patriotism rising everywhere.

so hopefully it could also ultimately lead to the demises of shengen's aberration, and then shortly followed by the EU as a whole, with its euro crap (by the next greek "crisis").

+ lmao at the germany now closing its borders.. Roll Eyes
Activity: 1722
Merit: 1000
September 17, 2015, 09:06:44 AM
It would appear America is loosing it's grip to unleash fake attacks on this planet... hum... that is good but I am sure China will take over this as you can so easily force any country you want to do what you want.
Activity: 1652
Merit: 1057
September 17, 2015, 03:09:29 AM
There is a lot of waffle- but I found this interview interesting. It is with a German and Stefan Molyneux who I'm sure many of you are familiar with. Regarding the migrants (I refuse to refer to them as refugees) as a significant portion (if not majority) are actually economic migrants. And since they are breaching the law in not claiming asylum at the first country they enter they are also technically illegal immigrants. Though I guess a few photos can brush over that fact.

It puts into perspective (with some numbers and facts). Some quite disturbing figures regarding rape statistics too.
Activity: 961
Merit: 1000
September 17, 2015, 02:51:13 AM
So what happens next?  Something that most humans would agree is the "right course" (socializing aspects of the country to bring everyone out of poverty) takes its toll on a country's economy, especially when that economy is based on a fleeting representation of generating power that is neither scarce, nor is future proof.  

Do you believe that this is the fate of the first world as well?  If the hyper-printed Euro and Dollar are a foregone conclusion, especially with our current mandate to support a massive older population with a Social Security fund that can't handle it, and overpriced medical care for people that willfully inflict ailments onto themselves via not exercising and overeating... do you believe that we will also see once prosperous middle and upper class neighborhoods turn into lynch mobs and madness?  Or will the shepherds prevail in transitioning the flock into a system that doesn't price goods and services in energy costs (by substituting artificial scarcity)?  


What happens next is intriguing. With the coming of 2015.75 there seem to be a number of factors swirling around that could contribute to the decline. It is said that in airline crashes a number of minor things need to go wrong in sequence for the accident to occur, the Swiss Cheese theory. Today in the EU we have:

Highly indebted countries

High levels of unemployment (esp Youth Unemployment).

The rise of left leaning parties, but also the rise of far right parties, both in reaction to the austerity driven status quo governments that have remained in charge since 2008

Unelected bureaucrats controlling the EU.

A massive refugee problem.

My take is that bombing the hell out of places like Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, Libya etc etc for upwards of a decade means that "Allied" powers need to bear some responsibility for their disastrous, short sighted and ill researched 'invasions'. But I also acknowledge that helping costs money. So the problem is that nowhere has recovered economically quite enough to deal with the burden of supporting millions of displaced people. Already the welfare entitlements of the citizenry are unlikely to be honoured and there is little capacity (apart from can kicking) to accommodate millions more.

Will this increased burden break the economic back of a country or area? (and where will be first to crack?)

What happens if we have a further economic downturn in the meantime, or concurrently?

In which direction does government swing - further left or hard right?

hero member
Activity: 770
Merit: 504
September 17, 2015, 12:22:01 AM
Watching this YouTube video that you posted TPTB of George Galloway owning a University Student, I couldn't help but be moved to believe him.  I *do* believe that Chavez was elected under valid democratic conditions, and *also* that he may have honestly given fair weight to his opponents.  Unfortunately, the population's love of him was too strong.  
So what happens next?  Something that most humans would agree is the "right course" (socializing aspects of the country to bring everyone out of poverty) takes its toll on a country's economy, especially when that economy is based on a fleeting representation of generating power that is neither scarce, nor is future proof.  
What happens next!?  We know already; it's the future:
"The Thread By Which Venezuelan Socialism Hangs May Soon Snap"  
And it only got worse from there:
Venezuela's currency collapse picks up speed

Venezuelan mobs take law into their own hands, beating and lynching thieves  
Holy SHIT.   Shocked  Shocked  Shocked  
This is a long way to fall from a country that championed the power of socialism just a couple of years previous....  
Do you believe that this is the fate of the first world as well?  If the hyper-printed Euro and Dollar are a foregone conclusion, especially with our current mandate to support a massive older population with a Social Security fund that can't handle it, and overpriced medical care for people that willfully inflict ailments onto themselves via not exercising and overeating... do you believe that we will also see once prosperous middle and upper class neighborhoods turn into lynch mobs and madness?  Or will the shepherds prevail in transitioning the flock into a system that doesn't price goods and services in energy costs (by substituting artificial scarcity)?  

