You're saying that he's "a fuckin branch manager" when he's the VP, and you're also saying that as the 'branch manager' of a bank he's... a step above someone with down syndrome? Are you mentally retarded?? I think you are. Particularly because... piss and moan about how you'll hold the coin until 0, and bitterly comment about selling your MNX parking gains at 0. Yet, selling now would be 'too cheap'. And would "actually goto fuckin 0". My guess is that you're just mad because you bought a bunch during its high like a dumbfuck and now you're crying like a bitch during the pullback. Otherwise, if you got in cheaper and actually hated this coin as much as you claim, you'd cash out, make gains (even if small), and then leave since 'this shitcoin is going to 0'.
Just sell your coins and then drink some bleach. I bet you're wonderful at parties.
Im down 4$/coin. I am great at parties, I am the guy who fucks your wife in the bathroom while you are eating cheese and fuckin crackers! Almost like how Minexcoin is fucking you in the ass while every non-shit coin is mooning
Claiming to be a wife fucker at parties, while saying you're great at parties. That's quite revealing as to what kind of trash you really are.
Enjoy your getting fucked up your butt by MNX, you whiny child. I'm still drowning in the black even during this dip, so I can't complain about anything. Yes, that's me rubbing it in just to piss you off because you're being a cunt.
Feel free to dump your coins at a loss and leave. But if you do, don't forget to drink some bleach as I recommended.