The problem is though that the little turd Effekt is getting everyone offside and constantly derailing any discussion by trying to steamroll people with his own noob opinions as though he is providing wisdom from the gods. Then he wants people to pay him for his bullshit. He also keeps getting extremely butthurt when anyone questions his authority (which happens all the time because he has no authority) and tries to play it off like he just doesn't give a damn. However when an argument goes 'sideways', and he is being made to look like an idiot, he proceeds to ignore the people involved in an attempt to 'save face' with all the other people in the thread who vehemently hate him anyway, because he's a cuntstick. I can't really see what he hopes to achieve here. No one cares whether you made some cash on this coin through dumb luck Effekt, evidently you could have made much more profit if you'd sold at the ATH, which you didn't, and daily, weekly and monthly parking won't save you from this coin's downfall. Stop boasting about your profits and amazing skill at reading the market. I repeat, no one cares. You'd be better off selling your MNX now, wiping the Doritos dust off your chest, putting some pants on and cleaning your damn room like your Mom asked you a dozen times to do. Then go and get a proper education, you dumb (yet also arrogant, the worst combination) neckbeard.
P.S. I know you said you'd ignored me Effekt, but I know you're reading this you dumb turd.