Some statistics.
Old Stats was on the top 92.745 place in the world.
the first place among users was China - 39.9%
in second place the US --- 18.2%
On the third place Great Britain - 6.9%
Today's statistics at the moment is on the top 89,166 place in the world.
in the first place among users at the moment China - 54.2%
in second place the US --- 9.2%
On the third place Great Britain - 9.0%
Data are taken from the site
can this guy show statistic about miners (hashpower) per countries or regions
I think that 50+% of global hash power comes from Serbia in this moment
in last 3 months only my hashpower was 1-3% of global network ....Im just a litle ant in crypto world
one of the strongest mining community and mining farms in EU are from Serbia
one request for minex team... about minex debit cards .... dont overdo and forget Serbia in the list of supported countries