For now I just want to use WTM to mine on Suprnova.
A. Is this possible
B. How?
I wrote this batch but it is going to all pools (Except YIIMP as I removed it from WTM file)
and it ignored Coinsname completely and brought up all coins.
del "Stats\*_Profit.txt"
powershell -version 5.0 -noexit -executionpolicy bypass -command "&.\core.ps1
-MiningMode Automatic
-PoolsName Whattomine_Virtual
-Coinsname bitcore,Signatum,Zcash
-UserName xxx
-WorkerName Rig3
Core has no username and workername parameters, use config.txt or you can force on pool file
Whattomine page hasn´t bitcore or skunk coins, is impossible use WTM for that coins, and Suprnova hasn´t stats, you need at least one source of profit statistics. Only possible combination for that 3 coins is -PoolsName Whattomine_Virtual, yiimp
My develop release with that filter works ok (I don´t know why exactly), today I send release with many bug solved to Github