However, when starting maxcoin-qt it not only begins to catch up on the block chain (as they all do), but it begins solo mining straight away. Why is this? Is there a setting in the .conf file I need to change?
* I was running the previous release of minerd.exe, for which I copied the example conf file to my appdata folder. Perhaps this conf is set to solo mine?
Clicking on the 'Mining' tab doesn't show any solo mining running (although it does have an entry for solo ming). When I click on the 'start mining' button the window below reflects my action, and clicking on the 'stop mining' button also updates the output/status window, and mining stops (I hear my CPU throttle back from full pelt to a murmur).
I can only guess qt starts solo mining straight away (using minerd.exe) becasue I've a setting in my conf file.
Any help appreciated.
To our friends running Windows, here is your wallet:
This release contains both the daemon and the graphical wallet.
*Note: Back up your wallet before update.
1 Run your maxcoind.exe --daemon
2 Open a new cmd window and go to the folder where you have your maxcoind.exe and tipe maxcoind backupwallet (location)
*(location: where you want to locate your wallet.dat backup)
3 Unzip the archives and run maxcoin-qt
Let it sinc and you will see your balance
I saw the same and what i did was:
Go to maxcoin.con and set:
Mining: gen=0 instead gen=1
In the wallet go to help --->> debug window --->> console and tipe getmininginfo.
It´s show me:

"blocks" : 3988,
"currentblocksize" : 0,
"currentblocktx" : 0,
"difficulty" : 8092.38104210,
"errors" : "",
"generate" : false,
"genproclimit" : -1,
"hashespersec" : 0,
"networkhashps" : 1166213959677,
"pooledtx" : 1,
"testnet" : false
I think im not mining.
The wallet still shows me at the corner a signal that tell me that im mining but i think is a bug.
If im wrong and somebody can explain us that, please post a solution