Basically jjj your homeboy Marc Coumans is lying scumbag scammer.
Whatever it is he's trying to sell off as MAT miners are really Coinbau wolfcaves rebranded.
Since you talk to him so often, you'd know this already, either that or you're in the process of getting your masters degree in the art of shilling.
Bcp19 would be so proud....
I totally disagree. When you buy a phone from Apple they don't tell you that's made at a sweat shop in China where people have jumped to their deaths.
NO company is required to disclose their sources and neither was MAT - My guess was at that time everything was peachy dandy between the two companies and things went awry which is why those guys are out here now calling MAT liars - seems like they have an axe to grind.
secondly - please tell me where anyone on this planet can go to purchase a Coinbau wolfcave and there is appraently a season for that - have you asked yourself that?
My guess is that it a) never worked or b) the cost or time frame to manufacture was simply not within the realm of reality.
Was MAT under some obligation to inform me that the units they showed were built by someone else? that answer is NO
Did mat OWN those systems? - The answer is YES - they paid for the systems and they were indeed theirs.
The bottom line here is that you have some sort of axe to grind and you are overlooking the facts - if these machine were really what they allege to be don't you think they'd be in production by now an for sale? and they are not - show me where I can buy one please?
what I know from experience is that there are three sides to every story - his side, their side and the real truth lies somewhere in between.
for now I am banking on MAT to get me machines and I personally could care less who built them - seriously.
finally - why are you guys so spiteful and vengeful and filled with such venom - what did MAT every do to you?
last time I checked I was the guy with the deposit with them - not you.... LOL - if anyone should be filled with rage if could be me, but I have no time in my life for hatred - it's a losing proposition...
as always I remain hopeful and nothing I've learned here today has changed my mind.
Black Arrow Syndrome.
After all the proof was put on the table regarding Black Arrow was a scam, millions were still spent to acquire their vaporware. Results? Not even vaporware, and the phone lines no longer work, and the company's long gone.