And I definitely want the coin to have: In God We Trust. At the top. That's non-negationable. This country and the founding fathers founded everything on biblical principals and I wanna keep that tradition alive. And at the bottom across the bottom maybe, The American prospector since this is the virtual age of gold mining at light speed. Or "American Prosperity"
From Wikipedia:Most coins out there are dog shit. Bitcoin copy and a a bad one at that, no originality, no meaning, its so disappointed like no one cares or no urgency went into it. its sad and say a lot about the guys, the devs running the show there.
So why are you trying to copy the shit ones so much?
I left the floor as the near pro guy took over shooting and was hitting every shit the first few shots. I went in the locker room and I prayed the whole time. I said to God, why would you bring me this far for 2nd place makes no sense - that's how I was convinced I was gonna win first place. But how can you win withnanlowscore of!12, cause God wants you to remember it was him and not your might strong legs, training or high score but Him.
You still need all that training though. Don't tell me the lesson you learned is "don't prepare because god will help me in the end". It seems to be the way you're doing this coin.
I made this coin for the people to be better off. I messed up but it wasn't intentional. But I believe it's from God and I used all God's numbers in the formulas and algorithiujs sonitnreverberstes God's rhitijm. People won't know why but they'll feel it in their th way the coin mines.
Superblocks are god's algorithm?
Now I need God to bring me the right people and for me to have the wisdom to see their hearts. I need a few good people. A really good programmer. A woman for her intuiting ion but if you're insecure teying to be a man I'll fire you in 24 hours, and a reliable man who can be a trustworthy admin and so we can all keep each other on check to keep each other honest.
You probably shouldn't be so quick to alienate the female programmers out there if you're so desperate for a programmer.
I want people to be commited in this long term , 2-3 years although things may blow up in 12 months.
Long term is 2-3 years? Do you think Bitcoin was designed to last only 2-3 years?!