I answered a question like this a couple of days ago here:
I hadn't time to test what I wrote, but I'll do it in few days and if everything works fine I'll add that cgminer fork to the next Minera release as built-in.
Great! Thanks. I'll test it for you this morning and report back.
EDIT: reporting "No local devices found". Tried:
--gridseed-options=baud=115200,freq=800,chips=5,modules=1,usefifo=0,btc=16 --hotplug=0
Just tried it works very well without any option, just use "--retries 1" in manual setting and remember to enable "Miner superuser (root)" it needs it.
EDIT: There is "only" a problem with the stats, Minera can't collect API stats from that cgminer fork because it's really obsolete, I have to rewrite a couple of lines of code. I will add this in next release for sure, there are many folks around the net asking for this.
One more things, remember to enable the miner fan if you had removed/disabled it! Mining btc with gridseed needs more power and it will become very hot in few minutes.
Final command is: /var/www/minera/minera-bin/custom/cgminer-dual-gridseed --retries 1 -c /var/www/minera/conf/miner_conf.json
Where the miner_conf has only the pools config. This command doesn't display stats on Minera but it works to mine Bitcoin with Gridseeds. Stay tuned for full working version.
Not sure what I'm missing. Enabled root, and using:
--gridseed-options=baud=115200,freq=800,chips=5,modules=1,usefifo=0,btc=16 --retries 1
Still not detecting the device.