first of all i would like to start by saying that i think megaminer is a great product, good job on that.
suggestion #1 - bruto to netto profit option
what i really think is missing in here is an option to set your cost per kwh.
in the (C)urrent screen i can see the power that all gpus are using. while i am not able to program powershell myself, i am able to read it (php programmer). i see that the power_draw and the power_limit are addressable, so the data is there in case of nvidia cards.
it could be awesome if we could put our price per kwh in the Config.txt.
during the benchmarking besides from the speed, the total watt usage (sum of power_draw of all cards) could also be read and saved.
desired result: to mine the coin with the highest netto profit (profit - cost for electricity), instead of total profit (including energy costs).
suggestion #2 - include nvidiainspector
ok, this one i have not figured out myself yet, so i thought it might be best to throw it in the community.
basically now i have 2 profiles:
- one profile for ethash , i use a really low power target, i overclock the core a bit but not to the max and i go extreme on the memory: as much as possible per card
- one profile for other algos, i use a little higher power target, i go extreme on the core, and i overclock the memory a bit
for sure this could be finetuned more with diferent algos, but hey, there is also just a certain amount of hours in a day...
let's call these ethash-profile and other-profile for easyness.
at this moment i could go for the route to change the start.bat, and add my ethash-profile in that file.
then i could also change in the Miners directory the json files directly to change the path to my own bat files for the other-profile and do my thing this way.
i do think however that this might also be done through the Config.txt itself, which makes it more easy for the most users.
these could be optional settings. not filled in, won't make use of it.
filled in it could be something per algo to be able to set powerTarget, baseClockOffset, memoryClockOffset
thinking a little further on this, and editing this post, it might be a perfect option to be able to add these as optional fields with your personal values directly in the Miners/*.json files. if filled in, then it could start nvidiainspector first with the filled in settings maybe?
bug - benchmark loop with claymore ethminer dual mode
in case of benchmarking claymore ethminer dual mode it always gets stuck, it keeps on looping the same benchmark over and over.
i found a quick workaround by deleting the hashrate file from the current benchmark that is running, so that it will recreate it and then it will be ok.
can this be fixed in a better way?
suggestion #1 --> To-do list
suggestion #2 --> 4.4 release will have a "prelaunch" command for each miner, future releases will expand this feature to each algo
Bug --> I can not get this error on my rigs. I need to know if while benchmar is running:
- There is speed on Active Miners section
- If speed is shown, ¿is a file for that miner/algo generated on stats folders?