Next week ? this is some kind of joke ? I better see this made up for the community. They better hire 10 devs for this money and deliver in couple of months + recompense it for the people using physes 1.5% and then maybe, just maybe it might slide without a big fusss.
You, and the rest of the those commonly seen, typically over-invested ICO risk takers in this community, are, I regret to say it, greedy degenerate reckless gamblers.
There is a new, PROMISING ICO with serious potential - not least of which were Iconomi, Santiment, Lunyr, & Akasha - with an absolutely stellar marketing & professional-**seeming** international-class talent team, every SINGLE month around BitcoinTalk & sites like, on average. For the past 2 years now. And it shows no sign of slowing down.
So WHY do you OVERRISK like this.
Learn to hedge your bets.
Never leave it all in one basket, no matter how afraid of the (misguided) sting of FOMO regret you might feel if
'this particular one turned out to be the Game-Ender Unicorn'.
Example : I have 0.5
BTC in Ethereum, Bitcoin, Monero, Factom, Iconomi, MelonPort, & Dogecoin balances on various wallets. That is the extent of my resources.
..I risked 0.028
BTC in Matchpool.
I was beyond thrilled and excited about this project. I still am.
I refreshed 38 times in the 24h period starting this past Sunday just before ICO officially started. I could not get enough of the success and excitement over this genuinely promising idea, have to admit it's a great idea.
But that did not stop me from being
reasonable and
only investing/risking what I can afford to lose..!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
When will you learn..?
In the
normal business world, waiting several days, to a couple of weeks, for even a critical announcement such as to clear up what is really happening and what's to happen with Matchpool at this point, is to be expected. In cryptospace we're accustomed to ~6-hour "world has changed" timelines ; Real world does not match up to that expectation. I am not remotely surprised that Max Richardson's saying we have to wait up to a week, to know the details.
It means either that : 1) They'll handle it in a decisive, professional manner, and all will be well (mostly), at last, by that date, or ; 2) They're buying time to be able to avoid law enforcement investigation while Yonatan is running with the funds.
Either way the lesson here is that even with my tiniest stake, I am - just as you all are - disheartened and worried at what I am seeing - not least because it does not bode well for humanity and especially the future of cryptospace, altcoins, and the ICO business model in particular ; But that does not prevent me from sleeping or refraining from absolute hysteria - why? Because I
did not over-invest myself in an unknown new project with more money than I could afford to lose.