Activity: 1050
Merit: 1001
September 17, 2015, 12:09:28 AM
I've often stated here that we're en route for a EU Federal State. This could not be achieved via a Democratic procedure. TPTB had to create the "need". The need is here in the form of millions of migrates. Their expatriation has been carefully designed and it's been enforced in various forms for the past five years in Syria, Iraq and Pakistan.

The last and most brutal measure, came in the form of Islamic State. Whoever is dumb enough to believe that this wasn't the "child" of TPTB shouldn't be here reading these lines. It was all in the plan. Now, Germany (who firstly stated that "we welcome the emigrants") now closes its borders; the same goes for Austria, while Hungary raised a fence that whoever tries to pass either is imprisoned or abolished from the country.

"The Need" for us Europeans to maintain our territory and protect our borders is "finally" here. We NEED a European Army. Everybody should give what they can; the poor and the rich. The conservatives and the socialists. The migration crisis affects us all...

This Is Gentlemen. The 1st step towards a European Federal State. The United States of Europe finally has something to celebrate.

Goodnight and good luck.

I agree, this seems manufactured to create this outcome.
Activity: 1484
Merit: 1002
Strange, yet attractive.
September 16, 2015, 01:20:25 PM
The true story is unfolding as we speak. Here's an interesting video from CNN:

(CNN)Syrian President Bashar al-Assad is blaming Western nations for fueling the refugee crisis by supporting opposition groups in his country's bloody civil war.

"If you are worried about them, stop supporting terrorists," he said in an interview with Russian news organizations. "That's what we think regarding the crisis. This is the core of the whole issue of refugees."

On the same subject:

Now that Russia has boots on the ground around Latakia and has openly called on the US and its allies to form a real coalition to defeat ISIS, Washington has found itself in a tough position. People are very gradually beginning to wonder why it is that Russia has been able, in the space of just two weeks, to build a forward operating base and prepare to help Bashar al-Assad drive back ISIS and reclaim the country while the US - which, if you believe the rhetoric, is at the forefront of the global effort to eradicate Islamic militants in Syria - has managed to do virtually nothing to debilitate the group even as the campaign has been going on for the better part of a year.

The explanation, of course, is that the US is primarily interested in ousting Assad, and a sweeping, Russian-assisted mission to swiftly route Assad’s opposition doesn’t do anything at all to advance that aim and indeed, once the militants are gone, one imagines that convincing the Russians to butt out while the US orchestrates some farce of a “democratic” election that will not include Assad will be well nigh impossible. So here we are: there will be no real effort on the part of the US to defeat ISIS until Assad’s ouster is assured and the Russians just made that outcome far less likely by making it more difficult for ISIS and everyone else fighting for control of the country to win the battle against the regime. So the conflict will continue and so will the the flow of refugees to Europe.

It's often hard to foresee the truth hidden behind a news story that's being communicated all around the world. You need a "vantage point" in order to have the ability to see above the clouds far into the horizon. We (as people) lack of such an ability. Because we're living in an Orwellian world filled with Huxley's sea of (useless) information.
Activity: 1652
Merit: 1057
September 16, 2015, 11:19:16 AM
One of the reasons I don't fully adopt M. Armstrong's ideas is that he often predicts facts that he has no historical data to map them fully. Imagine a problem consisted from 5 equations with 6 or 7 unknown variables. You can only guess! Yes, there's a great chance you're going to match a couple of them right, but under no circumstances you would be sure about all of them.

I agree, but I think it was TPTB_need_war who mentioned a while back that he'd observed that if MA puts a "?" in the title, like he did here with "Germany & Austria Close Borders - Schengen Agreement Under Pressure - Will War Emerge?", then it's often a hunch or him thinking-out-loud.

Yeah there is a lot of his personal opinion/observation, backed by a lot of extensive knowledge on his blog. It's what makes his blog very interesting- he condenses a lot of info in just a few paragraphs.
full member
Activity: 208
Merit: 103
September 16, 2015, 11:15:16 AM
One of the reasons I don't fully adopt M. Armstrong's ideas is that he often predicts facts that he has no historical data to map them fully. Imagine a problem consisted from 5 equations with 6 or 7 unknown variables. You can only guess! Yes, there's a great chance you're going to match a couple of them right, but under no circumstances you would be sure about all of them.

I agree, but I think it was TPTB_need_war who mentioned a while back he'd observed that if MA puts a "?" in the title, like he did here with "Germany & Austria Close Borders - Schengen Agreement Under Pressure - Will War Emerge?", then it often indicates a hunch or him thinking-out-loud.

EDIT - I should have included the title when I pasted the text in.
Activity: 1498
Merit: 1000
September 16, 2015, 09:55:05 AM
So is he saying that we can basically short the euro to zero?

One of the reasons I don't fully adopt M. Armstrong's ideas is that he often predicts facts that he has no historical data to map them fully. Imagine a problem consisted from 5 equations with 6 or 7 unknown variables. You can only guess! Yes, there's a great chance you're going to match a couple of them right, but under no circumstances you would be sure about all of them.

The EU (as we know it) is only a couple of decades old. The historical data representing its format, its politics and ecosystem is pretty new regarding, let's say the USA's state infrastructure. There's absolutely no way you can predict with 100% certainty what will happen. He can be as wrong as anyone else predicting that the EU will stand strong and keep its state bonds without a single fracture (which is an equally insane claim).

I will stand right against M.Armstrong's loyals, until someone proves me wrong. There's only one way to it; M.Armstrong himself prove me that everything he predicted is right. Which he didn't.

If on the other hand, IF someone manufactures a crisis in order to promote a (prefabricated) solution... Then, he's our oracle alright.
Activity: 1484
Merit: 1002
Strange, yet attractive.
September 16, 2015, 09:47:14 AM
So is he saying that we can basically short the euro to zero?

One of the reasons I don't fully adopt M. Armstrong's ideas is that he often predicts facts that he has no historical data to map them fully. Imagine a problem consisted from 5 equations with 6 or 7 unknown variables. You can only guess! Yes, there's a great chance you're going to match a couple of them right, but under no circumstances you would be sure about all of them.

The EU (as we know it) is only a couple of decades old. The historical data representing its format, its politics and ecosystem is pretty new regarding, let's say the USA's state infrastructure. There's absolutely no way you can predict with 100% certainty what will happen. He can be as wrong as anyone else predicting that the EU will stand strong and keep its state bonds without a single fracture (which is an equally insane claim).

I will stand right against M.Armstrong's loyals, until someone proves me wrong. There's only one way to it; M.Armstrong himself prove me that everything he predicted is right. Which he didn't.

If on the other hand, IF someone manufactures a crisis in order to promote a (prefabricated) solution... Then, he's our oracle alright.
hero member
Activity: 798
Merit: 1000
21 million. I want them all.
September 16, 2015, 06:37:55 AM
I've often stated here that we're en route for a EU Federal State. This could not be achieved via a Democratic procedure.

I've just been reading Armstrong's take:

"The Schengen Agreement was to be the cornerstone of the entire euro proposition. We just warned that this freedom of movement would begin to come under pressure with this turning point:“As the economy turns down very hard after 2015.75, we are more likely than not going to see the freedom of movement in Europe fragment and that will be the crack that signals the eventual risk of breaking up the EU idea of empire-building.”

Germany has closed its borders with Austria and in turn Austria has now closed its border with Hungary. We are starting to witness the turn. Obama praised Merkel for accepting so many refugees, but after Merkel boasted that there was no limit to the number of refugees Germany would accept, it set in motion a huge migrant crisis. All public buildings and stadiums are full. Germany cannot handle any more refugees and these people have to be fed. Besides that, the winter will be harsh and many could die from exposure. This is going to be a real crisis.

Then, the headlines in France yesterday declared in the latest polls that 56% of the French people are now in favor of war. We are looking at the economy turning down very hard and the blame will be directed at the immigrants fleeing because of ISIS. We will see war rise because of this issue, as they are blamed for the economic decline in Europe. With unemployment among the youth already at 50% on average in many areas, accepting this many migrants who will also be unemployed will topple the economic system in Europe. We are seeing the seeing for this turning point of 2015.75 unfold before our eyes. As always, domestic populations will blame the migrants for the economic decline."

So is he saying that we can basically short the euro to zero?
full member
Activity: 208
Merit: 103
September 15, 2015, 04:12:42 PM
I've often stated here that we're en route for a EU Federal State. This could not be achieved via a Democratic procedure.

I've just been reading Armstrong's take:

"The Schengen Agreement was to be the cornerstone of the entire euro proposition. We just warned that this freedom of movement would begin to come under pressure with this turning point:“As the economy turns down very hard after 2015.75, we are more likely than not going to see the freedom of movement in Europe fragment and that will be the crack that signals the eventual risk of breaking up the EU idea of empire-building.”

Germany has closed its borders with Austria and in turn Austria has now closed its border with Hungary. We are starting to witness the turn. Obama praised Merkel for accepting so many refugees, but after Merkel boasted that there was no limit to the number of refugees Germany would accept, it set in motion a huge migrant crisis. All public buildings and stadiums are full. Germany cannot handle any more refugees and these people have to be fed. Besides that, the winter will be harsh and many could die from exposure. This is going to be a real crisis.

Then, the headlines in France yesterday declared in the latest polls that 56% of the French people are now in favor of war. We are looking at the economy turning down very hard and the blame will be directed at the immigrants fleeing because of ISIS. We will see war rise because of this issue, as they are blamed for the economic decline in Europe. With unemployment among the youth already at 50% on average in many areas, accepting this many migrants who will also be unemployed will topple the economic system in Europe. We are seeing the seeing for this turning point of 2015.75 unfold before our eyes. As always, domestic populations will blame the migrants for the economic decline."

full member
Activity: 208
Merit: 103
September 15, 2015, 02:47:37 PM

...I have come across Owen Jones, I cannot remember much about him, but I remember disliking his glorification/absolution of responsibility of the poor, despite his best intentions he still sees them as children that need helping, perhaps I misread his opinions. I should probably make an effort to skim through some of his books.
Among those who understand how the previous generations benefited there is resentment or frustration. Which could well lead to some radical policies in the future- rent controls, price freezes on utilities ect...

Yes, I'd agree on your last comment. People get rabid when the NHS is threatened, despite it being a shambling inefficient mess. If I had to make a one line comment it would certainly be that real change would occur if all of a sudden the NHS becomes inviable. But by then perhaps it would be too late.

I haven't quite made my mind up about Owen Jones yet, exactly what his agenda is; I agree with your description of "...his glorification/absolution of responsibility of the poor..." perhaps cynically - I'm not sure - to perhaps prepare his way for political ambitions?

Btw, anyone wanting an insight into living through the Great Depression in the UK should consider reading "Harry's Last Stand: How the World My Generation Built is Falling Down, and What We Can Do to Save it" "Born in 1923 in the north of England and a longtime resident of Toronto, Ontario, Leslie Smith witnessed firsthand the horrors of the 1930s depression and the rebuilding of the world out of the rubble of the Second World War. He now fears that history is repeating, and with a voice as angry as it is lyrical, Harry shows us younger generations what the world looks like to him—and why we shouldn't take it lying down".

Coming from a similar background, my 90-year-old dad devoured the book and could be seen nodding in agreement throughout, finishing it in one sitting. I couldn't really agree with the solutions he offered, but hey.

I descend from my grandfather Shelby H.  Moore Sr. on my father's side...We used to have long discussions about religion and morality. He was my best friend and in ways my true father.

A vivid picture you paint with your recollections. Reminds me of long chats into the early hours with my father about almost every subject under the sun, when he was younger. We are apparently very similar, so sparks tend to fly!

I'm just plain old 100% English as far as I know, though possibly a little Welsh on my mother's side, who's ancestors originated from a town on the old England / Wales border.
Activity: 1484
Merit: 1002
Strange, yet attractive.
September 15, 2015, 01:15:11 PM
I've often stated here that we're en route for a EU Federal State. This could not be achieved via a Democratic procedure. TPTB had to create the "need". The need is here in the form of millions of migrates. Their expatriation has been carefully designed and it's been enforced in various forms for the past five years in Syria, Iraq and Pakistan.

The last and most brutal measure, came in the form of Islamic State. Whoever is dumb enough to believe that this wasn't the "child" of TPTB shouldn't be here reading these lines. It was all in the plan. Now, Germany (who firstly stated that "we welcome the emigrants") now closes its borders; the same goes for Austria, while Hungary raised a fence that whoever tries to pass either is imprisoned or abolished from the country.

"The Need" for us Europeans to maintain our territory and protect our borders is "finally" here. We NEED a European Army. Everybody should give what they can; the poor and the rich. The conservatives and the socialists. The migration crisis affects us all...

This Is Gentlemen. The 1st step towards a European Federal State. The United States of Europe finally has something to celebrate.

Goodnight and good luck.
Activity: 2912
Merit: 1852
September 15, 2015, 12:48:10 PM

I am about 37% Polish, 13% German from my father's side.

Very approximately 20% English, 10% Scottish, 15% Welsh and other (inc. tiny bit of Iriquois) from my my mom.

Typical American...

*   *   *

Armstrong notes Germany and Austria tightening up their borders.

Looks like they are changing their minds re Muslim migrants.  Hungary's actions must have played a part in that change. 

This Muslim migration is going to be a huge problem for Europe...
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